that Buffalo buffalo sentence

You need to create more space in your life for appropriate failure. Collin breaks down the consent of ‘arete’ and Brandon works on a definition of a “good student’. The boys discuss what some outdated words that are still around. They wrap up with a sentence about a bullying buffalo from Buffalo, and a story involving getting stung by hornets.

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bear maximum

We realize we’ve been doing this a longtime and have started planning the three year retrospective! Get ready. Brandon dives into why teachers complain and the need to be intentional and formalizing goals. We discuss why self knowledge is necessary, but scary and is helpingful in figuring out where you’re stuck. In a complete topic shift, Brandon shares opinions on the show Alone.

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you can see the thread

Were you looking for a whirlwind tour through the state of the pet sitting software industry? We’ve got you covered. Where you interested in knowing how long you should use a coffee sock before throwing it away? Tune in! Did you want to know why you should ground yourself in history so you don’t end up like the LIver King? You’ve found the show for you!

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love & gratitude & onions

Not only does Aaron give an amazing summary of Rock a Doodle, but he ALSO bought a car. We discuss our love for the 1992 Mitsubishi Diamante. Collin tells of his fridge buying experience and he’s thankful for limited choices. Brandon, inexplicably, is watching Victorian Farm. Aaron and Brandon discuss gaming and why you should take a break to rediscover them.

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