sod poodles

We bravely go where no man has gone before. School and Sea Shanty TikTok. We also discuss some of the most amazing minor league baseball team names… Shuckers anyone? PLUS!! We visit Mars on a helicopter. Or rather, we talk about the awesome new Mars rover that just landed and all of the cool technology onboard.

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rover, people, helicopter, cool, land, big, pickle, portland, oxygen, plants, landed, called, sixth grade, grade, straw, week, flag, real, read, ordered


Collin, Aaron


Collin  00:05

Welcome to Oh, brother, a podcast of three brothers trying to figure it all out with your hosts, Brandon, Collin and Aaron. On this week's show, sod poodles. Greetings.



Hello. What's up?



To go back to where?



Wow, look



at that. That's crazy. snow days rover,



look at their snowpocalypse done.


Collin  00:47

On yesterday snow pack was done only the Vegas traces of snow outside now to go back to work. Try to remember, what was I doing two weeks ago? What are all my passwords? Is this key? Yeah, right. Yeah, that's always the first thing to go like that Monday, I was back. It's like, I have to take attendance now.






I can do that. I will have it


Collin  01:18

we'll have to see like





Collin  01:24

snow days occurred at an interesting point.



Like, the first snow week was supposed to be like,


Collin  01:38

close, it was closer to mid quarter. Right. So it was supposed to be like progress, report time, whatever. And so, like, I sent progress reports home today. But like, the end of the quarter is like next week.





Collin  01:59

I don't know if they're gonna extend that a little bit. I don't really know what they're gonna do. Cuz, like, you know, I really didn't have very many grades until my classes, you know.



So like, well, we did the third quarter is gonna get like,



I get like, All right, here's your


Aaron  02:18

five grades, I


Collin  02:19

guess. I don't know.



Cuz that's all we did. Right? Well,


Collin  02:25

you know, what's





Collin  02:26

what do you what are you gonna do? Right, like, juice the gradebook by doing more?



like, Well, I mean, I don't care. I'm


Aaron  02:33

just, it's,


Collin  02:34

it's not me. I'm worried because I really don't care what I don't know if like the administration is gonna be I know someone's gonna see that and be like, why did you do literally nothing? Like


Aaron  02:42

we were out of school? What do you want? I don't know.


Collin  02:45

or, or, you know, like, if students or parents get freaked out because of a grade, but the grade looks worse than it is. Because there's not that many points in the gradebook, you know, like, that can come up too, but it's like, well, like, it'll work out because you're gonna have the point there eventually with all the makeup. But yeah, and then like fourth quarter, we only really care about the semester grade anyway. So like, it'll bounce out by then probably. So yeah, there is what like some of the progress reports look a little bit weird, because like, the very first thing in there is like a quiz. insolvent didn't do very good. So like, like a handful of them did it. So there hasn't been enough to bounce back yet. But we did a presentation today. So there's a bunch of points that most of them are gonna get. Boom right now. So that'll help that and then a few weeks, there's another one. Coming soon about severe weather, I think so. That one's coming soon. Two plus grade for that note binder that I'll put it in a minute. So you know it we'll see, but there's just like bad like right now is like, there's nothing in here to progress. We were in the middle of working on a project. And then we went away. Yeah. And we came back and I had to finish the project.






you know, so it's gonna be what it is.


Collin  04:14

I mean, I don't care. Somebody else might care



that you're not gonna


Collin  04:22

get it. As long as my boss doesn't care. I'm fine.



Yeah, that's a good point. Yeah.


Collin  04:33

I told him today. I was like, remember, your progress report can change. You don't like it to people that haven't turned in their assignments to me yet?



Haha. Anybody in particular, but I am Yeah.



I'm looking at half of you. Not half of you are looking at several of you right now. Right.


Collin  04:53

You picking up what I'm putting down?





Collin  04:58

You will see some zeros. They don't have to stay there. Come on



over that. You can. Yes. Make a chain. Yes.


Collin  05:11

Well, that's the again, that's the hard part about the sixth grade, right. We try to straddle the line between, you know, fourth and fifth grade. It's like handhold II. Stay here during this time sit with me we do the thing. Yeah. And seventh grade, which is like,



you don't have it. Okay. Right. Yeah,


Collin  05:33

we're trying to figure out ways to get them ready for that, like, Hey, guys, you know,



you know that?


Collin  05:41

Because, like, you know, one thing is, like, everybody's basically it's called eight o'clock in the morning.



school doesn't start till 815. Something like, you know, that's time where,


Collin  05:55

if you need help doing my assignment, I'm just sitting here. You could come. Come talk to me. Right? You know, during this, this, we're still eating lunch in our classrooms. Everyone's just sitting there eating lunch. And if, if you want to, during lunch, you could come in, and probably wouldn't even take all of lunch time. Probably some of you would just get that done right now. Is just sitting here eating their lunch. It's me. It's me, buddy. Surprise. Yeah, I can do. That's part of it is that some of them? Some of them are very good at picking up these cues. Right. Like, a couple of because some of know that they didn't grade the assignment because there's, you know, maybe five questions and they hate only answered four of them so far. Like, you know, some of them like during special classes, like before they go to music, like, Hey, can I swing by your room for like five minutes to finish that? Absolutely. You can. Hello, come on in. Right. They come in? They do it? They leave. Good job. All right. Right. Well, that's some of them are kind of figuring it out. Yeah. You have to convince them of like, really doesn't take that much time to come in and do that. Right. Like, yeah, he does. Yeah, especially if it's a time like that. Where like, I can just sit near you. And you be like, Hey, I don't remember where to look for this answer. I'm just go.



About this page.



Right there. Page. 23.


Collin  07:37

Yeah. And then they just go Oh, hey, cool. Bill done. Like,



got it. Like it's not


Collin  07:45

great, because, you know, we've got to sit and talk to our friends or play dumb games. I got to play a four by four off road racing, bro. We still totally got to do that right now. After that for the six minutes before class starts. I have to forget any other time to do that. Yeah, never ever your whole life. I have to do it every possible second of the day. I don't know what I'm gonna do it now. Oh, yeah. Or you're gonna take away my fun.



That's true. Yeah, that in Oh, I



have a there's a person that showed up my room. There's a



like a post to show up.


Collin  08:27

Oh, yeah. Well, there they came by. They were like a student teacher, lady. Oh, so she's doing her education classes. And it's just the ones where they have to observe some lessons and like, maybe teach a lesson. I've been working with her getting ready to do our


Aaron  08:43



Collin  08:44

Getting ready to do one. Because, you know, it's hard when you show up in a random class, like, I need to teach something. Yeah. You know, when I did it, I got Okay, teach whatever you want. not helpful. I don't know what you're doing.





Collin  09:02

Because she's, she's spending most of her time in the fifth grade classroom. But she has to have social studies. And they like, alternate between science and social studies. And right now they're in their science thing. So she's doing all her science, language arts and math in there. But they're not have social studies time currently. So they're like, hey, can she come see you? Like,





Collin  09:26

Come on down. Here we go get this.



I've been helping her with the


Collin  09:32

like, here's the lesson that we can do. It's like a one day little activity thing. Here's my stuff. Here you go. That way, we can fit it in literally anywhere you want. Doesn't matter. Right? Whenever you're available. It's pretty short. Just like a one day thing. I was gonna do it anyway. So you can just do that and Hagen If I toggle shoes came in Monday for some observing, and she was like, it's really kind of weird cuz, you know, and like math and language arts, I can help out and do stuff. She's like, I have no idea what you're doing. You know, it's fine. It's just like, I don't know anything about Egypt like, Well,



that's true. But think


Collin  10:28

about it. Like, you could apply your language arts stuff, right? Because we're doing a lot of text evidence finding things right now in our project. We're in the middle of a big long. Pixar who killed King like, how did King Tut die? project thing like mystery? activity packet thingy? So it's basically like nonfiction text reading, plus, forming opinions slash inferencing. Right. So there's a lot of language arts skills that we're applying to our historical context. So I could just do that. It's like, it's fine. Just pretend it's language arts. And it's amazing how important those basic concepts are to literally everything you do. It's almost like I spent a whole lot of time talking to the sixth grade language arts teacher being like, what can I do to help with whatever it is you're doing in your classroom? What right what are the major skills? Oh, it turns out nonfiction text reading is one of the big focal points, oh, sixth grade language arts, which is super handy for me, because we can just





Collin  11:38

there was somebody who would need to pass literally, that's what it is. I feel really important.





Collin  11:48

So we do that. We've done lots of that stuff.



So like, it's like helping, boom,


Collin  11:56

they don't even know. Actually, they do know, because I tell them. Because I say, you know, sometimes they give me an answer. I'm like, What would our English teacher think about that? If she saw that mango? She She wouldn't like it. It's like, and you think I do? Okay, fine. All right. More like, yes, you will? Yeah. Like, imagine she looked at that, what would she say? She told me to do it again? Ah, ha, I know, she would



like to add more.


Collin  12:33

And paragraph in response to this. And like,


Aaron  12:35

Can I write to


Collin  12:36

like, Oh, no, don't write to please stop. Please stop being very enthusiastic about right. Yeah. So I always tell him was like, if you want to do more, I am not going to stop you. Right. So? Well, you know, um, some teachers would stop them and say, No, I asked for two paragraphs, you wrote three, if you didn't follow directions, you get zero.



I always say at least two. There you go


Collin  13:06

that way. If they if the mood strikes them, then they can add more.



Well, but I think that,


Collin  13:13

again, you're just you're, you're defining the minimum, not, you know, and that way you're not grading on, because that always bothered me. They're like, two pages, two page report. And I get that some teachers were like, I literally don't have the time to read. If everyone in my class wrote a 10 page paper, I wouldn't have time to read them. So they need to be relatively short. But it always has to be off. But it was like, I cannot make this two pages. It is like, I can definitely do this in one quarter pages. Or me, I can make all your criteria. More. For me, it was like, I can do two and a half and I cannot cut anything out. And they'd be like, well, that's two pages, though, that might just you know, I mean, technically, it's two pages. It's on two pieces of paper.



So like,


Collin  14:08

you're just gonna, you know, well, this was before printing on front and back was really common, though. Yeah, you didn't define this for me. definitionally What do you consider a page? Yeah, that's what I mean. All English papers use at the front side only Anyway, when you've printed them. So like, right. If I always was like, well, mine's on two pages. So I think that's good. There are two physical pages on Yeah, I have actual I'm handing you two pieces of paper. Oh, don't tell me. It's not two pages. Clearly his look. Probably. Yeah. Well, and I try to do that just because like, I try to say do at least this much because I know some kids are going to, like, that's all they're going to be able to do. Right? I mean, and then the other ones that can do more, oftentimes just will anyway. So it's not, it's not like putting a lid on them. Sure, because especially in sixth grade, I don't want to put lids on you. Like, Oh, no, stop doing work. Ah, oh, no, that's not what I want. Come on. That's why you really want to encourage that. Yeah,



I tried to leave him room for



that. There's one girl who every


Collin  15:36

single presentation she's done in my class in science and social studies, all year long, in some way, as involved



Dora the Explorer, somehow.


Collin  15:54

It's like an inside joke with that group of kids. Like it's a thing with them. And so she she themes them. Like at the beginning of the year, we do our like, dream vacation thing. And so she was like, she came up to me, she's like, Can I do this presentation? Like, I'm a travel agent. I was like,



Yes, we, of course, we


Collin  16:17

talked about quit. So it was Dora airlines. And then like later, there was another one. And it was like, I don't remember what the other one like everyone. It was like Dora, like something and she ties them all together. It's like, our airlines went out of business. So we started a bike tour service.



She's all like, in universe over there checking


Collin  16:42

her. Yeah, it's a whole there's a whole universe that's going on today. We did air pressure demos. And they did a siphon. Right? Because that's the air pressure pushing down on the water creates that pressure through the straw to push it down through the and then gravity like starts it up, then gravity helps pull it through the rest of it. So they were doors plumbing service. And they were she was giving me stuff about how they how it all works and all that and there's like pictures of Dora going through the straw. I don't think it was hilarious. was so good. I'm not gonna stifle that. Are you crazy? Go for it. Yeah.



Okay. Kind of reminds me of



I wasn't I was in


Collin  17:31

fifth grade. But it was. It was the I guess it was a senior. When I had we had to give a report everybody wrote, had to read Beowulf and then write a report on it. I hated that one. I hated it. But mine was so negative. I don't like Beowulf. Okay, boring. So here's,



but here's what I did. I wrote it.


Collin  17:53

Like I was a news reporter right after Grindle had attacked the hall. As a news reporter covering the tragedy and out. It was like interviewing people. And there we go. And then I perform that in front of the class I got to free



is Yeah, I


Collin  18:18

never I never liked book reports or story reports, because it's like, what are you going to? If we're always so boring?





Collin  18:29

I don't. Yeah, my Beowulf paper was something about like, I was super negative. I thought the whole story was really boring. Like, I understand, like, why it's literally important. I understand that. Like, as a story. It's boring. So my senior paper was something about like, how Beowulf is basically just ancient Superman. And he's really boring because he's like, Oh, I don't know how to solve the problem. I'll hit it harder. And then it like fixes itself and like, wow, what great character traits you have. A wolf. So cool. Like I was really negative. For like, when my friends were there, she's like, are you really just gonna write like this? Like, yes, I don't I like it



that little bit.


Collin  19:14

He's like, so negative in my paper in here. Did you understand exactly how little I like this? Yeah, it's terrible.


Aaron  19:22

I don't know I did some cool. But related things in my time. I remember


Collin  19:29

while in sixth grade, we had to do the one where we had to dress up as the character.



Did you do that? Yes.


Collin  19:37

Yes. And I dressed up as Hagrid from Harry Potter. Oh, nice. I wore dad's green trench coat and carried his umbrella. There we go.



Yeah, definitely.


Collin  19:50

I'm in sixth grade. For some reason. I have a Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Don't ask me why I read that book in sixth grade, but I did and that That's what I dressed up as I dressed up as like an English gentleman with like a top hat is great. Love it. And I remember, we had to do another like,



that year there was like,


Collin  20:15

like we had to do for book reports, but everyone, like one per quarter, but they were all like different in some way. So like one of them was themed. One of my friends definitely did read the Invisible Man and came to school with a trench coat with like a bandages over his face. It was great. Like,



they but you know,


Collin  20:33

yeah, you can, because you can do stuff like that. And you can pick up on, you can choose what you want to highlight on those. Yeah. And what I like is it doesn't pigeonhole students into doing one thing. So, or like, you know, like, you know, Hagrid, like, that was a character that I connected with. Yeah, I was also gonna pick like, literally 12 different ones, right? Like, I didn't have to go out and buy all the stuff or any Yeah, I can do this one. So it makes it a little bit more, I think accessible to a lot more students.





Collin  21:12

We did like a storyboard one. I remember because I read Treasure Island for that. So I have made like a black spot. And I had like, I made like a treasure map. Like he didn't put on anything, all that stuff. Everything that's here. Yeah. But that's Yeah, that's what we did the air pressure demos like this last one. It's like, I gave him a menu. I say you have to pick one. And you have to bring all this stuff to do it. But it's like, the stuff who needs like, a straw



to some string? Right. And I was like, I have tape. I have


Collin  21:43

science, like plastic cups my thing. So if you need a cup, I got that. Like, you need to just find some, like, random stuff at your house. random stuff at your house can do all of these experiences. Yeah, you don't have to go out and again, get specialized equipment or, you know, go to us. Or if you do you need to go to the dollar store and get like a balloon. A balloon, right? Yeah, like



not like a big


Collin  22:15

deal. So it's pretty good. That's why I like that one. Because we don't need very many things. And I don't have to get like a ton of junk. So I don't want to have all that. I have like some extra stuff laying around. So if there's a kid who absolutely could not get a straw, if it's fine, I have, I can come up with a straw for you. I feel like I can't consistently come up with like, millions of straws and all this stuff. So like and because I'm having like, well, how to where to get a straw. I was like, do you ever go out to eat?



Yeah, save it.


Collin  22:48

Boom. Next time you're going to McDonald's, just don't throw your straw away.



now have an straw.


Collin  22:57

You don't have a straw to make a balloon rocket.


Aaron  23:00

There you go. I think you did it. Wow.


Collin  23:06

I think that kind of just resourcefulness and general awareness of the environment that you're in. is really beneficial as you move through life. Right? Because, yeah, like I think that's just like, okay, I, I don't want to go a like, I don't wanna go and spend money. And even if I did, I don't want to buy a box of 7000 straws. I just need one. Right? I just need one. Yeah. Oh, you're right. I can just get it from the or, you know, get it from go get a drink or whatever. It's just yeah. Yeah, it was kind of situational awareness skills are really important. Yeah, so it was good. They weren't really good, though. today. They were been really good. So



as a press by them. Sounds good.



We'll just finish up with some starter new thing tomorrow and go from there. Try to figure out what our next thing is.



Not really, I


Collin  24:09

think that's it. No, there's anything else



might be. I am


Collin  24:17

I landed on. See Shanthi Tiktok yesterday, and I have been Why


Aaron  24:27

go to see the name of the ship was D there's a few really good ones. And there's a few like the group of people that play video games and still think do they just play?


Collin  24:42

Assassin's Creed Black Flag? They do. They just sing along.


Aaron  24:46

Though they play Oh, okay. Fair is an open world game and they're like, they're there. Some of them are like, hey, do you want us to sing songs do you do like I'm sure and they are like a professional group. I literally So what what's what's there, right? So


Collin  25:02

I'm following this guy. He's on YouTube called Nathan Evans and the big song for him that's going around. It's called the Weller men. And he's Irish. And so he's got the accent to sing these, and which makes it amazing. Better. And what I what what the power of so usually Tick Tock is very annoying. I scroll in there for about three minutes, I get really frustrated, and then I get off. But what things don't dance and I don't do dances, mostly going for political commentary and, you know, see what's going on. Get my news. Okay, that's a lot of fun. Okay, fun is anyway, a word.



But I'm very worried about here. Some scared,


Collin  25:48

we don't have a TV. So it I think, pretty good. You know, replacement.



Anyway, do you see


Collin  25:58

what I think so here's the cool part about it. Because you can tag people and stitch together videos in the app, it really makes collaboration super, super easy.



So for example,


Collin  26:14

he's saying the main part in the song. And then all these like, hundreds of other people contributed to it, singing melodies, singing like baselines, being a tenor singing a double bass singing all these different components playing instruments over it. So that now a month and a half on it is like this fully produced and mastered piece of music with hundreds of contributors to it. And it's, it's really neat to see the evolution of something like that over time, as people add their own component to it, or make their own twist on it and kind of make it their own, but still, then share it back out, because that's the other thing that you can do, you can take a sound, you can modify it, and then you can share it back out so people can also continue modifying it and creating it. So I don't know I've wasted a ton of time scrolling. But it was just college just like walking dogs humming Spanish ladies. Cuz, you know, I for something that is so ridiculous and like time consuming and time wasting to have something at the end of all of this be just really, really neat and totally one off and could not have happened at any other point in time in history. To have this kind of thing produced and know that like that that kind of collaboration is going on all the time in the background with musicians that are on Tick tock, it's like okay, that is really neat, because you're able to produce this and work with people from across the globe almost in real time. As you modify it and make it stuff and you know, so yeah, Nathan Evans on



on YouTube there. Again, of course,



I wound up listening to Dropkick Murphys by the end of it.


Collin  28:14

There we go as you do transitioning into





Collin  28:21

algorithms got me again.



Oh, yeah. Nailed it.


Collin  28:26

Who doesn't love the spicy make haggis jig? I know I do. Oh, that's pretty good. Oh, I forgot one more thing that I did. I'm adding some decoration to my room. Right. Now I have my classroom. Yeah, I have got some I bought some flags



to hang up


Collin  28:51

about like, and so it's like they're just starting over startlingly large amount of diversity in my small, tiny, itty bitty school. Right. So that have kids from like, at least six countries in my class. Right. Or, or happened in the past. So I got little flags to hang up on the roof on my ceiling. Yeah. So I got like, a set. Like I said, I got a US flag and then six other ones. So hang up there with him. So that's cool. It was exciting. But lots of like, US Central and South America and like Southeast Asia.



Right. So like,



I think I have a Mexico, Guatemala



and then Vietnam, Laos, Malaysia. Myanmar


Collin  29:44

slash Burma. Right. Yeah. And then us. Yeah, that's it. So I ordered these flags on Amazon.



They all come today, right? But they contained a bonus flag


Collin  29:59

and the bonus Like so thoroughly confused me, I have no idea why it's in there. I don't know



what was going


Collin  30:07

on, you know? So they gave they the ones that I ordered or like their little like the one foot by two foot like small little flags to hang up, you know? And then yeah, just randomly, I guess they're like, hey, this guy ordered a bunch of flags. We're gonna



put this one in there. It's a huge


Collin  30:26

three foot by five foot. Flag of South Vietnam.



Okay. I'm so confused.



It's almost like they kind of just have extra the factory of that one. Flag.


Collin  30:53

Yeah, no one's buying this one's I just throw it in there. Like


Aaron  31:01

I don't want to do it.


Collin  31:04

But I have this like giant. Oh, I love it. Flag of a country that doesn't exist anymore.



Interesting, I


Collin  31:12

guess like, Why?



What? What? in what context? Would


Collin  31:19

you need to make you had a South Vietnam flag?


Aaron  31:23

I don't know. I have no idea.


Collin  31:33

It's gonna be like, well, he got he got a Laos and Vietnam. So we'll just throw this one in for free like trifecta. Yeah, me and Mark problems other Southeast Asian countries. We'll just throw this one in. We got laying around. Like, I guess so. I don't really know what I'm gonna do with that. It's just sitting in the box right now. So that was the other weird thing that happened to me this week is I got a random thing in my order of flack from Amazon.


Aaron  32:11

Okay, yeah, I don't know.



Anyway, I knew there's something else I was forgetting Aaron.


Aaron  32:23

Well, baseball season has started so you guys got some plans to see some major league games coming up. Hopefully, if the the thing settle down a little bit more. So that's happening. Work is still terrible. Um, as far as like, like no real developments or anything like that random


Collin  33:03

flags of countries that don't exist anymore. You don't have like


Aaron  33:08

no, I did order a column. I ordered a plant. And there was for Amazon. And super cool. Super easy to put together. However you came up with Yeah, this this is just Anglos, singular. No, like, but it looked like someone had like an on their hand. And it's so creepy. So I think it's not like a mean. Now I don't know if it's like dirty


Collin  33:55

work glove. Like, like


Aaron  33:59

no, it it honestly kind of looks like a white. Or, or a well, they figured it's kind of like imagine the gray gloves that dad has that like he's like read. So. And so it was just there. And I called like I called customer service with Amazon. I was like, Hey, I'm turquoise with red glow. This like how did you did you get it? I was like I did. However, I didn't order and go up to like, ah, like so I mean yeah, so we're your your and I are thinking all right here. So Mike. Yeah, there's a glove in here. It's like That's weird. I mean, it is ordered off. But it was just so like, he's like, Well, I have no idea what to do with it. I don't know what to do with it either. So Like what? Like, wasn't just throw it away and I was like, boy Don't eat it. Um, I thought there was just, I was just so befuddled. I was like, hey, I've never had an issue like this before, and I didn't exactly know what to do. So I'm just gonna call and tell you that there's a glove in my box. And she's like, I'm not like, exactly.


Collin  35:35

Me, they figured, well, he ordered a planter shelf. He needs a gardening glove clearly.


Aaron  35:42

That's another weird thing. Like it came with like this, like this tiny little, like, double and a little rake. And it came with like a little like tiny like space.



For the gnome.


Aaron  35:54

That looks like it looks like it came from it just looks like it. You know, like, Oh, hey, you're gardening. Let's just find everything that you know, gardeners use and just shove it in the box. And with all this Garmin stuff in the box, and some like elk, you know, I don't I don't know what do really bizarre in this situation. The customer service lady was like, um, I don't know what to do either. Just throw it away. You can wash it and garden with the bed. Is though? Yeah, it's just remember, just like, Oh,



I have a follow up question. How is a plant shelf different from a


Aaron  36:53

shelf shelf? So this one's like one of those, like, tiered level kind of things. Is it designed to maximize some light? places? Which it's not like really that weird, but it's like it's underneath one of our windows. But it's kind of like it's like a top to imagine like honestly, imagine like, like one of those big but like made of wood and how many trees? Yeah, so that's that's pretty much the best way I can describe it because it's like it's nothing gigantic. It's nothing like Uber fancy. But it's just like just like a little eared shelf that you can put strain on it. So yeah, it's super super kind of plants


Collin  37:51

are you you're taking after Dad I see what type of plants are you going to put on your job? And are you going to remember to water them


Aaron  38:01

though this is Toby garden I will I will get back with her. And two plants they are they are green and they are playing. So they will play on this


Collin  38:20

nice girl but you are going to remember to water them not like not again.



Yeah, okay.


Collin  38:27

Good start already look at that.


Aaron  38:29

Fancy though. Yes, we've had we've had these plants for a good while and they they're all out so there's still no cooking for now. Let the timer



thing photosynthesizing


Aaron  38:53

again i just i got a really I thought it was gonna be bigger. And this also kind of ties into with one of our few weeks ago specials I got I kind of got fascinated with watching my people make me like aquariums. I wanted to get like a little bitty aquarium on top of it. But the thing is nificantly smaller than what I thought I was like, well, I put a plant thing on there. Or if I put some form of aquarium either just do a little beta fish thing like it will fall apart, do I operation plant slash fish holder has been put on hold temporarily. Why? yourself? Oh,


Collin  39:45

well, okay, you need a big one. So why don't you do is get another one, put it slightly over here. So you have a nice little two level effect and a little path running between them. I think that would be nice.


Aaron  39:58

I'll send you a picture tomorrow. Most of them are by the wazoo and so they like it. They're applicable for more plants it's


Collin  40:10

just kind of happened last year when the water would be way too heavy. Anyway probably so


Aaron  40:16

yeah, some kind of wanting like beta phase because like the smaller and yeah, not the biggest you don't you don't need a whole people on water. But then I'm looking at start somewhere


Collin  40:31

so little ones were little fish,


Aaron  40:35

average operation fish, fish, Aqua escape and escape those are still in factor operation that is like yeah, that's kind of in the middle of our week. I said baseball season kickoff last week for spring training started and that games coming up and so that also kind of you know, wanted me to look into you know, the different levels of baseball you know, faders double, a triple A, of all that stuff. And I found new amusements of like, looking at like minor league name. So some of them are like, here we go. Some of them are like you get them they get the major Yeah,



pros. You have the boring Springfield Cardinals. Good job guys real


Aaron  41:53

really clever. If I do hold on, so I just want to go through getting something just just briefly I'm only gonna do a few but I don't know, my favorite or one of my favorites.


Collin  42:13

And I need you to



know what


Collin  42:22

Amarillo sod poodles? Yes. He says yes, like so Matter of fact, like clearly on how do you walk around in public with a sign that says sod poodles with a straight face? Like how do you do that?


Aaron  42:47

And what does this shirt look like? So let me get through this Um, so we got which there the double A affiliate of the Arizona Mexican desert I got it Yeah, the guest the green jackets. So so you're still in the no that's a golfing right terrible



that's a golf reference. Yes.


Aaron  43:22

Okay, um, we have the Jackson jumbo shrimp the


Collin  43:26

menacing menacing jumbo shrimp obviously very, very frightening.


Aaron  43:33

So then we have my one of my all time favorite shuckers and it is a picture of a coin in use and you say before Aaron How could anyone wear a picture of a clam on their head? why I say to you inquisitive one. So


Collin  44:02

we've made it over a year on the podcast, I guess.



They say Chuck Yeah. Because they should.


Aaron  44:12

That's it are here's a picture of the claim on it. Okay, so let me let me find the name but I can't say for some reason is calling won't let me know. Whatever you wake up in the morning, there's two questions you can ask yourself, how old it is, how cold is it? Which


Collin  44:54

is there? Do you say that because there is a temperature at which it is too cold to wear as I brutalized


Aaron  45:06

But you just


Collin  45:07

got to try it out at every single one



hasn't found the limit that's another


Aaron  45:16

that was my thought. That's an ad that I like.



The annoying part about the Augusta greenjackets is green jacket is one word.



Oh no. Why that's wrong. Why would you do that? Oh, that's that's just that's that's illegal


Aaron  45:38

almost sod poodles I mean weird do that. Tim no doors on my other but i don't i amber dogs Aaron bash followers there we go okay that's white cat white taps with our mixing this pose What? Rubber Ducks


Collin  46:13

you say rubber rubber ducks.





Collin  46:16

Oh dear


Aaron  46:20

natural stone chasers Sugar Land my Wait, here's my favorite the speeder rapid



current like k er.


Collin  46:40

As opposed to the other way the spell Colonel that doesn't make any sense. Like why is there an L in this word? What's happening that doesn't say Colonel, get out of here.


Aaron  46:51

So there's no copious amounts of ones in there. So I've just been fascinated because because sometimes they pick up like new teams. Are they affiliated or major teams?



Oh, hello, Aaron. He's gone. It's just a display piece. Yeah, in the mid sentence. I was waiting.


Aaron  47:19

Wait. Okay. Okay, good. Good. I accidentally swiped on my phone and my stuff cleared. Yeah, it's just sometimes the major teams will pick up like a new affiliate of something and most and they'll be like, Oh, hell. And then


Collin  47:54

the literal anything's you could just like put any two words together apparently. And you have a minor league baseball.


Aaron  48:05

Whether that's just another little fun thing that I've been looking up to getting getting rolling in baseball season. Or, or Wait, where's where's my favorite? You're not gonna know there's more. I'm gonna stay. Okay, we're gonna say the first part. And I want you to guess Give me the town that blank. So Portland flying fishes. Close. What's the Portland



Portland flannel shirts.



Just saying it doesn't help me understand it.


Aaron  48:49

Does it need to be more times it



is it is Portland. Portland denizens? Is Portland known for pickles. Is this a thing? I need? I don't know the answer this question and you help me clarification. Just now I must know why that's so specific. Like, is Portland like a secret mecca for pickles that I didn't know about? Like what?


Aaron  49:14

If you if you also it's also kind of one of the things where I found them on Twitter first and just became kind of like a fan of just because of their tweets that they that they throw out their other day, another day another deal. Okay, now start in in 99 days and we're relishing that


Collin  49:44

Why? I'm imagining it like they just go way too much into this. Like their concession stand only sells pickle related items. That's it. It's just like dill pickles,



like pickle flavor candy. Like pickle juice.


Collin  50:03

Pickled popcorn. That's the thing


Aaron  50:08

with all the hot


Collin  50:09

dogs just a pickle like a dill pickle one of


Aaron  50:14

my favorites that I started reading and one of the main reasons I started calling them with all the snow in Portland, we're thinking about taking a trip somewhere tropical. They went underneath it says autocorrect. We tie it to tropical, tropical and meant to type tropical. The intern who sent the treat the tweet will be promoted to you. Amazing to say that, but I think that that's been my little, you know, thing recently of like, new news 14. Can I now get into here? Wow. You're here if you're from Portland, and you're a fan of our podcast, he's been a Portland pickle. Don't do this. They're not okay.



Not happening. No, thank you. We were fun.


Aaron  51:35

My week was I told you know


Collin  51:37

our listeners. You can listeners you can hover. Comment somewhere on one of our social medias. Or one of your favorite ridiculous team name. That's what we want to know for sure. Do you have a favorite? Yeah. Are you now a favorite? Is the Portland pickles now your favorite or are you? You have your own favorite we want to know my favorite team name. Okay, it's called audience engagement. Collin. Come on right here with it. Not all of us are not all of us are singing see's candies on Tiktok we I just want to hear other people's favorite sports teams now.



We could be


Collin  52:23

over under on how many people are going to comment the banana slugs. That's what I really want to know. I want to get international entries. Welcome. I'm really excited to see like what the some international flavor ones are gonna be. They're gonna be great. I bet


Aaron  52:52

you really want a fun time. Japanese baseball. Here's how



I'm feeling. I'm really concerned.


Collin  53:07

Very apparently. All of it. Yeah.


Aaron  53:10

Any any anything distractions. That's fair.



That is fair. Fair enough.


Aaron  53:22

Oh, my goodness. I love it. Again. You asked.



I did I did ask. That's true.


Collin  53:31

Never asking again. And



I'll now


Collin  53:36

open. I'm glad.



Oh, I love it.



motor cover.


Collin  53:53

I guess it's one of those is going to be the episode



title. Perfect.


Collin  54:02

That hurt me. The other exciting thing I had to do this week, of course was look at literally every piece of information I could get about the perseverance landing on Mars. So good. It's so cool. I don't know, Chase really happy. Like the pictures already are amazing. The fact that the microphone works is fantastic. Two, that was good. I don't know. It's one of those things like oh, I'm glad we have this. But it's kind of kind of reminds me. You know, if you put a microphone out in the middle of the woods, like Ooh, look at the sound or listen to the sound of the forest. But if all of a sudden you just heard Hello, you'd be like,



oh my god. Yeah, that's kind of sweet.


Collin  54:54

I did not know about the oxygen generation experiment that was on it. I missed that somehow. In all the hubbub about the helicopter and the geology, sampling and the new, like, auto drive technology, I missed the oxygen generation, which is like the coolest thing ever is what that? No, I did. I missed that to tell us more. So they, So currently, like the International Space Station, right? They make oxygen through electrolysis, where you split water, right to make hydrogen and oxygen, right? And then they have to combine it with a carbon waste gas to create methane and they vent the methane. But then you're losing a ton of molecules out to space, right? And then you have the ship of water, its whole thing. So this has a little box. And what it does is it splits carbon dioxide molecules into oxygen and carbon monoxide.



Oh, yeah. So they can just like,


Collin  55:56

generate oxygen from carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Which it has lots of it does. So like, Oh, well, they were talking about one feature possibility is they could send like a rocket to land there. Just has one of these in it. And then when it lands, it will just like, turn on. Yeah. And so it would start filling this huge like cavity with just oxygen hanging out doing so. So people could then lay there people could like show up and just like go in there. And





Collin  56:36

Well, I don't they don't they also use it. oxygen in the as propulsion.



Yes. So it also be able to generate fuel to core



to leave come back, right? Yeah. Yeah. Oh, that's insane.



Yeah. It's.


Collin  57:00

And apparently, the process has the ability to be like, super efficient, like low energy. Like, it doesn't just like whatever. And yeah, so yeah, they can also use it to create fuel for the return trip. So I can send off stuff back, which is like, great, because being able to generate your fuel to pass on is a kind of a big deal. Right. So yeah, I mean, that's think about just leaps and bounds of what that is ahead of like, the ideas. I know that early on, we're like, oh, we'll set up these domes. And we'll be terraforming and we'll you know, we'll populate it with plants. And we'll do all this stuff will grow algae. I mean, that would be cool, too. But like, if you could, like set up a dome, and then just like bap one of these generator things in there, a little box,



you know, yeah. Boom, like, you know, I mean, ya know,


Collin  57:54

like, amazing. You could that would be your start for something like that. Because, I mean, theoretically, you could start building like, big, big dome things, right, like, later. But yeah, to start with, you could get those that were just set up. Or they could be



robot assisted setup. You know, and then just


Collin  58:15

have a couple of those suckers and just turn them on. And then just Blam, you just start generating oxygen. before anybody ever shows up, so it's like a little welcome mat for later when people land, you know? Yeah, I think it's cool. Then, I mean, the plantings still cool, because then you can still, you know, farm a little bit, get some other things going on there. Yeah, the other benefit of, of plants. But you need that process started because it would take way too long for the plants to do it all by themselves. So you need to start that process somewhere. I think that's really cool. So I thought that was really exciting. I was like, What How did I I was watching the live stream and the landing stuff and then they were talking about that the thing on the sides of the rover was like way, way way, way way



back out and I missed this. We really need to back up right now. Right?


Collin  59:15

Yeah, I've read stuff about the new camera and all that like geology science is gonna do and all the new like driving stuff and they redesigned wheels and all this all this stuff. And then like the little core sample really thing, which is cool.



And yeah, I just missed the


Collin  59:39

Oxbow in the helicopter. The best part I probably got to distract with the helicopter. Yeah, let's be honest. I remember years ago when that design first came out and watching that on the Discovery Channel, right and seeing them talking about this concept of using a helicopter to land a rover and being like, That's insane. Same like you talked about science fiction using a helicopter on Mars to land a rover remotely. Right? Like, now it's like,



oh my god.


Collin  1:00:12

I haven't done it yet. They have this little drone helicopter. They have to fly. But But yeah, even the sky crane that they used to land it with. Right, right. Like I remember that first design came out. I was like, there's no way. That's crazy. Yeah, you thought sky crane buddy, which is by far, much more efficient system than they used to like, well, what if we just put a lot of bubble wrap on it and dropped it like that could just bounce it down. And then they wonder why a lot of their rovers broke like, I wonder, yeah, they were like, oh, what if we just crashed it into the surface and see if Yeah, surely, it's totally fine. Yeah. You should, you should talk about that with your students whenever you're trying to protect the egg or whatever. You know, when you're dropping it from height? Yeah, from an egg drop one. This is how this is. This is how Space Engineers used to try and land rovers on Mars. Yeah, what if we crash it real soft, though. Like



we can.


Collin  1:01:19

The worst is that fine. We're cool with just crashing. Or a lot. We can't. Yeah, or like, it's hard to know for sure. Like Yeah, I know. They had the one. I think it was the last one that had the inflatable balloon.



Yeah, I


Collin  1:01:39

think we're like, inflated right before it hit or whatever. Not the last one. That was a that was a while ago. Yeah. That was a few years ago. But But yeah, I remember that was one that you talked about the inflatable bubble wrap and then it had the gap. And it was slipping bounce around and then like deflate like there was like that's a that's a plan, I guess. Sure. Go for it, guys. Yeah, that's cool. The sky crane is rad though as really awesome. And then. Yeah, I don't know. The little drone helicopter thing is just so cool. First of all, it's important side note, did you know that the batteries that are on that sucker are made by a farm in Missouri? No. Yes. There we go. I forgot where it is. Now. I read it the other day to look that up. Yeah, they're made in Missouri, made Missouri batteries on Mars, baby. Look at that. Ooh, pow on it. So cool. It's cool for two reasons. Right? Number one, like I was, I was reading our I was watching the live stream after it landed. And somebody asked a flight engineer lady who's kind of in charge of the helicopter mission, like ingenuity. Is that what's called? Yeah. Like, oh, what is your main science mission for the Israeli helicopter as she was like, to make sure it flies. That's it with a proof of concept. We want to make sure it works. And then use it and we hope to get some sweet pictures. And then we'll go from there. But he's kind of sweet. So that's cool. And I'm also like, for some reason, it just makes Oh, it's called Eagle pitcher designs out of near St. Louis.



So there you go. There the battery people.


Collin  1:03:41

It makes me like immensely happy that like the perseverance rover has like a little friend. It's like hanging out. I think it's cool. I mean, I don't know what percent fun, right? perseverance is gonna watch this little helicopter buddy go up in the come screaming back down and sleep. I'd be fine. Hey, fine. Again, I don't have that because they have that they have they're not gonna be able to fly for a while because it's got a powerup like real slow,



right? And yeah, go through all the


Collin  1:04:18

checks. And it only has limited flight life because it takes a lot because they have to spin those rotors like mega fast because there's the atmosphere so thin, right? That they need to spin the rotors way faster than normal. And they also have a really steep angle. I was looking at him. They're like a really harsh angle to try to generate lift in that atmosphere. Right. So we'll see how it works. Really cool. I'm excited for when that sucker goes to you. That'd be great.



Well, you know, it's just it's amazing to see



the progression of Mars rovers


Collin  1:05:01

Over time, and just think of how much like we're talking about all this stuff





Collin  1:05:07

packed into this one. And it's like five times the size is the first rover or you know first thing Oh yeah, it's big. It's like a big like, truck like to over 2000 pounds or something. Yeah, it's a big is a big Miss Big Boy. But yeah, like the first ones were like, well, the very first Mars rovers just they weren't rovers. They just like, landed. They were more like,





Collin  1:05:37

Just like a pro. It was just like, right here I am Mars Pro, whatever. Yeah, you're right. I that was what they would use, because they would just slam it in and get it. Yeah, pick those back.



Yeah. And so they have those.


Collin  1:05:52

And then they started with the ones I don't remember the other ones names. The early ones, you know, but they were small and pretty limited. And they kind of worked some. Right. And then I think I think really the big break was the last one the curiosity that thing is a monster. Right. You know? Well, it's just the, the saga that they went through with its solar panels. Right. And oh, yeah. Right, because they landed two in one. Right to go to and one was it? They're close together? I



think. Yeah.


Collin  1:06:30

Yeah. And because they're supposed to both be operating simultaneously. But curiosities was laid in such a way that the dust wasn't covering its solar panels. So it was actually able to continue to power and keep moving on. Like, yeah, but the other one did, like they had, you know, that's the other problem. Some of them especially with the some of the early probes to like, they could still be working, but they have been just covered. So they're kind of like, shut, they shut down. So



that's annoying, but like,


Collin  1:07:09

yeah, like the Mars. Oh, the sojourn. That's the one the Pathfinder, the soldier, the Pathfinder? That's the double one. Yeah. Yeah, there it is. in spirit, that's the one that landed in like, oh, three. Yeah. Those are cool. Yeah, and some of them have just, like, stupid long, like, you know, they lasted like, way longer than I thought they were going to. And so that's, that's kind of the cool. History about that stuff is like covers all the things out there. And the progression, like you said, from like, real tall, like small, like coffee, table sizes, things like truck driving. Really, really is game changer. Do you think of just like capabilities, and you know, overcoming, because I know, several of them were like, well, we can't, it's small. So if we encounter a boulder field, or like,



get rock done,


Collin  1:08:02

we're kind of here, we're gonna be here, right? Yeah. Well, they were saying that this one really benefits a lot from just a huge leap in like self driving technology in the last like, five years. Oh, sure. Right. Whereas, like, curiosity, it has to go like, real slow. And it has to have a lot of input from the drivers here, right? kind of looking at the camera, slowly planning out what's going on. Taking it real Little by little, whereas this thing has like the ability to just be like, No, I'm going over that by gone like, so it's not like speedy by any means. But like it can, it doesn't have to stop in processing time for it to make decisions on what to do and how to travel and stuff is like much, much, much faster. So they're predicting they will be able to travel much further distances, just because it doesn't have to stop too much. And think about ourselves. So that'd be really cool to see how far I can go. And just kind of that new environment, because it's a different place. It's like a lake bed. Right? Like, it's pretty different from where the other ones have been hanging out. So it's a pretty varied location. Hopefully. There's some cool stuff in the future for it. Check it out things. Yeah. Because I know some of them tried to land in craters or near the mountains. So I think this will



Yeah. Different locales. So


Collin  1:09:38

wait and start seeing But no, it's very exciting. Yeah. Cool. And there's I'm already excited about all the stuff that I saw. Like I saw the first panoramic picture, James. Oh, yeah. That's cool. I like that. Is so that's pretty cool. It's only four scenes from so two jobs like that. I don't know. I'm sorry for That's really interesting. Like space exploration has been the thing I'm like, that's so awesome. Like,



really nerdy, like, I love it.


Collin  1:10:11

So I was excited about that. Just it's like part of it's like the tech side. Like, that's literally so cool that you can actually do that. Right? And then the other side of like, oh, man, there's something else on Mars. It's awesome. And then some of that, you know, that other missions, they play and stuff. It's just cool stuff to look forward to. I think it's just really interesting and neat. So I was excited about that this week. Or, yeah, last week when it landed. And it's


Aaron  1:10:50

like, what's the the time delay? By from here to there?



Oh, so like, the signal delay? Uh, it's several minutes. It's like, what, like, 10 minutes? Something like that? I think.



I think it's up there. I see something like that.


Collin  1:11:11

Yeah, which is, I think, seven to 10 minutes, perhaps. I think that's something like that. And that's, that's another reason the chassis would be slow. Because they would have to, like, you know, when it would get stuck, they would, you know, send a signal. They have to wait forever to get their process, go through the thing, it would do the thing, they would see what happened, which is it's going to be my information back. So there's waiting, like, 20 minutes to be like, okay, that


Aaron  1:11:41

didn't work.


Collin  1:11:43

Something else. Input delay is like, really? Well, I That's awful. that's inherent try to work through that it's gonna be so taxing. Yeah, you're talking about, you know, trying to do problem solving and, quote, real time, but you're on a 20 minute delay. If you're having to send a message there, wait for it to act, and then get a report back from it to see what happened. You know,


Aaron  1:12:08

it's a lot. Yeah.


Collin  1:12:15

But then, you know, that again, that's another cool thing. But that doesn't make it tricky. When they start talking about other missions, like Titan, you know, that mission plan for like, Titan, that's way further away? Well, that's where that, you know, by the time those get sent out, imagine what the, the AI is going to have for driving and for, yeah, problem solving, that's going to have to be on board, right? Because, yeah, I'm doing problem solving and, quote, driving is going to be basically impossible to do with distances. Yeah, it's gonna have to just like, do all its thing. And then like, send upload, sporadically. Like, here's the stuff I'm doing. Bam, like,



upload packet that takes



good grief, you know, an hour or two to show back up, like, right, and just so



why? Yeah, good. Here's



how it's going. Boom. Boy. Yeah. So that is, uh, that is one of the big, crazy issues is that the, you know, the delay, and that just signal chain? I can only imagine how rough that is to do.


Collin  1:13:37

Well, yeah, I'm looking forward to seeing where that goes. I can't wait to have this kind of things come of it, and what the next one's gonna be, it's always one of those things. Like, this one's really cool. Imagine what the next one's gonna be what they learn and adapt from this, especially the helicopter and the technology that they have, you know, like that. There's


Aaron  1:13:58

a lot of cool opportunities they start doing with that.


Collin  1:14:06

Yeah, I think so. Especially with the flying thing, I think that can open like potentially so many doors for just like long distance exploration, just like more even just more like photo surveys of landscapes that you could get closer ups in, like satellite stuff. Then the orbiters can, you know, and like much more plus, like, land, take off land, like, take pictures do like, you know, just geologic surveys, or just like, you know, orient, you know, like mapmaking surveys of the area, it's like, okay, here's what it looks like. Let's go over here, check this place out, right, looking at different geologies looking at different you know, just physical features and getting there quickly. So you can hit a bunch of them in time or, you know, just working in tandem to with the road. It'll be better map out path and weight loss true. And think about that. No.



Okay, because you're talking about this high



vantage point.


Collin  1:15:12

Yeah, high vantage point and going, you know, we don't we're able to do a very close analysis of this a lot of detail, as opposed to a satellite, you know, so the amount of telemetry and a lot of analysis that you could do with these things that are taken, you know, maybe 20 feet off the ground versus up in the atmosphere. Yeah, a lot more data there. That's true rover to feed off of the work and to work around, though.



Yeah, it just does.


Collin  1:15:38

Those kind of things just open up a lot more possibilities, not just for modes of transportation, but for working together in combining systems, you get a lot more bang for your buck, I guess. Because both of them are there. Yes, you two from one deal. So they can do double, double duty. So yeah, you could offload some of the science from the driving rover to something that's flying around. Right. And it could be like a little base where it could fly out. And then, you know, it could be like a little mini



like hell, upad.


Collin  1:16:14

Right. Come back and land on it and recharge, recharge, upload information to be sent out from the rover, you know, Yeah, that'd be really cool. Just kind of working together, comes back, and then it lands on it. Kind of, you know, stones, like a little mini like aircraft carrier, almost, you know, and then it can charge up way then next mission, whenever it's good to go again, like relaunch, go out, fly off, do its thing. Come back stock up. For all that stuff. Yeah, that'd be really cool. Because that's a problem with some of those. The, you know, the, the, they have to be so light that they can't hold enough battery. They can't like generate electricity, like the rover can. But the rubber can be the platform that does that. So it's like big nuclear generator can create all this electricity. And then in conjunction with like solar panels and all that stuff, to capture that to charge up that little drone and then it could send it off. Come back. That's really cool idea. I really like that. I want that. I want that. slant on it. As be cool. Yeah. I think well, we'll call it quits here. All right. Oh, man. You guys have a good rest week. getting shot you too.