Froth Update

Aaron is obsessed. Brandon likes black coffee. Collin was close to a psychopath. We are all over fireworks.

  • Aaron’s turkish coffee obsession 


  • Methodology of coffee making

  • Froth updates! 

  • Aaron drinking coffee??

  • ASMR time with Aaron

  • It’s so hot

  • Turkish breakfast at Springfield Diner

  • COFFEE UPDATE - thick and smooth

  • It was success

  • Brandon likes just black coffee

  • Our coffee preferences

  • Hers looks like tea

  • Exposure to other cultures

  • Traditional foods

  • Learning about foods from others


  • Collin was handed a cotton candy chocolate chunk blizzard. By a psychopath. 

  • Cotton candy is stupid

  • So is candy corn:

  • Brandon- savory 

  • Coffee again 

  • Tea drinking coffee ways

  • Brandon cleaned out his closet 

  • Classroom arrangements 

  • Brandon’s over fireworks

  • Collin was shelled the entire night on the 4th

  • Aaron listened to an old man yell

  • Hotdog eating contest. The answer is 75.

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coffee, people, food, eat, watch, drink, cotton candy, restaurant, espresso, called, aaron, sitting, day, fireworks, talking, happening, good, traditional, pretty, cup


Collin, Aaron, Brandon



Welcome to Oh brother, a podcast of three brothers trying to figure it all out with your hosts, Brandon Collins and Darrin.



On this week's show, froth update. Hello.



Hello. How are you? Ah, are you doing that in the background? Traditional Turkish music. Oh well oh for your coffee. Yes See, I was beautiful. It is it is in the process of being made right now.



So let me let me just go ahead and explain. Please do. Alright, so



listeners viewers.



Join Joy's patron so years ago they're not paying us for that. Got one day they will. Years and years ago, I watched an Anthony and Anthony Bourdain episode,



where he had



I think it was no reservations, but he had traditional



Turkish coffee.



Uh, where it was originally made, you know, using this like heated sand. And now when I was younger, I might have thought that was like chocolate.



Like little like, I don't know why, but like, you can be forgiven for that because it looks very like it's so thick. It looks like melty chocolate. Though, I thought



that it was it was chocolate. So I have been like,



obsessed with it in a way



like ever since. And I think like recently I was just like going on there and I think I was talking with my friend, Gerald about coffees and I think Google or whatever heard me and it popped up of this



Kuru cough that



I'm not even pronouncing it Turkish coffee,



say Turkish is a little rough meaning practice.



And so it popped



up and I was like,



Well, I mean, you know, it's just like a little canister and I clicked on it and then a pop the little, like, little copper pot thing. I was like, Well, I mean,



I guess



and so, I just I, it's been on my mind ever since. And so I was like, You know what, I'm just gonna purchase both of them and they arrived today and I have been attempting to






with no sound.



I mean, watching



you know, YouTube tutorials and you know, other things. my oven and my stove are, are we that on the older side, so, older side so it took a little bit, it's taking a little bit longer. Because it's like oh, make sure your ovens on low and it's like, bro Do you not see my oven like



so. So walk me through the process that you're having to go through for the



night. So I will give you the cliff notes version of this. So, it's basically says, you know, depending on how many people you're serving with this little cefic thing, you pour that a certain amount of water into it.






you add you know, a teaspoon or two of sugar or also depending on how many people you're serving. So it's like a teep a teaspoon per person. Okay then, and then you, you put the it requests for like medium roast, like fine powdered coffee, which I am looking at right now and it looks awesome. You know? Then there are all that stuff in there. And then you set it on your warming apparatus of some sort. For a few minutes, no stirring, and then you stir for a little bit and then it's supposed to trough and foam up. Traditionally you are supposed to take the little foam or cream creamer for in the coffee in the coffee cup. And then you're supposed to set it back on the stove, let it fall off again and then that's when you pour about you're supposed to support gently and then every single video I watched the one consistency it had in it that you're supposed to have a glass of water to help cleanse the palate before you drink. And then you all drink the water and then you drink it your little coffee together, thus creating the atmosphere of perfect coffee. I'm still in the boiling phase right now. So it is it is somewhat in the frothy moment but I have yet to see any froth. Okay, okay, it's read froth update. Yes we know



true. Yeah. The the the coffee with it. That's pretty similar whenever you go into you just get like espresso is typically served with a seltzer type water. It isn't carbonated water Yep. Oh yeah traditionally yeah yes I'm not really an espresso person but it's it's very I mean this is I'm I'm mostly just really confused about this because



all that I have never seen Aaron drink coffee ever so I I blame Collin because Collin got me started on iced coffee which is not real coffee yes I stand by that for years and then I remember he took me to the Starbucks over by Missouri State campus and Colin went in there and did his little song and dance thing and the lady looked at me and I was like a milk And she's like, and like, ice. I don't I don't know what you want from me. And so she's like, let me just make you something. And then surprise me. It has been it has been kind of, you know very, you know, people like Oh did you call me like us? I got a nice coffee from McDonald's. Oh, this morning people like that's not coffee. And then I started dating my beautiful girlfriend she'll be who is all about that Starbucks life reenergizing the still confused and Mr. Funkhouser, what would you like? Because the thing with that, that thing, so usually people order for me, or I have it written down. And so this is I'm just like, You know what? I want to try it. Let's see what happens. I'm just gonna go ahead and pour it in and try it. There was a little froth but I was like, Good enough. I mean,



the first attempt right? This is ease interesting.



I did locate a Mediterranean restaurant in Tulsa, which we will at some point later down the road, be adventuring to go to be like, hey, look, I'm clearly a novice. Please tell me your ways.



So oh dear that we'll do that.



Again. No final more fully work.



It's a wooden spoon. I can't.



I can hear describe the scene. What are you doing?



Today, ladies and gentlemen.



All right, so here is Aaron's Turkic pathani. Attempt one. All right. It is 839 on July 9, year of our Lord 20 23rd some with some nice Malachy Brewster's 10 years That's Oh, Jeepers, that's hot. Okay, all right. Oh, wait that water Add cleanse valid Hold on.



I mean yeah, is he forgot this part because he only drinks iced coffee. So he's confused. Well, if he's confused about the temperature, oil, we told



me my big mug that has ice in it, and then I'm holding a cup with no accident and like you're breaking your brain. Alright, so here we go. All right.



Total science. Here we go.



Well, that's I



mean, yes. ASMR is happening right now.



Hear that?



Yes. It's my fingernails on the towel.



Yes. So hot.



Yeah, I'm just gonna let that sit for a little bit.



I mean, that's probably a good plan. Yes, it will leave us in suspense here. My bad behavior profile. I mean, Hold on to that. That's a little bit I mean he I can't get past the heat. Also, I would like to just say publicly that I'm rather proud of area was much because notoriously when it comes to food and beverage Aaron not the adventurous one. Is that fair? Aaron, Would you say that's fair?



When when I was younger, I mean it



historically speaking. Yeah, historically speaking, most new until like, last week. Hey, apparently.



Um, do you have a backstory of my kind of food of choices?



is very short list ladies and gentlemen.



Anything with



our grilled cheese?



chicken tenders?



gumbo, sausage, cheese and chips, chips. burgers.



Yeah, pizza



guide guide dragon pizza. Yeah, so my, my food



expertise was not



the best to kind of give it also in a, you know, kind of form of context. I did a football camp down in tibideaux, Louisiana, at Nicholls State University. I don't know how or why. But in the cafeteria, there was all the normal food you would find at a cafeteria, which I was, you know, loading my plate up with, okay, I said a cheeseburger on a pizza. No way.



And then, by the way,



you can. And then the other half is cafeteria was like, all like Cajun food. And I was sitting there one day and all these people that are like, what do you do with that burger? I was like, What do you mean? They're like, Oh, how come it doesn't have shrimp on it? And Dumbo and I was like, Oh, I don't know. And so they just like got me a plate of all this stuff. And I was like, oh, and then that's when I tried like true like Asian food for the first time and I've just been in love since



So yeah my my food of choice has never been



quite the master if you will say I would I would like to point out this is not for lack of exposure, because we even had a restaurant and rogersville forever owned and operated by a man from Mississippi. And we will share all this chicken time. chicken dinner and fries but exactly. Even we even when was it last summer? We went to that little Turkish restaurant thing, whatever they had the Turkish food in Springfield. Oh, Aaron. Yeah. Aaron wasn't really about that life either. So like no, it's my breakfast I had this was breakfast. I can't remember. Yeah, something like that. Oh, wow. Oh, yeah. It was like calling Springfield diner. We How could I forget that name? What a dope. Yeah. Springfield diner however, definitely have. They didn't have any trick coffee. I had the tea. Yes, it was marvelous. Yeah, the one of the most understated names for a restaurant spring. Yes, diner. Yeah, it's a secret. The chef is Turkish and definitely prepares traditional Turkish breakfasts for the menu. Yep. of which there were at least four. And the one I had like the traditional one with all the different stuff. Oh my goodness. Wait, come on. So good.



So Aaron just took his first sip, and it's, I would prefer this over traditional coffee. Really, it's it's really thick, but that's also because I was like, I don't need a teaspoon I just dumped but um, it's it's definitely a very



it's a it's a lot smoother than what I was predicting.



Now granted, watch when I go down to this industry Trading restaurant get my mind completely blown. I mean something close to that. I mean, it's first time so I'm definitely not drinking out of a traditional little coffee cup little it me. No, it's a giant coffee cup with a letter F on it for Funkhouser. It sounds like close enough.



Um, next that's his next purchase has got to be the upside. Indeed. It's really good actually. I



I can. I think it's just really cool to have this little like copper pot thing.



Is it you just think the pot looks cool, though. Yeah. But it's also i think it's it's probably helped because there is apparently it's just a 50% ratio of coffee to sugar in that little tiny



thing. It's it's something like



that is why Aaron likes it.



So you feel Mimi? Mimi used to, I don't say forced coffee down my throat but she used to force coffee down my throat. And you know she would get mad at me because I would put like sugar or like sweetener in it or premer it's exact no you can't have that much stuff in there so if with this stuff i was i was in control



but you're still in control and getting coffee. Oh, I just don't like the bad stuff in there I like just black that's what I want



it's it's it's interesting because the the coffee itself was produced in Turkey and then the little copper pot thing he was also a handcrafted in Turkey Who? So the thing about Baba Baba says, I don't know about the wooden spoon. I'm gonna assume it's made in Turkey also.



I mean, did it come we have not to prove otherwise? It did. Yes. Okay, well, there we go. It's probably overly



there's not a lot in my little cup. Because I was not, you know, all about the ratio and whatnot. But that's fair



for the first trial. You don't want to just go all in Yeah, and if I don't like your Sunday, exactly if you don't like it, so that's good. Yeah, I like just to black. I'm just a black coffee guy. Normally, just like at home. I just drink boring coffee breaks. I like Folgers whenever. I do like a different beans though, right? That's where the excitement comes from me like, Oh, this bean, or this different one. And like the roast, right? That's kind of like that. So I like the flavors. I like that. I have a hard time with Starbucks. Because they're black coffee is gross. really exhausting. It's I don't know what they do to it, but it tastes like Burke's it is it is Bert is what they do. I don't deal with it. But it's awful. It's the worst good. So I go for the what is it called the cafe Americano. right because that's the espresso thing. That's that's what it's called everywhere else. Only called that Starbucks. Right right. Now is that the Is that so? Is that the that's?



Is that where they add? So hold on because it is different. Do they add the espresso to black coffee? Do they add the espresso? Is it water? espresso? Water? Hot water it espresso. Okay. Yeah, that's the in. In Australia that's known as the long black I think whatever or something like that. I don't remember what it was exactly, but that is the coffee they had everywhere when I was there. That's what I drink all the time. Yes. Like you want some more. This has to do. Thank you. Yes. So when I say yeah, I don't really I'm not really about the slavery stuff. I just like the hot drink this. Yeah, I'll splurge on the like, crazy. Drink every now and then. But yeah, my go to is just an espresso macchiato. Which is The steamed milk that's froth milk. Oh yeah, the espresso, adage better shots. And I'll usually do a triple espresso macchiato. And I really like those. When I'm home when I'm home. It's just French press. And I don't do black what i what i love adding to my coffee is heavy whipping cream. Dude, seriously, you want to talk about just like, it blows it up the coffee company here in town downtown. They exclusively use heavy whipping cream that they make on from their Amish farm row. Yes. That's very bizarre. It's amazing. I mean, I bet it is. But again, I just want the black coffee. Cuz again, part of that teacher life is your issue in Volume Two Yeah, that's why I'm not about like



you know, tiny little cup a cup of coffee most the time. Like we're talking. Yeah, it's not even like the I don't know. It's just I just like the taste of that bitter like this thing No, I like that.



This coffee is definitely better on the tail end of it.



It's definitely it's not like a you know. Now I my friend who used to work the night shift he would drink like the straight black coffee but as strong as possible and we called it you know, the punch in the mouth kind of coffee. Suzanne won't drink my coffee.



I made it one time and she took a drink. She was like, What is that like?



was fine. Yes, I'm, I'm, I'm looking at. That's kind of what I'm looking at my Starbucks order. The thing that I always get because I have to pull this up every time I go to Starbucks, but I get, you know a venti vanilla Sweet Cream iced coffee with an extra pump of vanilla. No wonder you can't remember the baby. No. A Shelby likes to drink a cold brew with dark cocoa almond foam with a pack of stevia.



And then



there's I also have on my list a vanilla Sweet Cream cold brew, a vanilla bean frappuccino, which was always my go to set it that was like, it was like everything was kind of like a milkshake. It's just like we have a frappuccinos like that.



Got it.



And then a mango dragon berry refresher. And then a nice caramel macchiato with nonfat milk.



I got my list down. This is a very extensive list. I have children's order on there. I have my order. I have Shelby's mom's order on there, just in case. There were no real need some Oh yeah. That's



interesting. Like I say that picture you sent it looks does appear very intriguing. frickin right



sorry, including my palate. Oh gosh. Um, ice water, that temperature difference probably not great for the teeth right like Oh, um, but so



apparently my little copper pot thingy. traditional ones are a little bit sleeker so they can see it the froth propped up a little bit better. But not me, it worked. It didn't do like anything exact, no foam. Because I was getting kind of impatient. I just wanted to try it. But traditionally, you would, according to everyone, I've listened to his last watch. You wait for the phone or the creamer on the top, and you scoop that out, pour it in each cup and then you Let it kind of get to the boil or top or whatever again, and then you slowly pour it in not to disturb the creamer. And I was watching the video and I was like, Oh, yeah, I don't know if I'll be able to do that because



I'm really patient on the first try. Yeah. What's the pressure of live review?



Obviously? Yeah, sorry. That's



wrong. Yeah. Yeah. You know?



Yeah, I didn't want to start, you know, gagging or throwing up



alive. So. But other than that, it's not bad. Bring it? Yeah. Well, I mean, only it'll get better. So the next one, you may. Right. Well, I just have to see if that one's better. Yeah, as you refine your craft of Turkic coffee crafting, right? Yeah, it's um,



it's very it's very interesting because you know, watching



no tradition Traditionally, yeah, but I like my little cup now it's has F on it stands for functions which stands for me by there. Yeah, it's actually not bad. It's, it's definitely not chocolate. But I will. Oh,



this is my burden to bear. But it's actually not in plus, whenever we have some sort of family get together I can actually bring it Billy, if you're going to elixir coffee real quick.



might take me 30 minutes, but I'll make it that's fine answers. Yes. Yeah. Dad doesn't have coffee anymore ever. It's very real. I mean, we have some, well, sometimes he doesn't drink anymore. So like, no, it's gone. You like Oh, I got no, no



never watch much as the boarding cone.



I did not. I was never one that I was interested that in.



As a side note, I have watched the heck out of the Netflix series street foods.



Which, if you watched that, if this sounds vaguely familiar, I don't know. So Anthony Bourdain, his whole thing was you know, he travels to Parts Unknown or Yeah, you know, and eats their food and because it sees the culture, yes, this this docu series on Netflix things called street food goes to like the street the food stall on a random Street and talks about them. That's cool. And and like that. Yeah, it is really, really cool because it's just Like you couldn't really distinguish this stall from the other one. But like this one lady. She's a like a Michelin star winner. Yeah. And it's just she started just doing this because the sewing factory that she used to work at when she was a really little girl burned down to start to cook with her mom. And well, those those stories and they go from they go, you know, they talk about Thailand, they go to, they go to all over those where food stalls are basically just so part of that culture. Yeah.



Well, Anthony Bourdain often ended up in a place like that in the episode at some point, right. He was also in like Michelin star restaurants. Because he couldn't help himself right. But he definitely also just was randomly in like a back alley noodle shop in Vietnam, like Oh, hey,



he kind of preferred a lot more of those. Just actually, you know, seeing the actual like people of the area and then Food. Yeah, like you always go to like least one really fancy place per episode.



Yeah. The famous chef there that kind of represented that cooking culture in that area, you know? Yeah. Like he kind of hit all that all the levels. You know, like Sometimes you'd be in like, somebody's grandma's house. Or you know, and then like the next scene he would be in like a fancy swanky hotel, you know, restaurant, whatever. So that was always really interesting. But his big thing was was was not necessarily like, I mean, a lot of it was like exploring and getting to know people through food because like, he kind of would say that food is the equalizer right? That's what brings you together. What right no matter what



his famous his thing that he always say. The food is a you know, it won't it won't solve world peace, but it's a great place to start.



Yeah, cuz it was this thing right? brings everybody that same table. Yeah, cuz you can, like, a lot of people no matter what their differences is they eat and they can agree on this food is good. And that's your starting place. Right? If you have a starting place, you can connect with somebody, no matter what the cultural difference or the ideological difference, right, get start somewhere. And he thought food was where you started, which is a bad starting place overall. Not that definitely speaking as somebody who like just that kind of like programming on television. I know some people are into that. Right? It's not their thing. But I gotta say, as somebody who grew up in the middle of Missouri, right, literally the middle of the US very far away from lots of things depends on weather. Do you put your nose on the crease or not? That's true you do it is in the Midwest because that is that is the sign of how you tell right? Oh my gosh, it is uh but like it was cool because that kind of programmer like shows you like all this other stuff and it makes you go like Aaron and the coffee thing, right? Or like other other stuff where just like Another example would be like traditional ramen bowls you know i mean like oh that okay, God right that's actually a thing. So kind of if you're into that kind of thing you can kind of then start seeking out because you'll know it existed again cuz when we were kids is like pre



internet ever everything



is the closest that you would get to is like the Mexican restaurant but it's like is that like we had you had no idea of knowing. Yeah, exactly if you hadn't had that exposure. I mean, I remember it depends on where those people are from like, what part of Mexico? Yes. Because Because, you know, the more I've worked in and lived around, people from Mexico like northern Mexican food, very, very different from Southern Mexican food chain extremely different, like, one of my friends I used to work with, he was from Mexico City. And they, you know, he doesn't like hot food at all. Doesn't know he doesn't want to eat a lot of like, rich savory fruits and not that kind of stuff. Whereas another guy that I worked with, he was from like, I don't remember exactly where but closer to the border, right? And his lunch he would bring like everyday was hot, like, hot, doesn't matter what it was, it was high. This is what he liked. That's what he wanted every day. So it is very different. Like there's lots of subtle nuances to be discovered in there. And like you said, like, you know, the Mexican restaurant it's all Tex Mex mostly. Yeah. Or like the Chinese restaurants that you go to most of them are Anglo Americanized Chinese. You know, like my favorite pretend Chinese food cancer chicken actually invented in Springfield, Missouri. Yes. Not really Chinese at all. The guy was Chinese. Right? But that's, that's as far as you know, I unabashedly like pretend Chinese food. That's okay. But like it's not.



A lot of that is not actually true that you would find there. You know what I mean, right? No, no, not even not even close. Yeah, I remember. Um, it wasn't until we moved to Dallas where I was. I had my first authentic bowl of pho and my oh my gosh, oh my gosh, I love it. It was it was of course it was in a bubble a bubble tea naturally naturally natural companion it is it is a bubble tea which I cannot stand I do not like it's just it's a texture thing that things that just suck up through the straw I'm not okay with that like let's just be real like nothing definitely sounds



like something you're not okay with



but I am all about that like once we found this place it was it was on to get that and oh my gosh deliver you know? Oh yeah to go Oh, it is so amazing. So yeah, I can't I can't say that our current city is a little lacking in gonna say Yeah, probably a little more difficult.



I mean, that is is a population thing, right? If you don't have a lot of, you know, Southeast Asians in your area, kind Hard to get good food from. We have. There's a lot of Laotians that live around here. So there's there's one restaurant that I know of it's owned by a Laotian family. And they don't do food but they do Thai cuisine. And some other like noodle eat things. Oh, man. Oh my god. Oh my goodness. It's so good. It's so good. Yeah, that that fun. I don't remember where the first time I had that one. I think somebody I don't know if somebody brought it to school and gave it to me or what but yeah, I had a similar experience like, Oh, my God wife



was legitimately The best part about Sydney, Australia. to present you they're just like, literally anything. It was just like, oh, there's some fun over there. Oh, oh, there's some falafel. Oh, there's some, you know, Malaysian streetfood like, Oh, yeah. Bring it. Let's go. Well, we were in. We were We were in Dallas. Yeah. It was like, do you want to go to the Mediterranean place? Do you want to go to not just the Indian place, but like, there were four or five different families dad from from different, you know, areas in southern India, Northern India. Yeah. Like, you know, like, as we would we'd go to one it was called is tandoori. And we I love that. I love that. But when I was at the school, I was telling that I forget what his name was. He was from India, and I was like, Oh, my gosh, we, you know, my wife and I were going over to this place, tandoori. He looked at me like I was had three heads. He's like, how can you eat that? Because a wrong restaurant wrong Indian food. And I was like, Whoa, tell me more. Now, I don't I just, I do love learning about that kind of thing. Because especially for me from students like that, who were transplanted away from their culture, and basically that's, that's all they have right then. And they love sharing about that they love telling you about where they come from and sharing your meals, because they can say, look, here's what I enjoy. always enjoy them. But



sometimes I'm different, right? They're very, they can be like, sometimes you're a little, you're always a little bit nervous, because you're like, I don't know what this is. Exactly. Mm hmm. And I've been in situation before where like, they, they can't really tell me because there's a giant language barrier happening right here. Because my, my Spanish is pretty rubbish. So like, I can't. But even like the difference between, like you said, whenever you have students that that do that, like we have a very large population of Guatemalan students and they often just get lumped in as Mexican Which culturally, and from a food standpoint, it is just not even close to being the same thing. You know, but but oftentimes they get, they just get labeled Mexican, because that's just the, you know, the ignorance that is there, the people just don't know that there's a difference. Right? So if you're talking about something like a staple like a tamale, like a tamale from Mexico, and a tamale from Guatemala, are two completely different things. Right?



Ay, ay ay. I learned that kind of from one of my co workers, who was originally from Western Texas. And, you know, his family is from, you know, the central part of Mexico and I remember going out on cases with them. And I remember we were in pocket city, and he's like, every time I come to banca city, I always have to come here because this is what I do. But there's a particular restaurant in Ponca City it's like it's a little bitty hole in the wall. But he's you know, we go in he talks about like all this and this and it's like, oh, you know, this is from here like if you ask for this kind of food at this restaurant you get this but if you ask for the same thing at a different kind of restaurant that's from a different parts of Mexico, you get something completely different. I was like, yeah, it's not the same. Like, what i don't i don't i don't know what that means. And so he you know, he, you know, we had no traditional you know, Mexican Coca Cola, you know, we had the little, the little pastry dessert things which are so good, but he, he just got a blast out of sitting there, you know, explaining everything to me and I was like, I just, I don't, I didn't know that I just I just wanted this food. And you know, the passion that he had because you know, he's like, oh my wife cooks and I know my mom, mother cook my whole family cooked all this kind of food. He's like, this is my this is the food I grew up with and the only place in Oklahoma that I can get it because every other Mexican restaurant in you know, bartlesville is different. Different, you know, region of something is just I just can't enjoy it. I was like, Oh, I didn't know that. So cool. Yeah, a



lot of it is just that northern Mexican Tex Mex II kind of food. Right? They've kind of invented later. Yeah, kind of the in Texas, like Southern Texas and northern Mexico. But the cultural consistent, at least as far as I have seen, is that if you are at a gathering, they will just keep throwing food at you. This is the same, it doesn't matter. This is like, my mother in law does this. I've been to, like parties with people from Mexico and Guatemala. And they will just continually throw food at you until you are ill, right. Like, you want more, you know, I can't I want to but I'm not physically able to There are some constants, right? That transcend



I have not been to any. I've been to invited, I've been invited to some, you know, Hispanic gatherings here, but they're always at like, times where I have to work or I haven't talked anyone from my office and you know, over, you know, two months so I don't know if any of those are still open but not Yeah, I'd love to, you know, I've been eyeballing some, you know, Mediterranean restaurants in Tulsa, that whenever things get cleared up, you know, to go down in just a visit and be like, Alright, teach me teach me the food. Don't care. I will write down whatever I won't cook it. I just I just want to know things cuz you know, get people talking about No food of any any sorts, you know, definitely brings out kind of the best in people and



something you know, another you know, inquisitive, inquisitive nation or,



you know, factor that I have. It's like, well, I just, you know, I want to learn about you, but you know, I want to learn about through your food. And I think it just oh for fun, you know, excursion I love to go on.



Well, it's a good it's a good thing too, because it highlights the important process. You know, that we miss out on a lot and that's the sitting and listening to someone else talk. You don't mean? Like, that's an important thing. It's an important step in this process. That's, that's an important part in the connection making is the being open and receptive and listening to other people. You know. And especially in situations like that, talking about something they're really passionate about and something they care about, you know, so it is a good way To do that, whether it's you know, just like, oh, talking at school randomly to one of the Hmong kids about this food that they're made over the weekend, you know, oh, man, that sounds so good. That sounds great. Can we picture now? like really? Yeah, they do it. Ah, yes. Jealous right now. They're like, Alright, cool, like, you know, it's it makes them you know, it's a good way to connect people, you know that you're given something to be proud of, you know, because it's not like Oh, okay. Yeah, I want to know, I I'm receptive and listening. Come at me.



There was there's two incident incidents that occurred in my lifetime. Most recently, when we were down in an Alabama for a wedding. One of the individuals, the family that was there was from Louisiana. And I was sitting there talking to this, you know, very southern occasioni grandma and she says, I All you know, I love Ben yeas like Well, I don't think I've ever had been gay and she's like, you would never have been gained as a cool I'm sorry. Me too. And you know she, you know talked about you know the joyousness of you know, Ben yeas.



And then



the other time I was up, we were up in New York.



Definitely Had it been gay because I was there. So also, when Don't lie to the grandmas when we were in New Orleans. Hello, did I? Yeah, we only went to cafe du monde like 18 times in three days. Yeah, well, no, no, remember, I didn't know. The place right near the the longest running Li running an operation cafe west of the Mississippi, cafe du monde. They serve two things. They're effectively Yeah, coffee, chicory coffee. And Ben yeas. Gotta say not really chicory coffee fan. But you know what was that one was You guys went on that trip down there Yeah, cuz I didn't go on the the big trip where you guys stayed down there for several days.



Yeah, cuz we're that's when we're picking everybody up to come home. Yeah, yeah



are you not there? No Did you i was i was i was not there I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have to look for pictures because I because I remember going to New Orleans but we only visited the French Quarter.



Yeah, waist width and



then we had to leave because I only stayed there a day because we I think would they, you know, right that's when when everyone kicked me out to tibideaux I think but I definitely don't remember that but the second time was when I was up in New York. And you know, the little street vendors, you know, sitting there and I was like, Man, I've never had a cannoli before. In this this very large street vendor persons like you've never had an cannoli and he shoved like five in my face.



And like Thank you,



like Thank you. I'm from Missouri. I've never heard of this before. And then he's like, here's five good try them and then they told me about the greatest food on earth of being you know, a cannoli and everywhere when after that I was like, do they have cannolis like, this is and this is little little China like but they should they don't have good Ollie's here because I really want to know,



just a new Chinatown probably,



I think I think I visited Little Italy about three or four times.



I have to tell you,



we went to Derrick green to get some ice cream this evening.



And I ordered Megan looks like a strawberry lizard with chocolate chunks. Oh yeah. That's the same one that Susan gets, I believe. Okay, well are one of the one of the on the rotation thing. It's all about that. Really when I pull up a handle my money, they should get the next two chocolate pieces because that's done. That's the only way to do it.



Yeah, so they hear me Megan's they go here's your strawberry and I look at it. I'm like, well this looks awfully brown to be strawberry. That's probably just because I got the extra chocolate chunks in it sometimes that breaks up. Yeah, I'm looking at it. I'm like, I don't think I see a strawberry in here cuz they're supposed to be strawberry chunks. So I I take a bite of it. And I'm like, that's not strawberry. What is this? Because it's got like gritty in it. And I realize they had handed me a blizzard made of cotton candy with chocolate chunks in it. Oh. And I looked over the window and the lady's staying there and she goes Oh, I'm sorry. Sorry we gave you the wrong Blizzard and I was horrified that they didn't say oh we we we use the wrong ingredients. They gave me somebody else's cotton lizard I was that close to a psychopath right there was a car behind me or another there was a psychopath within my



monster cotton candy with chocolate Blizzard here in God's country



Oh my gosh. I just was



like ah



gave the cotton candy substance somehow, right like oh arable. Why is he going to go on the record right now as a cotton candy is not good. And I don't like it. And I don't understand. Like as as somebody who just enjoys eating food, why you would spend money on strings of air to eat? Right kinda fun. I mean, give it it's not like food though. No, like, let's think about let's think about the fair. The natural home of cotton candy. Right? This is kind of a it's like an economics situation for me, right? The cost benefit analysis of of buying cotton candy, right? If I buy that cotton candy right what what else could I have bought with that money?



right and and, and there is always something better to spend my money on.



right that's that's how I feel. about it, or there's there's literally always something I could spend that money on but I would prefer to have than the cotton candy. Is that the same argument for candy corn? Absolutely candy corn is the worst candy it's part of my argument for why Halloween candy is the worst holiday candy. Oh candy on exists. Good. I'm going to find the jack black or the Jeff Lewis Black. Bit on cotton candy. Oh, put that in the show notes. People are always like, well, if you eat if you eat candy corn with peanuts, it tastes like a payday candy bar. You know else is not good. payday candy anymore. So I don't want that either. That's the last. Like when somebody says to me, hey, do you want a candy bar? out of the list that I'm going through my head. Payday is nowhere near that. list. I almost forget that it exists, because I never want one. Right? I don't even register that as an option most the time. Some people like, like a payday. Like that's not a selling point for me. I don't like not a positive not a real candy bar. Just give me the peanuts, man. That's



that. I guess that that begs the question. Are you a sweet or savory person? Now



on the whole I would say savory,



but I do like candy bars.



Right? So I am definitely a more savory oriented person. But like, I like candy. Like I'm not sure kids candy. Because I do like candy bars. They're interesting. They're just kind of like a weird thing that I like sometimes. But in general I probably say savory because I don't like a lot of I don't really like dessert a lot. Again, like your dessert or more food well I want more food. Right and I like my coffee black right to get water so that's you know yeah. Here And how's the cleanup process going?



Um, well I was enjoying the rest of my coffee but then it was just got to the point where there's like a little bit of actual like, liquid and it was just like the rest of the gritty now.



Yes, so



I am cleaning up and going to be one of those individuals that makes coffee in the morning and we'll see how that goes. But hey,



I'm not fancy like calling I don't have I don't have time for that friend press. And I don't I don't. I will say it. Will I



make calls be like yo got this gravity filter thing right here. I have looked into arrow presses when we wait. Very cool. Yeah, it's like and I've got it's pretty good now and it's part of this like, like listening to vinyls. There's a ritual to it which I really like. I like the grinding of the beans right i'd like picking out like you I buy bean coffee I don't buy pre ground running around and that party is appealing to me But again, I like like the press you know the pressing the the waiting the stirring the boiling the water like all this stuff. I will say though that I have to prepare all this downstairs in the kitchen. My office is upstairs. So whenever I'm done preparing and I had to go upstairs and work. It's like I have to carry the fridge press carry my coffee cup can't be the heavy whipping cream carrying my water bottle carry myself.



Go re got a tray. I need a dummy waiters what I need. I mean that too. But I think in lieu of a dumbwaiter you could just get like a tray like a look I don't know. We're like a fancy metal tray



calling we could be fancy together I'll get a traditional little coffee thing. And it comes like a little like tea plate. You put it on. Yeah. Yeah. I do want to get the stovetop espresso maker. I really want to get one of those. It's kind of it's basically what it is. It's the it's what Aaron made. Only it separates out the the grounds than the rest of it because it's a two stage boiler almost. Yeah.



See, I'm already an old person. Pardon me because generally what I do is I just make all the coffee The first thing when I get up in the morning, and then I'll just drink on it all day until it's gone. Like that. Like I definitely will just like it stays the coffee pot that we bought last time. He's one of those like metal ones does it doesn't like the heats the water only there's no like heated baseplate underneath it, right? It's the thermal thermal ones right away insulated. Yeah, so let's say it's pretty warm for a long time. Like, I'll definitely just go in the kitchen like today I went to the kitchen like 230 like ship the coffeepot was like, Yeah, I put it in the corner of my cup and threw that sucker in the microwave. Just eating like, I know, that's definitely like, a coffee sin. Right? For like coffee purists out there. I don't even care. I was like, Ooh, there's still some more here. Let's go.



Whatever. I don't care. Like



right. So that's that's why the French press is slightly less appealing because I would have to do that like, four times a day when we just don't really want to do that. Pre lockdown. I don't know if I told you but we had some friends over and I was like, oh, let's make coffee. In Oh, yeah.



Yeah. And I was like, forever. I know. It's like go to the coffee barista running around doing constantly pressing pressing. Yeah. That's why you got to get you should get a coffee pot and just like have it on hand. Sure or when people come over so you can like weather that because like Susan's mom does that she has two coffee pots. She has like the four cup coffee pot that she normally uses in her daily life. And she has like a 10 cup coffee or 10 and 12 cup. big one. It just sort of sits on the counter. And when people come over, she uses that one. So like she's prepared because otherwise it's just heard now so like if a big coffee pot is too much for her and her weak tea drinking coffee ways, but like it's not. Yeah, because I do like I agree with the French press is it's appealing. Because it is just kind of a cool thing. Right? It's just kind of a neat, but I think I would get tired of the neatness very quickly when it came to like the practicality of coffee drinking, especially like you know, getting up and going to school going to work, right. It's like, get up, make some coffee, drink a little bit. Throw the rest of my thermos go to work, right. That process does not need to have a French president at any point. No, no it does. It doesn't. It'll be like a Saturday thing you know what I mean? Like?



Yeah, no, that's it. You don't need to be



cuz Ain't nobody got time for that. Yeah. Anybody got time for French present coffee at six o'clock in the morning? That's just not about knowing how, how late how late Do you guys drink coffee into the night? Oh, I don't know. I don't Drink quite enough during the day that I don't know. Is the case whenever the pot is done, then I'm out. That's the cutoff. Yeah. So today it was like I had a half a cup at 330 ish Yeah, that's what was left in the car but that was it. Aaron's drinking it right now. I assume Sure. There is no cut off. No, I I usually am a you know, get a thing of Starbucks in the morning. You know, something, something,



usually how would normally work was on my way to work. You know, I'd be at the drive thru, at McDonald's at like 630 or something. And, you know, by the time I got to my office, which is good, like 45 minutes, I'd be, you know, depleted. So that that would be the only kind of coffee I would drink. And yeah, I mean it's definitely a before noon kind of thing for me. I don't I say I would something like this This definitely make it in the morning with the Turkish coffee. Definitely. I don't know if I could drink it in the afternoon again, unless it's like, oh, I want something. It's quite like, early afternoon,



right? Yeah, one or two o'clock.



Yeah, this this. This will probably be the latest I ever trick it. I mean, that's fair. Yeah. It was it wasn't too bad. Yeah, it's definitely I was with iced coffees. It was like, Oh, I need a quick, quick solution for the morning. Here's iced coffee. Okay, thank you. But yeah, yeah, anything anything that's late. It's either like a water or sweet tea



for me. Yeah, no, I go water most of the day. Yeah. Other than that, coffee. No, I up boy.



It's been 11 o'clock before and I'm calling Oh, I really need to unwind. I'll make some coffee.



I'll make it I'll sip it while I'm falling asleep.



Definitely not. Not my not my weakness.



have enough sleeping problems. I think drinking that much caffeine. Again, they had the strength that I tend to make coffee. It has been described as quite strong. Sure people. So just again, I think that's a reflection of I like that bitterness. Mm hmm. You know, so I probably should also probably look into some darker roasted coffee, because I really like the more roasted it is, the less caffeine is contained in that coffee. Yes, it's the it's the lighters of beers, right? Yeah. It really is. Right like the exact opposite beer Like there's like black 14% like, I mean, I just looking at this will get you drunk. Yes. But yeah, the commies other way around, which I didn't really know until a few years ago. I heard that I was like, oh, weird. I was watching I heard it on a show. Oh, is that show called dangerous grounds? Have you heard of the show? I have no okay, so it's Todd Carmichael. He's like a coffee dude from Pennsylvania, I think. Right? He's kind of a big deal. The show was him going around the world looking for very specific coffee beans. Oftentimes, not just super, wonderfully safe location. His his coffee manufacturing thing like he wanted to buy coffee from a farmer. That was his deal, right? He's like, I'm going to seek out this dude, I want to buy coffee from this guy, or this Co Op or whatever. Like, I don't want to deal with all I want. I want to pay them what they're worth. Right. That was his kind of mission statement, you know? And so yeah, sometimes he would be all he'd be like, everyone's Well, he would say stuff. And you go with what? Like, I remember there's one episode where he's talking about. He's like, No, no, East Africa somewhere. And he's like, yeah, a lot of times it's safer to sleep under your car the inside it, because you can escape faster. And I went well. What? Hold on, hold on, hold on. That's it. That's a phrase that only comes from experience. Right? Yeah. Like that's, you have seen something right. You can you have put that into practice. Yeah, more than once. If we're just being honest. Yeah, yeah. So that show was my gosh, it was great. But yeah, he was going on and he would look for like these exotic beans. And like these really remote locations and try to buy direct from people in that area. There's really cool and just kind of seeing how he would go and he would do the like the tasting. He like brings a little roaster out of his backpack, and you're like, what the heck Have you been carrying that around all day? Well, you do. That's awesome. Yeah. But because I again, because I like that of the peeling part of is that the bitterness? That's like, you know, I feel like darker roasted coffees. I like it better. So much. Bye bye that you could drink



We couldn't



buy coffee.



I'm gonna have to look up something fancy I can buy.



Yeah, trying to think what else? What else we got to looking around to see what other random things I occurred over the over the the week. I mean, size of work. I mean, that's really all that I've been, you know, or we've been, you know



focus on or you know the time to do so. I mean that was that was kind of the you know, the The unique thing of this week was a Turkish coffee but I mean, the when I gotta say yeah, other than that I don't have time to think outside. I don't know if we've



done anything besides that. I mean, I haven't so that's why I went to work one day this week to clean out a bunch stuff my classroom. How was I finally? Oh my gosh, it was ridiculous. I finally went to one of these cabinets that I got. Yeah, I have in my room. I throw away so much stuff. That's great, man. So that's it was just nuts. Right. So I had I've been putting it off for a long time. Because that's, you know, I know. Yeah, well, number one, I've never really had time before. Sure. And I haven't bothered worrying about it in a so for some backstory, like I when I became a teacher, I took over I had during second semester for a lady who had some pretty serious health concerns, right. So I just sort of ended up in this classroom. Right Fortunately, she's doing really good now. So Really? That's good. Yeah, that's great. Yeah. So she doesn't teach anymore, but she's doing pretty good. So that is super awesome. But um, I was just sort of there. And so there's just these cabinets, I have no idea what's in them, right. And for those of you who are unaware, when you're a teacher, it kind of goes something like this. You become a teacher. other teachers in the building, have things that they don't want anymore. And so they say, ah, a new person, you will want these Here you go. And they just come and bring your stuff in runaway. Yes, right. So I think what happened with her when she became a teacher a few years before that, some people had just brought her stuff. And she just sort of stuck it in a cabinet. Right? Yeah. And the same thing happened when I got there. People just be like, oh, oh, here you go. You're a new teacher. You must need some things. They would bring this. None of it was what I was teaching. Right. I was like, around, I found two boxes that I vaguely recalled being in the room up on top of this cabinet that were just labeled math stuff. That's I didn't label it. But that's what it was labeled. And there's like, all kinds of crazy math manipulatives in there, algebra things. I don't teach math. So I was like, This is not needed. I gave a bunch of it to my fifth grade friend, because she was looking for some manipulatives and I was like, hey, she also happened to be there that day. I was like, hey, guess what I got coming here. Got a box for you. Yeah, but she took out a bunch of it. I'm gonna put it on the usually the beginning of every year there's a table. That's like Everybody want this stuff? table? That's where it's going. Now, because I don't need it, these math, so I don't know. But there's much stuff like that. And just things like what is this? I don't even know what this is, like all these weird like book sets were in my closet, like I don't need this book set. So I'm gonna go take those to like the title one room like hey, do you guys need eight of these? These books? It's not Yeah, I'll keep one or two put on my bookshelf no one else wants them and I'll put them in the free book pile if they don't want them right now, kind of making some closet space. I have a lot more room for tape and yarn, which is exactly what you need as the more yarn. Go, all right. And it was kind of one of those things like okay, well this is And I found some things like this could potentially be useful. I'm not sure for what yet. So now I'll put it in this cabinet. And I'll know right where it is. I can see if I use it and if not later and I can get rid of it at a later time. Right so I only went through two of my cabinets. I have some more. I have 25 cabinets, six cabinets in my room. A lot. A lot. On one of them. I know basically what's in there already. The other two? Well, I know Okay, so I've been through three of them, I guess because one of them. I have a really good handle on what's in one. But there's this one and I just have these tubs and they're really old. And they are just like, I don't know if they're for like they were for some kind of like old Like science unit things, because the side says like a unit name, and then there's just a list of the stuff that should be in there. And it's like the most random things. It's like foil batteries. Like I don't know. What, why, why is that here? I have no idea what this is for. I just have these so I have a whole cabinet is basically full of these tub thing. And then like they're just, they're stacked up on top, like all the way to the ceiling and this one part. I have literally no idea. Pretty awesome. It's in there. I used a spray bottle out of whatever one time, because it was like I could see it. I was like, I need that. Okay, I gotta get all this stuff down. per bottle. No, open it up. I did that for something. I remember what it was it right now but I was like, I need something. Oh, I see it because they're clear plastic so you can like see in there. So every once in a while you can look in it and go oh, that I need that. Let's try to get that down. Like, I don't know what to do with these things. There's a bunch of useful stuff in there. I think it's not necessarily for Earth Science, so I don't really know. Just hang on to it then. I mean, I say it's out of the way and I've got a lot of other cabinet space cleaned up right now. So but I teach the kids all the time. They're like, What's in there? Like, I don't know. We're just gonna close it like or if I have something really random, they're like, where'd you get that like cabinet? So it's the cabinet of mystery. Lovely. That's why I went into that. I was intending to do a lot more. But I kind of got through that. It's like man, I am tired now. I got that done. That's really helpful. A lot of this stuff just has to be like put back on the shelf where it goes. Because they moved one of my shelves out to clean the room, so I got to put all the stuff back on it. Just sort of put things where they need to go. But they're also the table that lives in the hallway. When they clean the hallway, they just dumped it in my room because it's closest to where the table normally is. So I got this giant round table in there. It's in my way and like a huge stack of chairs like can we can we get these out of here, please? But these make these disappear, please. I mean, they're not Yeah, this is kind of like I guess these are my way and I'm trying to move stuff around and there's just not me not even mine. I got too much junk. I don't need more junk does not mind. I got some of my shelves put back together on my desk. Situated got everything plugged back in. It works. Yay. It's always a mystery. Well, and when I plug this computer back in, will it work like it did when I left? That's the real trick. So far, the answer is yes.



To da da.



I get my little



binder stories down and they haven't cleaned the rugs yet. So I got to put my rugs down again, I rearranged a little bit of stuff, because last year I had this table and I just had it at the front of the room because one of my students was in a wheelchair. So that was her desk, boom right there. Now I just put it in the up in front instead of one of the desks that took one the next out, put the table there. That was where she went just for accessibility. But you know, I don't need it, but that So I gotta figure out a new home for just to where I can have it a workspace. Right. Because we do a lot of like, for a lot of independent work time, we just kind of sit wherever, that's really a big deal. And I think is kind of important. It's like having a comfortable work area, some people that's just staying in the desk, you know, but a lot of people, it's like laying on the floor or sitting in a different chair whenever. So we're sitting in a different table with their partner or something. So like, I try to have this like random work areas around. So I just kind of find a home for this table, so we can still use it. It's really useful. And it's really nice to just have a place where you can you know, we usually especially in social studies, right? It's like, hey, or in science, and we're working on projects. Like, hey, here's your thing. Here's our instruction. All right, now it's time to go Do your thing. And they just get up and they go find someplace to sit and they write, you think. So they so we can spread out and we can have room. So sometimes we move our desks around, or sometimes we do other stuff. But I gotta just find a home for this table so we can just have another work area. So we can do stuff. So I just got to figure out where that needs to live. suspended from the ceiling. Am I do that? It's just a matter of where will it fit? Where can I sit? Does it fit for to be useful? No offense, but it's like, I rearranged my room last year. So where it used to be, it can't be any more because there's something else there. Sure. Ah, right. So like where it used to live. I found something better to go there. Yeah. And like, there. I have between two of my cabinets. There's this big empty space where there used to be this. Like it's a table From the old computer lab, so it's like really big, and like weird shaped. And it was there. But I moved it out of there and I put a rug and some stuff in that spot. So that's like a big floor seating area now, and I moved that big table to the back, kind of against this lab table thing. So it's like a, it's all returned in our work. I turned that into the this is where we turn in our work and put stuff table, right, sure. And we can still work on it. But like all my trays are there and everything. But that's where the little table used to be. But I found that the big table works better there. Because I needed to move the little table up for for her to use for her desk. So now I just have to go around and be like, do you go here? No. Do you go?



What about it? No. Right.



But long story short is I need my rugs done first because I know where those are. Have a good idea where they need to be. And I just need to make sure that I have one idea, but I think it might interfere with my rug for seating. Right? And that will be no good. So let's come up with a new plan. Plan. These next one, yeah. k, w W, I don't know. But that's pretty much all I did this week was I went into work one day, and just mess around in the classroom, throw it away all kinds of stuff. And putting my shelves at my desk back together. Ah, okay. So I got not done. But I could did it one day, like okay, that's whenever Susan is back. Again. Yeah, it's one of those things you don't want to do it for a long time because it just gets really like frustrating and boring. Like I sure am attention span. Again, we'll handle this. Yeah, when Susan goes back to work. I might go in one day with her. Just So I can be up there tinkering about with things. Sure. So that was my week really very unproductive.



No, our week has been pretty, pretty nice. This past weekend was crazy with all the dogs that we had here. And yeah, I mean we had it was our busiest weekend of the year which is saying something for making it to the July 4 weekend and finally having our busiest weekend of the year. Okay, yeah, but but you know, things go anyway circumstances. Yeah, sure. Man, the weekend was rough with the with the fireworks. I mean, I, I don't think I've ever lived in a place that even last year here. That was as bad as far as fireworks being set off in town, and we even still kept our fireworks display for the city. And yet I felt like we were being literally mortared the entire night. Like there were several times where I shot up out of bed because the house shook like I thought something had hit our roof many times. Like it just big booms. And come to find out when we took a walk around the neighborhood on the fifth, yeah, it's pretty much we were being shelled from every every part of the block. I mean, there were just stuff strewn in the streets and on the sidewalks, all sorts of stuff. It was just like, Oh my gosh, Come on, guys. Come on. We can do better than that. Right, right. No, no, it's gotta leave it there.



Yeah, our street was pretty there was one neighbor this year that was going we had people shooting fireworks last night though. I were sitting on the couch. I'm like, What is that noise? Why stuff



We we went to the bartlesville Fourth of July celebration we said way out in the back you know



away from people there was this was a nice way to put it



elderly gentleman who said you know a fair piece from us and people just started like parking like in the field. And he this this man just like carried this flashlight and he would just you turn your light off like with people that would just park in this field and you know blind must be one he would like get up at like March over there with his his little flasher clicking off and he would like he screamed at this one car for like five minutes. Just



turn your light off. And



then the fireworks didn't start on time. And every every so often be like,



Hey, man, it's



bad man. It's bad. like whoa, sir Who are you yelling answer they can't hear you. She's unconscious. Um It was just so like and then the fireworks you know did finally happen



you know like



15 minutes late or something and I thought this guy was gonna go and you know fight a firework person and I was like oh please do just get them out of here but it was it was very much you know, you know, beautiful show you know it was pretty awesome and then yeah we bolted and then it was it definitely made me miss you know the rogersville fireworks show growing up because I was like I don't know remember there being traffic but this place It took us a good 30 minutes just to get home. And we only live like a block away or two. And so it was it was a nightmare.



But it was it was nice to kind of get out



There has been people were just like shooting off, like fireworks like in the street, just like in the middle of town. And you know, it's like,



I don't think they could do that. But there was just people letting things happen. I was like, Alright, whatever. I'm not gonna fight it.



Yeah, I will say I will say that the drone shots of La were pretty spectacular. Did you guys see those? Yeah, those are hilarious. Those I know. I know. I'm sitting here complaining about them. But like, they came out the LA was like, no fireworks. Nothing. You may not do this is really a super mega illegal. And then those people put on an amazing show. I have to say I applaud them. That was amazing. It was wonderful, I



guess, I don't know. I'm kind of over fireworks though. At this point in my life. I have been for a long time, to be honest. Like So really see the appeal. Like, all looks cool. Okay, I'm done. We just stayed home. We didn't get like they had the one here. But they just had the display. So normally there's like a whole like fair thing. Right? Some sort of like, like all day they didn't have that part. They just had the display. So a lot of people just wouldn't park in the park and you could sit on the golf course we always park on the highway, and then just like walk out to the golf course and sit. That's what a lot people do. You sit randomly on the golf course and you can see it so. We didn't go this year though. We stayed home with Chuck and watched the one on TV. The New York one I guess. Okay, and there was a bunch of people singing and I was like, Why were you What's happening? In The Black Eyed Peas right there. It's like what yours is? What's going on? Why are you here? It was getting lit. Like where the Black Eyed Peas here? And are they still a thing? I didn't know. So he says, Yeah, it's always unnerving whenever, like, you know, you can kind of tell like how, like, out of touch the producers are because they put people on the show that I know. You like, huh? Yeah, there's no way that these people are still a thing, right? Like Yeah, like if I know them they must not be cool. So like, or they're like from, you know 2005 Sure. Sure. Which again by proxy in most cases makes them not cool now, so like, I was confused. You know? Cuz usually I have those old man moments of like, Who the heck is that? What are these people doing? Who are they? Whenever you watch a show and you know all the people you go this is weird. This isn't supposed to be happening but tomfoolery is this Yeah, so I just thought that was all and we got to watch they actually did hold my favorite Fourth of July activity. So this year they bring out the four Wiseman. No, no, no, no, that's Christmas time. Just like Christmas time activity. Okay, no. Now the the Nathan's famous hot dog eating contest was indoors with only like five people. So it was really weird. Not really a contest. It was basically just like, a showcase for to see how many dogs Joey chestnut and in me, right, yeah. 3575 Is day it's a this year she ain't close to Maria Mia close to hers to Chiquita lost 40 something I think. I don't know why I like to watch that. But I do on the first. The first time I ever watched the



hot dog eating contest was when I was trapping turtles out in Oklahoma and we watched it at the bar at Eskimo Joe's. Oh, yeah. Yep. That's the first time I ever watched that. And I just sat horrified.



It's awesome. I don't know why it's awesome. But it's just I don't know. Oh, Mickey sudo sorry. Sorry, sir. name wrong, Mickey sudo Women's Champion 2020 Like 48 and a half on dogs this year for me. That's good. She was quite mad. Yeah, but, um



I don't really know why.



Like the competitive eating thing is just like, weirdly fascinating. Like why? What is happening? Like I don't want the scenes just kind of look at it like because I was that way at first I was like, this is really bizarre, but I can't look away. Right? That's kind of how it was. Look, I know a lot of people don't like it. I don't think that sports caster guy went too far. Like, you know shouty and you know mean about it but like, Yo man, it's okay. You don't have to watch it. I don't like baseball. You know I don't do watch baseball. They go done problemsolving haha. What? Like I acknowledge it exists. I just don't watch it. There we go. It's just fascinating, like the way like they talk about it and like, the fact that you have to train to do this, like, it's so strange and interesting at the same time, like, like the but the speed, like the fact that if 10 minutes is the part that is a really like, that turns people off, right? Because a lot of other challenges that people do are like capacity and it's just like, slowly eating an amount of food. Like that's not really that bad. You want to be like the ones that have like, for like a longer time limit like how many of these Can you eat in an hour? like okay, well, you just kind of sit there and you eat the pancakes or can you eat this? You know, like this restaurant challenges from like, Man versus food or whatever. Like, can you eat this giant thing and like 45 minutes, okay, well, you can kind of your pace is different. The fact that they're eating these hotdogs and minutes, like 75 hotdogs in 10 minutes. It's it's the it's so weird. Like, it's just and I think that is definitely that's the part that Susan doesn't like for sure. is just this the pace at which they eat distresses her greatly. Right. She's a very naturally slow eating person anyway. It takes her forever to eat things. Yeah, I think watching Joey test I just like inhale two hot dogs at a time. It's Well, I mean, it is pretty disturbing,



right? Like



it is. It's just but it's also it's also kind of weirdly oppressive in its own right, right, like the part that really gets her is the part where they take the buttons and they dunk them in the water, shoving them out, just like enjoy just to be fair, like red cola or something, doesn't he or Or, like, I guess sometimes it's like



yeah, it's like bright red. And that just adds a whole nother thing to me where I'm like,



face everything yeah cool Yeah, like the weird strategies like the hopping that they do but like to actually like down we're seeing the food down there software esophagus and stomach bounce. And like it's always really fun to watch like the sports science people like do their do the analysis.



Yeah cuz they had I watched a little YouTube clip of it in the head, you know, chess not on there, you know, talking about you know, you know, like in his a stuffed kiss, you know, stretches to the, you know, number size of its, you know, blah blah it's like, oh, man,



I think that was actually on the program a couple years ago because I seem to recall that Yeah, like that.



It just so random and then you know, you know, talk about the different techniques of like the power nibble and All this stuff and that



was the Aussies thing. Right? Deal. test that's current strategy, because it's hot dogs and buns. That's the important part for the Nathan's. Ah, yes. So, what cesta appears to be doing is he takes two hot dogs out and just eat them. And then he takes the buttons separately. And he he does he dunks him in the water, and then just like shove them in his face and eat them separately. Like the soggy buttons. They he gets them wet because you don't have to chew them. Oh, I know, watch. You can just basically swallow them. I know. Right? So it's, but they don't count until the bug and the bug had been eaten. So there's sometimes these weird kind of things happen. I think last year two years ago, they messed up and they counted in way less than he actually did. He had like five more than when they went back and reviewed






privacy. Like, I don't know. Very weird. It's just I know there is just something oddly intriguing about it. Like, I don't generally watch it. I have watched some on YouTube this week, I watched a little bit of other things like people eating others, because there's just like stuff for everything like weird things and like, yeah, those restaurant challenges are the best. Like, can you eat this seven pound burrito? No, absolutely not. No, but I'm gonna see if somebody else can on this video. I'm gonna enjoy watching this. Yeah. So those are separate plea. Interesting, but like, yeah, it's just a weird, like, the competitive eating. The fact that competitive eating is a thing. It's just yet so curious to me. And interesting. I'm definitely not knocking because I do like watching. But it's one of those things where I just like, well, that's thing I didn't I had no idea



oh man well they go challenge next week. No, we could do this on video. Oh no I like it. I like it I'm out okay guys 75 hot dogs no no 10 hours that's the course of a long weekend yeah 10 days I can



Oh man, I think I do like our challenges oh we need that we need a slower okay. Okay now on continue working on a program note for whatever I'm editing the show for Monday. And usually when I'm during the show during the recording, I take a lot of notes and finding links and doing titles and pictures and that kind of stuff. Getting all that collected for whatever reason we recorded on June 18. I did not do any of that. Let me tell you it is so confusing to try and remember what the heck we talked about in episode this. That's the serious one. That was a serious episode. Okay. Okay, that I was listed as one. Yes. Okay. Okay, that's not a lot of links in that one. Okay, serious. That was serious time. Okay, cool. Yeah. I sat down to edit it. And for whatever reason, because sometimes what I'll do is if we say we're going to record on a date, and we don't, I'll leave it blank and I'll write didn't record and then I'll add the links to it above though. When you go back Yeah, when I go back just so I can keep track of this stuff in my brain, but it was blank. I didn't write that like, well, I guess I just forgot to write we didn't record so I I was trying to, I was using all the links and stuff from the next one called emu war. Oh, yeah. Don't use that one. No, it will not fit. No, he sure didn't. Enzo



No. So I started editing and I was like, This is not what anything's going on right now that was our serious episode where we talked about serious serious things well all Yes.



Oh, anyway, that was just the editing side right? was like, I don't know what I'm doing right now. Yeah.



Anyway, well



guys have a good weekend. You as well






talk again soon.



Love you guys



bye bye