armchair quarterbacking battlebots

Come for the weather talk and rock humor. Stay for the Windigo’s and BattleBots. Or something. Brandon shares thoughts on Best in Show. Collin is learning Spanish to speak to dogs.

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dog, people, robot, raining, weird, happening, rock, watch, windigo, weather, good, bit, pet, preliminary rounds, turn, read, terrible, team, add, find


Collin, Brandon

Collin  00:04

Welcome to Oh, brother, a podcast of three brothers. Trying to figure it all out with your hosts, Brandon, Colin and Aaron. On this week's show, armchair quarterbacking. BattleBots Hello.

Brandon  00:19

Oh, boy.

Collin  00:21

Oh boy. I'm here. Yeah. Who's not here is our little AI friend. It's not in the not in the call. I

Brandon  00:29

don't I didn't notice. Oh, dear.

Collin  00:31

I don't know what's going on very. Very little buddy.

Brandon  00:38

Oh, well, because you were late. It was like, nope, allow a

Collin  00:41

suck up. This is probably because I moved it. I probably confused

Brandon  00:45

is true. Because you moved there.

Collin  00:47

I moved that time. Yeah. So it's like, it's angry at me now. No. So sorry. Sorry. Oh. Okay. Well, we'll see if we can find that soon. But you guys get a bunch of storms. Well,

Brandon  01:06

kinda storm. But it wasn't like is, like, you know, the, my weather app seemed to indicate that it was going to be more stormy than it was it just sort of rained and then was like, Oh, here's a bit of thunder for you. Yeah. And then that was it. Okay. So we'll see. There's gonna be some more tomorrow. Question mark. Who knows? So, yeah, it has been raining though. This evening. On this little bit?

Collin  01:45

Yeah. Yeah. We've kept on getting like, Doom is upon you. Get ready for Doom? Is it? Nope. Just kidding. Maybe in about another 40 minutes? No, no. Okay, then another 40? Nope. Just like, for all day, so much so that like, and then tomorrow, it was supposed to be really bad, like, all day long. And then so I actually moved to walks into two appointments with with, with clients. And then now I'm like, oh, no, I could have I could have kept all those actually turns out but yeah, but you know

Brandon  02:18

how the universe works. Right? If you didn't, it would be like hailing

Collin  02:26

event like, Oh, it is on? Yes, exactly. Exactly. So this is like

Brandon  02:31

system thing, like really blew strangely. Right? I don't really know what on earth he was doing. But like it's moved in the odd direction it feels like and so we're kind of like in the middle back end of one currently, and like, raining outside right now. And there's a few storm cells about on this weather map. I see. I'm not real sure in which direction they are moving. Still kind of the north northeast traditional direction here, but it's just kind of like not staying together very well. It's just kind of like blood.

Collin  03:10

Yeah, it really seemed like it came in and it's very scattered across a pretty wide geographic region, which, which is frustrating, because then when you see something that's like, 30% chance, you're like, well, like, yeah, that's trying to remind myself every time I see that, that's, that's not that doesn't mean it's a 30%. Like, it's like, what's what is it? Because it's not like a statistical chance of it raining?

Brandon  03:34

No, it's like, yeah, it's something like within this certain area, there will be like, 30% of it will be raining.

Collin  03:43

Or something like that. Yeah, it's not doesn't make sense.

Brandon  03:47

Yeah, that is an important point, right? Like, a lot of people don't know that. Because if it does say like, 30% chance, it's not like, oh, man, there's a one in three chance it's gonna, right? No, not no, that's not what it sound like. Bizarre, like, yeah, something about like, the area. And like, in this one area, it's going to be like 30% of is going to be right. I don't know. Remember? Exactly. But it is not like statistical probability of rain. Right, which is what it sounds like it is. You know, it sounds like that's what it should be. It isn't.

Collin  04:35

Because meteorologists, you know, they gotta do their own thing. And

Brandon  04:40

they're very confusing. They really do some confusing things.

Collin  04:43

They're wrong enough as it is, I don't think they need more. Statistics. Yeah.

Brandon  04:49

Me mean weather science is very difficult, right? Like, I mean, you think about it like it like 1900 If you ask somebody can you predict the weather they will Say no? Impossible.

Collin  05:02

Yeah. What is it? Like? You like black magic, right? It's what you?

Brandon  05:07

Yeah. This is like, it was really like, honestly, like the 1880s people were like, Ah, I wonder if this is even a thing you can do and everyone's no dummy. You can't do that. It's not possible possible to predict the weather at all. It's apparently completely random, huh? No, but it is extraordinarily difficult. There's like 1000 variables, like, if the temperature is slightly different, if the, you know, all this stuff happens, like, oh, then there'll be more weather or if the winds blowing from this direction, because whatever you're like, yeah. Yeah.


The other thing about the 30%, or whatever, it's not, it has nothing to do with and this is what I think I latch on to. And I have to remind myself No, of like, doesn't have anything to do with intensity of it. It is just percent. It's just channeled through of like, some thing falling from the sky. It doesn't mean that 100% chance. 100% chance does not mean heavier rainfall then a 20% chance like that's, that's the other part of the kind of trips. Yeah, too, right.

Brandon  06:18

That's true. Some Pete. Yeah. Like, see how you could think that. Right? Yeah, just they when they when you do, it's just weird, because normally when you apply percentages, right, it's like, normally in a statistical part, right. But it is more of like a coverage area. You know, like a it's like an area thing. Not a statistical analysis. Anyway. has rained this afternoon. Okay, what about tomorrow? I don't know.

Collin  06:57

So you have had 100% rain today? Yeah, yes.

Brandon  07:01

Yeah. Has it right now is there's 100% probability that it's raining. He read. Ah, because he had to really raining.

Collin  07:12

can't fool me. Like

Brandon  07:15

that is the old school right. It's wet. It's raining. Oh, gosh. Nailed it.

Collin  07:28

It's gone. Right?

Brandon  07:31

Right. Yes. So because because people think that that's funny, right? That was one of the that's this. I feel like that's the thing that was funny. The first time I saw it only you know, like the 500th time I saw that, guys okay. Hahaha I get it stop

Collin  07:52


Brandon  07:54

it's gone ruin like Yeah, haha yeah,

Collin  08:03

there's lots of variations on there. You know, like, if there's white spots on it. Watch out for birds. I've seen that Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, oh, if if you cannot see the rock it is nighttime.

Brandon  08:17

Oh, yes, of course. At which point you couldn't read the sign either. But these are the these are listeners is the level of joke you get at Boy Scout summer camp if you were ever confused about what weird Boy Scout humor is like. That's it. That's kind of the extent of the thing really bad puns and jokes. Funny.

Collin  08:47

I kind of wanted to know how I know when like the history of this thing because it seems rather obscure to have right like that's just a weather rock. Like weather what's the history of the weather rock?

Brandon  09:05

I don't know. That's there

Collin  09:06

somebody do a research project on that.

Brandon  09:08

Well hey, you know whatever I Googled What is the weather rock the first link is a Boy Scout lake just so you're aware the Atlanta Oh, no. Oh no. I've been there says if it's sticky there's Coca Cola on it. That's hashtag not sponsored. Yeah.

Collin  09:37

Our people have done this to the world. Oh, no. Oh, no. Terrible.

Brandon  09:41

Oh, no. Absolutely terrible.

Collin  09:43

Yeah, no, it's definitely the first time you see it. It is especially humorous when it is a i will say i i find the more humorous The larger the rock is. Because especially whenever you get to the last one, the end it is if rock is gone. On right that that's what makes that punch line a lot funnier when it's just massively Volkswagen sighs boulder suspended above the ground you're like oh, right, that's terrible

Brandon  10:14

this also does say that you typically hung from tripod. Right so this is a typical feature of the thing be whether rock Wikipedia page

Collin  10:27

I'll include it and that's that's fine

Brandon  10:34

I'm interesting what

Collin  10:36

other what other interesting facts or if any, are you gleaning from? Well, I was just trying to

Brandon  10:41

figure there's no like I don't really know. Like I was trying to like I was trying to read Oh, yeah, so Oh, here's a big ol list of stuff right? Yeah, here's your watch out for birds. It is nighttime. Rock is wet and swinging violently. There's a hurricane. Rock is missing. You're in a tornado. If rock is underwater, there's a flood of rock is bouncing. There's an earthquake. Oh, if it is icy there is frost so see this? If it's difficult to see it's foggy right this was a hyper specific if the string is cut a Windigo has passed by very specific. Wow. I wonder where that one is?

Collin  11:47

Oh my gosh. Windigo. One of the more terrifying First Nations. Yeah, right. Like, genuinely, genuinely terrifying. Time. Yeah. Yeah. There's things were like okay, that's, you know, Bigfoot. Okay. This has been like a Windigo. Like, oh, my goodness. Like what? What peyote or whatever you've been like cheese. It's just a lot like

Brandon  12:15

yeah, that's kind of terrible. There's it's a great thing. international listeners. Hello, friends. How's it going? You're unaware. The Windigo is a mythological creature from like plains and Great Lakes. Native American folklore. Right. According to its Wikipedia page, it is said to evoke feelings of insatiable greed and hunger and the desire to cannibalize other humans. Wow, isn't that fun? Yes, and these creatures,

Collin  12:51

they're always depicted as well. I think there's there's modern interpretations of them. And then there's more traditional interpretations, but the the modern interpretations have definitely gone for like, Oh, they're terrifying. Like they definitely even the

Brandon  13:05

old ones. Like like, you know, human beast hybrid lots of like deer skull antlers II Yes. vibes right porns something like that. Usually antlers I think yes. So it's kind of insane let's read about the folklore I'm not gonna read all this this is very very long. But there's fine yeah, that's kind of what it's doing is it's just sort of this like monstrous thing that lives in the forest and is not very nice at all they go big scary forest monster with antlers. Yeah, so

Collin  13:55

if you have a little Brierley it'll steal your whether you know for what reasons don't ask right I think that's really what it comes down to is if you don't pursue if the rock has gone through

Brandon  14:06

maybe they're also tired of the joke like I know.

Collin  14:09

I know a blast. Okay. The past but I'm out here myself. This is not fun in the woods. In the woods. I know these things. I know these things. I don't have with a rock. I

Brandon  14:19

have a brother. Forest. Come on, Sally. Yes. Go there's some No, no, no, no. Sorry.

Collin  14:35

I was trying to help a gentleman in one of our service areas that we service a couple of assisted and independent living facilities for people who have pets and have trouble caring for them will come over and take care of their pets to take them on walks actually a fed that was leaving this bliss place and this one was particularly focused on Alzheimer's dementia patients and I am I was leaving, it was late at night. And there was a gentleman just sitting in the hallway. And he was like waving down calling for help. And I was like, okay, like, I'll come, help. And I ran up to him. And he was like, I can't get my door open. And I was like, oh, gosh, like, yeah, let me see if I can get it for you. And he's like, No, the keys inside. And I was like, well, that's okay. So I tried to jiggle the door. And like, yeah, let me go see if I can find somebody that you would think in an assisted living facility, there would be like, assistance, you know, like, around, I could not find anybody. And it's also one of those places where it's rather large and a labyrinth of place, such that every corner looks exactly like the previous quarter. And after a little while, I did start to have a mild panic attack that I would never find my way out. I was just like, going at quarter after quarter. I couldn't, I couldn't find my way out. But I did find in the Windigo was there and it was coming Chasing Lights for shutting off as I was running through a window or

Brandon  15:58

a minotaur. natural habitat is a labyrinth. But

Collin  16:03

as everyone knows, that's as being chased by neither of those back to the gentleman. He had found his way. He got it open his door somehow. And he was in a wheelchair. It was like, okay, as it isn't Oh, but I can't turn on my TV. And I was like, Oh, okay. Let me just turn it on for you. And he's like, Yeah, I tried the top button. I said, Well, let me let me see. And I pushed the top button. And it immediately pops on. And then I realized, right, I'm in an assisted living facility with people who have dementia and Alzheimer's. I don't think this gentleman understood what was going on in his environment. And I think he was just lost and confused. And so I turned it on. And I turn and standing in the doorway is the nurse that I was looking for, and she was looking at me it was like, she said, Can I help you?


Please? And I said, right. I was walking a patient's dog. And I was leaving. And he i Who? This? Yeah, it was just turn on his TV. Here's the remote. Why? Like, sir, sorry, like you didn't mean to be here, I'll see myself out.

Brandon  17:13

No, moral of the story is kind of awkward situation to be like, Oh, you like you want to be helpful, but also you're like, I don't, I'm not equipped to be very helpful. Currently, right? Like, I don't really know, best hopefulness thing to do.

Collin  17:31

Like, how involved do I get? Like, I then I was like, yeah, like, I, like, don't think if that happens again, I'm not going into somebody else's room like that. Just because I also know that people with Alzheimer's and dementia, they, they get taken advantage of a lot. Like they really do. And so that I don't like it just optically. I was like, oh, gosh, like, this looks really like ah, so I had to actually emailed the director of the complex and was just like, hey, you know, I explained everything. And she was like, oh, that's fine. Thank you for helping out the people. But I was just like, oh, geez, like, I was like, one of the situations where you find yourself and you're like, Ha, I shouldn't. Okay, this will be put on my never to list. And hopefully, there'll be a more helpful sign to help me figure this out. But I was just like, where, where was the assistants? Like, why, like going down the hallways like going over to every nurse nursing station and there was, it was sans nurse. It was not it was an anti nursing station because they were nowhere to be found. problematic. And then I was like, Okay, well, then then when I start to just go can maybe they're in like other people's rooms, like doing a nightly round or something. But then like, what, what am I going to do? Like go door to door and listen, like that's even more creepy. That's probably what they were

Brandon  18:49

doing. They were just like, all the places that you were not like, oh, no,

Collin  18:54

yes. Which, which is fine. And then I was just going to go back and wait with him because he said he had called or something like that. So I was like, I'll just wait with you until help arrives. But anyway, that went downhill so don't don't do that folks.

Brandon  19:16

Tricky, tricky situation, though. Because you want like I said, you want to be helpful, but like, not really sure how to be the most helpful and you don't want to be like, no, sorry, run away, like you know.

Collin  19:32

Right? Don't be that guy.

Brandon  19:37

So, yeah, all right. Good times. Less stuff happens. Yes, yeah, sure. We

Collin  19:45

were also taking care of a dog whose name is whose name is Frida and nice I chuck every time I have to call free to over or tell free to just stop jumping out up on me and to get down and to convince me to do go use the bathroom and it's just like, oh, this is this is funny

Brandon  20:12

but Oh her,

Collin  20:13

her owner. Okay, so this, this is kind of cool. This is something that I spent a lot of time, not a lot of time, but I think about quite a bit of how to make my services more accessible to more people. As far as I know, there's a lot of other things that we can do intentionally to do that, as far as how do i service different communities of people, you know, Spanish speaking individuals, or Ukrainian speaking individuals or whatever, you know, sort of, in that context, and it's just, it's hard to have the staff and things like that, but this, this client is making me especially think about this because she, she

Brandon  20:57

speaks Spanish

Collin  20:58

beautifully and English in a broken manner. And during the mean, greet, it was one of those going, okay, like, all the staff are going to have to learn some, some Spanish commands for the dogs because that's all they know. So like saying, saying sit? doesn't, doesn't work? Like you can't can't tell the dog? Because that's not such a thing that dog knows. That

Brandon  21:26

is, you know, I didn't ever think about that, but that is definitely true. You know, like ever. Hmm. Interesting. Yeah.

Collin  21:43

And that, like, the big one for this as it's a big frita is a big Rottweiler. And she's just this big love puppy, but she loves to, to jump up on you. And so we have to learn we have to yell a bay hoe for down. I'm saying that right. But that's, that's not my, my first inclination. And so I'm sitting there going down, down. Oh, right. That's okay. Yes, a Baa Baa Baa Baa, abba, abba, abba, about Eve. See, and it's like I so I've been having to do like, going to Google Translate and making sure that I'm not saying these words and saying them appropriately and speaking to the dogs in a way that they understand. So that we can we can work with them. And so that was, that's a learning experience for me and everybody as well going here, all the dogs come in, they're very well trained. But you have to say them, not how you would want to right now how your, your first inclination to do this. And that's, that's hard. That's really, that's different to be in that mindset of, okay, like, I am going to have to be active in this, but I have to be active in a different way. And I think it's really, I think it's really good and healthy to do that. And to, it's very challenging, and that aspect of, well, I know how to work with dogs. I know how to do this. I know the dog knows, but there's a literal language barrier. And more more than just me speaking to the dog. Like I have to speak to the dog and the language that is understands.

Brandon  23:15

Yes. That's pretty new and exciting development, right? Random dog commands in Spanish. And I had heard


that before, of like, people getting rescued dogs, and realizing like, learning more about the history of the dog and they had this unruly like, I've heard of those stories before. But this is really after 11 years of doing this is the first time that we've just in personally have encountered working with a dog like that. And so I think it's it's been very interesting. A lot of fun.

Brandon  23:50

Cool. Yeah. Like I'm interesting. Your new your next other podcasts title like, oh, no, my dog speaks French, like what? What's the deal with multilingual dogs? Oh, no.

Collin  24:08

Right. Like this is I think it's very it's just something that again, going right like this is I need to be consciously aware of this.

Brandon  24:18

And in that, doing that,

Collin  24:21

I think that this experience is now something that I think we can I know I can personally build on and, and discuss with people as they come to us or have that have that need there. Because I know like

Brandon  24:35

there's a car lot here

Collin  24:37

in town, and they hire one of one of our clients actually works there. And he was hired to be the the Spanish translator for customers to come in. He's a car salesman and he sells cars. But one of his he was hired specifically to be a translator in that context. And it was like, wow, like that. I would love to be able to provide something like that for, for us internally like to have that ability to act and interact and be be connected with. Because I think that that would just be very, very beneficial for for, for more people. So it just, I think that I think about it like, okay now how do I, I need to hire somebody who's you know who's seals, who is multilingual, who can help me and put things out and talk and do all that stuff as well. Because that's not something that I, I personally, am involved in or do really just, you know, honestly, on a daily basis.

Brandon  25:39

Yeah, it's definitely tricky. And that's the fun I deal with a lot with, like teaching, right? Because I've had students before they like, here's a new student. No English, none, right? cetera. Okay. And so we've had some very, some challenges in the past, right. But I've had, I've had two girls that were like that, right? They were like, hello, like, is it no English whatsoever, and we were able to do some really good stuff with them, you know, they were very patient with me, right? They were very kind with my terrible Spanish pronunciation. And we were able to engage and find, like, resources for them and, like, translate a lot of material. Like, you know, I'd always just apologize. Like, I know, it might be weird. Okay, I know, it's not 100%. Right. But, like, go for it. Right? We're gonna. Yeah. And then just the other side of that is like, making them comfortable and saying, like, you know, making sure they understand like, Look, do all of your work in Spanish, I don't care. I can read it. Fine. And whatever. I can't read all translate. It's, it's all translated the way I did it. Okay. You just give me it in the way that you can. That's all they want. Boom. Done. Like, after you get over that hurdle. Like just knowing like, I don't care. What language you give this to me and bike and make it work?

Collin  27:21

Well, yeah, going like I will. I know. Basically, I will put in the work to keep this moving forward. Right. I will tell you where you are. And I will do heavy lifting here. Not that not that there isn't some requirement on both parties. But going like no, like, I'm the one asking a lot. So the onus was on me to do, like I said, like, the heavy lifting and helping out more in this situation?

Brandon  27:48

Yeah. So it is definitely a challenge. Because you're often confronted with like, I don't know, what's happening here. Right? Like, I don't know how to help you. Because, yeah, I can only understand a few of the words that you're telling me. So like, usually also, like I have, luckily, like, I've had enough other children in my class that we can like, they also speak Spanish, right? And we can do some live translating that way I can ask, you know, you can, they can help me a little bit to do that. But it's not always easy, either. Because, like, a lot of the academic words are like, I don't know what this means. Because it's not a word that they would ever use ever, ever. Right. So like, you know, when are you going to use the Spanish word for Minoans? 0% of your life, right. That's what, that's when. Yeah. But, you know, it's there in the So, whatever, like,


well, and with that, too, especially with things like science and history, and there are a lot of very a lot of technical jargon, which I could imagine is even more complicated to translate it and

Brandon  29:16

yeah, right. Like, because my food metaphors break down whenever there's a language barrier, and it's like, Oh, no. Because a lot of times, we like break these things down. And we like put them in real life situations that like everybody has seen before, right? Like today we were talking about like albedo, ooh, right. Like, like, you know what it's like to step on the side of the road in the summer with your shoe on. Right. You know that that's an unpleasant feeling, because it's really hot. Like, I'll just run across the parking lot to the pool. Nope, I won't. I won't do that because my feet are gonna melt off right. So like Those conversations can't happen if the other person doesn't know what the words are saying mean, so like, it does add some very difficult layers to that, like, makes things very tricky. You know? They did very good in my class, they were both very like, like, another way of looking for it, like very motivated, right? They were motivated as well. So like, that was very like, okay, okay, let's go because they were like, ready to go. So like, Alright, let's go. Let's do.

Collin  30:44

Yeah, that definitely, definitely helps to have that. Both both parties

Brandon  30:49

pushing forward. Yes, yeah. Oh, oh, I'm gonna backtrack slightly. Oh, two dog things. Oh, sorry. I want your opinion on something right, that I encountered the other day. And after it happened. Both Susan and I were just like, What? No. So, so we're out, going for our after school stroll about the neighborhood. And the end of our stroll. There's like this random like, old path that goes through the woods. And that's where we go, we go there. Turn around, come back. That's like the end. Because there's like deer and like, all kinds of crazy. Like, there's a skunk over there. Whatever. Ready to goes. When it goes not having no luckily not seeing any Windigo stuff to say see you you know. Yeah, you're not. You see

Collin  31:42

them right? Lurking

Brandon  31:46

even though they are sometimes as tall as a tree,

Collin  31:49

sometimes raises right tree or Windigo. Who knows?

Brandon  31:53

Yeah, who knows? Squirrels though, everywhere. Anyway, we've gone through there. We came back through the thing. And this like mahoosive, German Shepherd, Puppy thing was like bounding through the yard. Right. And so we were kind of like that, because we didn't see him. So he like rounded the corner. Here he was, but he was like, playing or he was like jumping around and like frolicking. Right? And you know, we're like, Oh, he's so cute. Ah, what's his name? Yeah, I don't, I don't use his name for you know, training purposes. I was like, What? What? What is that? What does that mean? Well, either my neighbor is breeding some sort of dog that only speaks German. And then some sort of like crazy attack dog. Right? Or don't use your Wi Fi. Right. But I don't know. That's what he said to us. He was out there like, oh, what's his name? And he was like, Yeah, I don't use his name for training purposes. And we both were just like, k by pointer hot know what to do with that information? At all.

Collin  33:20

It makes no sense at all. Unless he's trying to, unless he's trying to use other techniques to get the dogs

Brandon  33:30

like, attention. Maybe, right, like, I guess because, like, I that.

Collin  33:44

What I know, like, yeah,

Brandon  33:47

right. But okay, so I would buy that except for if he's doing that he's doing it wrong. Because he was like, out there. And he wanted the dog to come back to him. And he just kept being like, hey, get over here. Right? He didn't like there was no like, command. You know, like, when you do that, whenever you do that kind of thing. You say that there's like some sort of like, a word. Uh huh. Right. And whatever that word is. That's what the dog is supposed to do. Right like to come? Sit. Right? Or like, the German equivalent if you're a crazy escape person who needs an attack German Shepherd in your house? I don't know. Like, he wasn't doing that. He was like just saying sentences at the dog which is not so helpful. That's not how you do that. So I was just like, quiet. Yeah, is this idea.

Collin  34:48

I know people who will go like Kobe said Kobe said Kobe said Kobe said Kobe. Kobe said Kobe said Yeah, instead of like, instead of just saying the command, but that's very Different because if you do have a dog that is distracted, like you do say, the dog's name to get its attention, and then you give a clear command,

Brandon  35:08

which you don't, then you don't repeat that, then you just repeat the command

Collin  35:12

guess once you have the attention set,

Brandon  35:15

and you work through that, right? But yeah, I don't use my dog's name, huh?

Collin  35:25

No, uh, you're supposed to use the dog's name for like bonding and like positive things. And,

Brandon  35:31

like, there's a very, there's like,

Collin  35:34

okay, no, that's, that's very disturbing. This is what I thought. Right? And so I was like, I was just very

Brandon  35:39

perplexed. Right? I didn't understand what was happening. Right? My mind was going through all of the things that I know about dog training, which, to be fair, not a long list, right? But still a list more than two things on this. And I was just like, that doesn't really compute with what's going on here. I don't, because if he would have been saying, like, he'll, you know, something? Like, he didn't say any of those things. Yeah, he was just saying, like, Alright, get her get over here. Come back for that. But that like, you know, like, just very confusing.

Collin  36:27

Maybe, and then I'm like, okay, maybe the maybe the dog was named by somebody else. And the dog's name is like, bit. And he wants to, he doesn't want to say bit because it sounds like sit or something like that. Like there's a name The name sounds like a common command.

Brandon  36:45

Or maybe he was changing the dog's name. I don't know. stopped it. But I don't think you would stopped up. Pretty full blooded looking German Shepherd. That doesn't really seem like a thing. That would just happen. Well, I

Collin  36:56

mean, you'd be surprised. It's possible. I

Brandon  36:58

mean, until we got Chuck, you know, he was in a shelter like that. But yeah, it's like a puppy. It's like a German Shepherd puppy. So that doesn't seem right. Yeah. I'm confused. And I wanted you to know this. I just was like, I was having like two weeks ago. And Susan keys you like you got to tell Collin about this. I like oh, yeah, I keep forgetting.

Collin  37:25

I too, am confused. It doesn't make sense.

Brandon  37:30

At all. Right? Like, I don't.

Collin  37:35

Yeah, I just don't see how

Brandon  37:39

I just don't I just don't see how that's been official. And as made even like, I was even thinking like about how police dogs work. Right. But even police dogs, they respond to their name, and their commands. And then they get their treat, because they did their thing. Right? If they like sniffing a thing, you're like, Hey, come here, you know, hunt, and then they do thing. And they're like, good boy. Whatever. Yeah. Right. Like, that's, that's even how like police dogs work. Right? Like, I don't, the only dogs that don't work like that are like attack dogs. Right? Like

Collin  38:19

that's, that's what's scary about that of going? Yeah, are you? What's the purpose of this dog at this point? Because that doesn't seem like it's very, um,

Brandon  38:29

yeah. Right. Like, because like those dogs like you see the thing on the either those videos where they're like, they're in the suit and the dog like, brings them down or whatever. Those dogs? Yeah, those different team dogs. They don't say their name. They're right, again, I've only ever those video clips are only like ever 30 seconds long. So not sure. But I was just very perplexed by by the medium, which worst case scenario of like, oh my gosh, this guy thinks he needs an attack dog.

Collin  39:08

Unfortunately, I don't

Brandon  39:09

know if that's true. But like,

Collin  39:11

well, he see there's that big difference. We've talked about this before those people who go Yeah, I got a I got a defense dog versus like an actual trainer who knows what they're doing in those things. When really, it's like, like, oh, yeah, I have a defense dog. And that's just code for they're very broken. And I'm finally like, that's versus somebody because we have a guy reach out to us and he actually runs a very reputable training company. Yeah, that's

Brandon  39:36

why we talked about this. Right? You mentioned that that's Yeah. Yeah.

Collin  39:39

And it was like, Oh, like that was that was not something we wanted to take on for Yeah, obvious reasons. insurance reasons. Well, that was actually that was another aspect of it too, because it turns out, our insurance has limitations on what they define what a pet is. Um, Have I talked to you

Brandon  40:00

about this? Right? Oh, but I imagine if you have one of those one of those crazy dogs that are like real popular right now there's like, Connie Corso things, whatever cane Corsos. Yeah, they're just like, they're just for face eating. Like I don't think one of those probably doesn't qualify as a pet


cane courses we have I have steered clear to these. We had one lady who reached out who she had five of these, and three of them were her home protection dogs. And I was like, they are just like battle tanks, right? Yep.

Brandon  40:36

Like pitbulls are vicious. These dogs are insane. Like yes,

Collin  40:45

they're not. Yeah, they're hunting. They were used for hunting and herding cows like that's, that's anyway, they're very weird dogs and dogs are used for herding cows. They were they were historic historically. I don't know. I just

Brandon  41:01

say like, that's really, it's really odd to me that Cane Corso and Corgi. Both can herd cows, right? It's very weird. What a objective position that is.

Collin  41:19

Very what, you know, might as well. Got it, is it? But yeah, there is for hunting loads came in. This lady wanted us to come and do visits. And I was like, no, no, that's not something that we can take on. And then this guy reached out to us with his German Shepherds. And he he actively trains protection, and he does competitions with these kind of dogs. And here's the thing. If the pet in any way, shape, or form up brings some sort of income to the owner, we cannot care for it. And here's why. Because because it's not a pet that it's working. It's a working thing. And if you think an injury claim to a pet is a lot of money. Now just imagine if you get slapped with a loss of income lawsuit. Yeah, where they go look, you maimed my show dog. And I was winning. You know, these first place blue ribbons or whatever, at 20 grand a pop, and I was making $80,000 a year. So you're going to your I'm going to sue you to replace my next 10 years of income because that's how long I expected the stock to live. And when for me. People don't like insurance companies don't want to get involved with

Brandon  42:32

getting rolled out either. So

Collin  42:36

yeah, we have to be we have to it was a new question that we had to ask like,

Brandon  42:39

oh, k, right.

Collin  42:43

Do what do you do with your dog? You don't like anything? So as soon as we do, like, if we if they start hearing like traveling for shows or like trophies, it's like, oh, it's I'm very sorry. But like we

Brandon  42:55

can't Yeah, when you walk into the house and see like, it looks like it's from Best in Show. Like, Oh, no. Yeah. Avoid.

Collin  43:10

Mostly Well, usually I get really suspicious when there are only two left shoes door. That's what I know that will

Brandon  43:15

tend to make a person who quite suspicious that is quite as fair.

Collin  43:21

Oh, I love that movie so much. I it's just it's one of those that

Brandon  43:29

I don't I I mean, how

Collin  43:31

would you describe the humor of destin show?

Brandon  43:33

It's the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen in my life. Right? Like, it's just it's very quickly. Right? And I guess that's what you get when you have a movie that has no script, right? It's just a lot of like, it's very quick quippy. Like dry, strange character humor, right? Because most of the humor just comes from like, the way that the characters behave. Yeah, they're so strange. Right? And they do such weird things. But it all still somehow make sense for the characters in the movie. So I think like, I think that's, I think that's the other part of where the humor comes from. It's like, just the way that the characters act.

Collin  44:21

Weird stuff they do. Well, and everything is played just so dry. So straight,

Brandon  44:33

right, because it was supposed to be a documentary. Yes.

Collin  44:36

That's part of going oh, it's

Brandon  44:38

just so like,

Collin  44:41

Well, it'd be in because it's everything is dialed up. I


don't know, like just like three clicks on the wheel of like, kind of Absurdism to the point where it's still believable that humans like this would exist, but they're not so kooky or so crazy, that it's mocking but it's just like, oh, Okay, here's here's this kind of person just dialed up bounced out,

Brandon  45:05

right? Like we're, we're approaching caricature territory.

Collin  45:11

Yeah, yeah.

Brandon  45:12

It would be right. I think that's a good way to describe it as a caricature of humor. But the video is so weird. But it's definitely me. We were the first time I watched it. I was like, what? Did I just witness? What tech? Well, and then the second time you're like, Okay, I think I get it now. Yeah, well, I think I think

Collin  45:43

part of the part of it is because of the cast that they have of just like, just knock out stars and Eugene Levy, Fred Willard. Jennifer, what is that Coolidge? Yeah, apparently, one thing I learned about the show is that everyone was just given very loose things to say. And so this this, I think one of the reasons why I like this so much, is because of the character strengths that were brought in, and the actors and actresses is that it's, um, they improvised a lot of these things. And so

Brandon  46:18

almost all of it. Yeah, so almost like the whole thing. Right? It's just like, that's, that's what it's like most, here's where it's just, it's just like the whole thing. It's just like, a big giant improv scene. Yes, like more. And they somehow managed to make it make a modicum of sense. And we know how they did that.

Collin  46:41

I think that's because they did such because each person is a did such a great job of understanding like their character,

Brandon  46:48

right? Yeah, I think they like made the character so strong. And then they just sort of like go from there. And then that's just how they do.

Collin  46:59

Yeah, they got, well, if I were this character, this is how they would respond, or here's their history. So here's the kind of things that would they would say, but because it just, it's, it's a laugh every time that I've seen it, and I've I've seen it a few times.

Brandon  47:14

So it just, it's really,

Collin  47:15

yeah, I strongly encourage that link. Again,

Brandon  47:19

like the shout outs. For sure. Okay, so this says, the greater part of the film was improvised by the actors with little to no planning 60 hours of footage were filmed. They just sort of like cut it from there.

Collin  47:36

So that, that, that could be another reason why definitely has that mockumentary style. And I know films always shoot a lot more. But for what's on screen here, like 60 hours is a half an hour and a half to cut 60 hours down to an hour and a half. Like that seems a

Brandon  47:59

bit excessive. It's like, well, you know, and they're gonna be doing like multiple takes, because they, like, you know, a lot of Wait, wait, no, no, I'm gonna try this instead. But right, you know, that's kind of how you do that. And then you sort of like, I guess, just pick the best stuff as it makes it flow at the end a little bit. Right.

Collin  48:18

Right. Well, yeah, then you have a lot to pick from for the story of, you know, I'm sure the thing about the left feet, they're like, Okay, like, that's like, that's hilarious. Like we hit on that finally. So remember that? Yeah, we're talking that like, hi, that in here or

Brandon  48:32

whatever. Like, it's just it feels

Collin  48:37

definitely like, there's a lot lot going on here in this

Brandon  48:41

sphere. And I have since read a very long time, but I'm still looking at these pictures and like, Oh, yeah.

Collin  48:49

I mean, I I don't know how it's worth. Speaking of things that pop into your head where you have to really just can't not continue having that thought. With the kids school, we do a lot of name all like, let's find words that rhyme with such and such. Oh, yeah. And they'll go Oh, I know all those those are blah, blah. And then using those contexts are like let's list the varieties of this are the kinds of I in my head ago used to be I'd name ever kind of nut, walnut. Macadamia like it just is that is there like in my brain when people start listing lots of things like that just starts playing in the background while they're talking simultaneously and I try to stop

Brandon  49:39

that well, because that's yeah, that's your it's always that or the you know what they pick back from the baba from Forrest Gump. Shrimp tirade, right? Like I think it's even funnier that you know, that it's a joke that's referencing something else right? Because

Collin  50:03

yeah, there's Oh, there are layers to the layer. Yeah. This is

Brandon  50:12

Oh, that's that's good. Right. Good. Yes. So close it out. I just want to highlight right here. This weird. So, recently This is an installment of Brandon watching Weird things on Paul. Okay. Everyone's favorite segment. Right? I have been actually watching with like consistency this year, something that I like sort of I will oscillate between casually watching it every once in a while to completely forgetting that it exists on this planet. And that is of course, the weird, weird world. That is BattleBots. Right? Oh, okay. Yes. Introduction makes a lot more sense now, doesn't it? Yes, yes. This actually been sort of following it on TV this year. Partially because there's nothing it's the only thing on on Thursdays, just staying mildly interesting to watch other than like, reruns of like law and order, which are always good.

Collin  51:32

Never read one.

Brandon  51:35

But when you've seen all of them, it's like, but I've been watching that this year. And it's just, it's a weird. I'm like, simultaneously, kind of intrigued by how it all works. And also like, What in the world is happening? Right, like, because I think that the thing that gets me, right, is the like, pageantry element of the whole deal. Like make it television II, right? There are definitely different categories of teams, right, you can tell by how they're dressed. Because there's definitely these, like, the way that they dress themselves for the competition is very interesting, right? They're very focused on this verse, the fashion of BattleBots, right? So you have, you have like, the sporty look, and ones where they are wearing like, it looks like a jersey. Right? And it has like, the name of their robot and like weird stuff on it. So they have this like, very, like eSports kind of look. Right? And then you have like, what's I'm going to refer to as like, engineer asked, right, where they're either just wearing a t shirt that has like, some stuff on it that's vaguely resembling their robot or like a polo shirt. And that's just what they were, there's like whatever. But there are other people who like, take the robot, and whatever the robots name is, and then they build their entire persona from that. Right, so today, there was one that was called, it's called like blackjack or something. But like everybody was wearing like, over the top Vegas like sequined vests, and like, top pass. Oh, interest, right? Or like, even some of them are like baleen more like this, like weird like steampunk, just like a lot of like leather jackets and like goggles. Right? Or like the others another team that just, they just look like bikers like I don't know. That's kind of weird, but whatever. Like they just there's always just like, because it's like a show. It's like John Rama and it's very like gladiatorial arena II, right? They all like come out. Costumes as a presentation. Dang, you're like well, did you you're like this


is weird. Do you remember? Do you remember the where Battle Bots originally aired in the US? Under what were your Yeah, well, okay, so.

Collin  54:22

So here's my loose connection to battle bots. I have a hard time remembering whether we used to watch Robot Wars or BattleBots on a satellite. Yeah, because Robot Wars was the Robot Wars was the original one but Battle Bots was the spin off for us. But do you remember the original the original station that carried this

Brandon  54:44

now? Comedy Central? That's right. Okay. Yeah, there's like a random bit but now it's not currently on the Discovery Channel

Collin  54:53

where, where, where most people would assume it is but it was purchased in aired on a Comedy Central, which through which a lot of that flavor sounds like it still exists. Because I remember like,

Brandon  55:07

well, the old one was just like, hey, here you go.

Collin  55:14

They didn't quite have the pageantry. I think that's

Brandon  55:18

sort of ramped up in the in the recent times, but like, yeah, it maybe that is right. Maybe that's where? Yeah, so then this part is always confusing me, right. They have like, a ring announcer he like does the announcing. Crowd is chanting something. Probably because there's a sign that says chant this right. I would imagine I've seen the way this works, right. I don't think the scrolling has this. Many people are not spontaneously cheering. The name of this robot? Like I don't see that happening. Right. I inlet maybe, as just a Filthy Casual, right. I don't know that certain teams have a very diehard fan base. Like it's not like Liverpool, right. I don't know. Like, this doesn't make sense to me, actually. But maybe it does. I don't know. But yes, this is what I've been mildly obsessed with recently. It's very strange. I don't know why. Because it's not really the type of thing that I just like, would normally watch all the time, because it's not a show about them building the robot, which definitely sounds like something that I would much rather Yeah, kind of

Collin  56:37

more behind the scenes or more technical aspects of like how that is because I've always been fascinated by the mechanisms that how they work. Like, I really would love to know, the internal, like, how do you how you test these kinds of things? Like how do you?

Brandon  56:51

Yeah, like, it just shows some of that stuff, because they have like a, they test them in like a smaller version of that. What they call the, quote, battle box, which I bet hurts me to say that out loud. But they have like a mini version of that with like, really thick, like plastic, like bulletproof plastic, right? to, like, turn everything on and sort of whiz it around to make sure things aren't flying off. Right, because I also definitely did not realize how heavy these things were. Right? It's like the billet I guess. One of the requirements is that they weigh not more than 250 pounds. Yeah. That's a lot. It is a lot. Right. And I think the reason I didn't really think they weigh that much Oh, is when they go like, flying through the air. They look like they're winging it. Yeah, exactly. So that tells you how much torque are in those like rotating weapons or how much like hydraulic pressures in those like flippy things? Yeah, when they just like go careening through the air, like slam into the wall is hey, 250 pounds. Whoa, yeah. Terrifying.

Collin  58:22

There's nothing like I had would have expected.

Brandon  58:25

Yeah. So the more you watch it, the more you pick up on these subtle cues that like this is an extraordinarily dangerous event that I'm watching. because there'll be like, they'll just casually say the word like 40 pound rotating drum and you go excuse you. What, what did you just say? Uh huh. Right, or like 20 pound, like spinning blade, like? What? That? Like, I'm no physicist. But I know that if that blade is spinning with any type of velocity, terrible things are going to.

Collin  59:04

Yeah, that's just, that's the other thing. I've just again, I have not watched the show since 2000. And let's say four or five haven't

Brandon  59:12

either, right. So occasionally, like everyone thought it would be on and I would watch it like once and then never again, and then forget it existed. Every time I hear the word BattleBots. All I ever think about is Grant Imahara. Right? Yes, of course. Like I think about him for Mythbusters. Yes. And then I just forget about it and go along my merry way. But this year, I've actually been sort of watching the tournament

Collin  59:38

is Yeah, it is. Okay. It's very it's been very strange. Well, but I was just saying that I even you know, thinking back to the the original ones just how almost out of control some of them felt then. Yeah, so I don't know if they if you still have you know, if they still have that kind of feeling?

Brandon  1:00:01

There are a few, right? Because they because of this, I guess some of them feel that way, I think because this is a tournament and like they, you know, from week to week are not 100% fixed. And

Collin  1:00:20

right point, yeah,

Brandon  1:00:21

they're kind of like, what I did, I watched, they had something on the other day, and it was like, some sort of like, the best of BattleBots type situation. And it was like showing, like, a lot of like, the older matches as well, like this, like, this was a great moment in time or something. I don't know what they called it, but like, it was like some of the older and the older robots, they just look like cruder. And like, even more scary, because it's, you know, kind of like, is this thing going to stay together? I don't know what's happening. Right. There's like a level of unpolished pneus with some of those older ones, like when you see the footage now, you're like, Oh, okay. I got it. And then there's some of them are like that one looks the same. Like, I don't know what's going, oh, there's a few. There's only so many designs, right, that work in this particular scenario, right? That work effectively, I guess, you can do lots of other crazy things, you know, because they always bring it up. Like, this is a very uncommon feature, right? They do something weird, like, pushing the boundaries or whatever. But it's been just very interesting to watch, like, how this actual tournament functions and how it works. I guess they do like a, you have four matches. Right? And based on the results of those four matches, they build the bracket from that. Right. So it's like, right now it's like the preliminary rounds? I guess. I see. Yeah. So they're doing these, like everybody does four matches. And like, they're all kind of staggered, weirdly. So like, this person's had three matches already, this person's going to have a second match today, you know what I mean? Like, they're not just how it works. They can like rotate, rotate through and stuff. But they do that. So you have these big preliminary rounds. And then all the people with the best records from the prelims make the championship tournament, I think, Oh, this is just what I've pieced together from the commentary is not always helpful right there. So this is why. Again, because I sometimes forget to battlbox is even a thing. Sometimes they will say words, and just like what? None of that computes. I have no idea what you're talking about. Fair enough. That's yeah, this is uh this is my currently, like, this is my weird obsession for right now. I don't know why. I just like gladiator robots is insane. I don't know. Tournaments are interesting in general, right. But like, I think it's partially the engineering curiosity of like, how does this work? Because you sit there for a while, right? You watch one and you're like, That's wild. Blah, blah. And then after you watch several, your brain starts going, well, those weapons don't match up at all how? Right and you start filling in these gaps. You're like, wait a minute, how's even in a hidden? This is a terrible matchup for this guy, right? I don't know what they're gonna do. It's like, oh, really, they made this modification this week to deal with this opponent, and you're sitting on the couch like, oh, yeah, that's a really great idea. Right? Think about that. Like, I

Collin  1:04:17

don't know why they didn't think of that before. armchair quarterback battle bots,

Brandon  1:04:23

that's really right. You know, what to do? Like? That's what I didn't know that you could do that. I didn't know that you could modify your robot this like. I mean, it makes sense. I didn't know it was in the rules. I guess that depending on your opponent, you can like, swap out different features of your robot. Well, that I never would have thought that I didn't know that was a rule. No, sorry. This time it was like here's your robot go. But it makes sense that you could do that right? Like, oh, I know. This is the my next thing. So I'm going to add x y I Orsi to my robot death robot here to obviously make the matchup more

Collin  1:05:05

favorable. That's a good well, I guess that that makes, that means that you have to what you have to be more

Brandon  1:05:18

you have to pick a good platform,

Collin  1:05:20

right of going, Okay, I have to have something that is more adaptable to certain things. Right. Like that's, there's there's a lot more strategy, I guess there's there's more strategy and that you have to

Brandon  1:05:35

take into account. Yeah, about I need to add this. And if there is a very strict weight limit, then that means you might have to take something else off somewhere, like, close to the thing because a lot of things they talked about as they add, like if they're if they're going against one of those, like flippy robots, you know, that like, launches you in the air, they try to put like, some kind of like, skirt thing, or like some sort of like fork that makes the front end lower, so that they can't get under as easily. Right? Or like, they add extra something somewhere else if it's gonna be like a smashy robot right there, like put something on the top so it doesn't get crunched. Like. Does that make sense? I didn't know. That was a thing you do. But apparently it is. So I've been watching this and Susan's been sitting there going. What? Why are you doing?

Collin  1:06:39

This is this is actually quite interesting, because our local high school has a robotics team who just had a local competition

Brandon  1:06:50

of a battle bot. SK Yeah, go.

Collin  1:06:54

And one of my staff members had taken her young son to go watch the competition, and was talking about how they, you know, it's not in my mind now. Like, it's obviously not to the level of BattleBots on the TV, but it still knows I'm spirit of having a team to put together this thing and build it and using different components. And the another thing I remember from the from the television show is the you know fixing damage, or do you send them back out still damaged? Or how do you handle that quickly, you know, bringing them back in for repairs and all that stuff, too. So it's a there's, there's a lot going on of even if you think you have about a BattleBots set, I guess you've got to make not just constant modifications for the opponent, but also like as things happen, or as things stop working, like how do you then yesterday like

Brandon  1:07:49

I won, but I burned out my drive motors, so I kind of fix that real quick.

Collin  1:07:56

Yeah. You You're so you're enjoying it. It's something that you eat. Yeah.

Brandon  1:08:04

Yes, I again, I can't really quite put my finger on. Why, but this is what I've been watching recently. Okay, on Thursday nights on the Discovery Channel, hashtag not sponsored. But maybe, okay.

Collin  1:08:26

I gonna have to now go again, I have not watched anything more modern than like 2006. So sounds like I need to go find some clips and start I

Brandon  1:08:35

think yeah, find some highlight clips, too. Oh, can

Collin  1:08:37

I get a bag and they have got to have like Team swag that you can get?

Brandon  1:08:44

I imagine. Probably can Hey, I don't know where but you probably can do that. Because they at least made the shirts for themselves. So I would imagine that you could if you had a favorite battling robot that YouTube could have something okay, not sure. I have to investigate that a little bit further. But yeah, let's see together our team what would we Oh man. Yeah. Hey, Dad.

Collin  1:09:25

Weld something. Don't ask questions.

Brandon  1:09:28

Everything that you know how to do and I don't really

Collin  1:09:32

but as it turns out, I just the ideas guy here. Okay. Yeah, right. Like Good Luck.

Brandon  1:09:42

Oh, there is a store on the battlehawks website. You can shop now. Your favorite shirt and or hat and or whatever that is. Stickers. bags.

Collin  1:10:03

You can get a tote bag. Boom. Okay, well, well, we'll add that to the list of things we need Well, I have more homework this week to watch us and BattleBots beautiful. You all well on on that note, we'll wrap that up. All right. Okay. Have a good rest of your time in the storm. So raining. Yes. Well, hopefully you'll sleep beautifully. Oh yeah. Love you bye