They’re always screaming

We’re so…so…tired. Plus, the review you’ve been WAITING and CLAMORING for…James May’s cook show, ‘Oh Cook’. You’re welcome. Double plus, the controversies surrounding the Mandalorian Season 2.

  • Google Trash

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people, watch, baking, armor, transmission, cake, episode, called, hannah, happening, grade, part, literally, week, female, car, person, mandalorian, assignment, idea


Aaron, Brandon



Welcome to Oh, brother, a podcast of three brothers trying to figure it all out with your hosts, Brandon, Colin and Aaron. On this week's show, they're always screaming Hello. Hello. Trying to click all the buttons. Yes.


Brandon  00:47

No, they change the trash. Don't you know?



The banner will not let me forget.



Please go. Like, okay, I leave you and then I'm like, nevermind and back.


Brandon  01:03

Every every day. Hey, did you know change? Yes. I know. Stop it was I was confused as to why the fact that when you put something in the trash, it's gonna go away. It's like a change. I thought that's what the trash was. Well, you thought you knew what the trash was? Yeah, I mean, I understand it needs to hang around for a little bit for when you're like I delete Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. Gotcha. Just kidding. Not that one. Right? That makes sense. Like, you know, it's like, it's surprised that it's gonna go away. Yes, I know. That's why that's why I put it there. Stop it. Or like, I don't do this on purpose. Or like, I'm by accident. Or very deliberate thing for me. Again, sometimes you do because you're just clicking away. And then like, the thing that jumps in next is not the thing that you wanted. So it does need to stay there for a little bit. Not like immediately gone for life. No, but like, come on me. Give me some credit that Google trash that's the reason I put it in the trash is I want it to go away. Oh, well. unfortunate. Yes, it's up Aaron. Hello. Goes things



Oh, go in the tired and got killer headache. But man oh man.


Brandon  02:52

Same use your scribe my entire life for the last two weeks. That's basically how it works.



Yes, indeed.



I'm no good. I'm pretty good.


Aaron  03:04

This week's already exhausting. And I got tomorrow. I got to go out on a case. And then Thursday. I have an all day training day. And so






not super thrilled. But


Brandon  03:23

here we are. Yeah. How marvelous. Now? There is.



Yeah, that's going on.


Brandon  03:37

kind of had a



long day talking with some people and



typing all typing and then


Aaron  03:48

got done when got some dinner. American chilled and then took some nighttime.



They called


Aaron  04:02

it pro fun. And I was like, oh, man, this is Oh, it's kicking in now.


Brandon  04:08

And when it starts snoring on on mic. You know why would just carry on? Oh, yeah, right.



Yes. And that's not too bad.


Brandon  04:24

Yeah, I feel that that's like the that's like my friend network today. And we're both just like, really over this right now. I need me Thanksgiving break. Like right now. Like I can't. I can't function anymore. With all this stuff having, I just can't deal with it. Stop. Make it go away. This is like it's very mentally taxing. Because I have to get there at 730 in the morning. Right And basically, you From the time I enter the building, there is children in my room. Yeah, right. They eat breakfast in the classroom, because we're not supposed to go to the cafeteria and stuff. So they're there in the morning. And then I have them all for class. And then we have to eat lunch in the classroom. They don't, they never go away. They're always there. They're always two feet away to God. It's not like bad. You know what I mean? This is like, mentally extremely exhausting. Yeah, all day, every waking second, in my room with evil.



It is interesting how somebody standing in your physical space. Really? Like? Yeah, for me, somebody could just be like, standing in the corner of a room. But if I have an expectation that they're not there, but they're standing there. I can't focus on anything.


Brandon  06:03

Oh, well, you should try with rivulis. Who cares? Just like scream everything. Because I have some that are just like, they just they can't. I have no idea why. But they just always are shouting all the time. Like, their natural voice level is just like





Brandon  06:22

Like, why? Stop? The person you're talking to is one desk away from you. Why are you screaming at that? That's the the mentally draining part is just that. Always. Yeah. But it's alright. We're almost there. And so that's a it's also that weird time where it's like, Okay, I've got three days this week. And then I had two days neck. Hmm. Okay, so it's a weird timeframe. Like, what do I like tomorrow? I got pretty much. Yeah, this week, I've got filled up real good. I've got everything kind of planned out. And then like, what do I do for those two days like, well, in science, we can just kind of like do science stuff, we can kind of go for it. You know, but like, so many other stuff like, well, I could do that. Wait, no, I don't want to start this yet. I could do no. I need more days. And that I could do it. No way. So we got to see what will fit in my history schedule. was right there. So I'm at like, what fits what goes here? I don't know. It's a mystery. So the other annoying thing. Plus surprise, it was mid quarter progress report time someone told me today, like, okay, you have a progress report. It sounds like what I want.



Oh, no,



you have to wait. You have not just like a mid semester but give mid quarter update?


Brandon  08:08

Yeah. So like, well, mid semester is quarter grade. Right? That's the quarter grade stuff. But yeah, so we're supposed to like progress reports are like mid quarter. Like, oh, how are you doing? And what's your grades look like? they've bought that home so the parents can see. Right? And I always forget about it would not just be most of the all the sixth grade, we just sort of forget that exists. Because we're always like, yo, here's your grade. Why are you missing this assignment? Where's your stuff? Like? That's basically how it works. Because we're trying to bridge that gap to seventh grade. When you're like, You're on your own next year, buddy. You got to figure this out. So we're, we're very constantly, most of our kids are very aware of their assignments, what they're missing what their current grade is, you know, we just like talk about all the time. So then the administration is like, Oh, yeah, you got to set up progress reports Like what? And, like, it's one of those things that you do it just rarely enough that you don't really remember how it works in the computer system. Our gradebook system is the most confusing thing ever. It doesn't make any sense. There's all this like, there's bajillions of functionalities they can do. I'm aware of two of them. And that's it. I know how to take attendance and I can make my gradebook function, right I can create assignments and put in scores. Got it? And I can like look up kids contact information. I can do that. Because that's just one click on their name. Allegedly, it can do like 100 million more things. And I have no idea what any of those things are. And so like, it can run all these reports like thousands of different kinds of reports for stuff. But the progress report is somewhere like, is it this button? No. Is it that? No. I always forget how it works. Because you only do it. Like, we didn't do it first quarter because like, progress report for first quarter is like, well, we do our first 20 days, our introduction or expectation stuff. Well, that's basically the quarter done. So you're like, I got one assignment. Okay, that's not useful. So we do like three times a year, I read mid quarter reports, like three times a year, and I never remember how to do it. It's kind of that thing where you go in there and you start generating reports. So this one thing, I was like, Is it that one, and it just generated 18 blank pages and like, Nope, not that one. Let's try this one. Like, some boxes not clicked somewhere and this massive like list of things that you have to check to make it run the thing you want, like, I don't know, we know.


Aaron  11:16

The state of Oklahoma has this, this thing that they like to do, where they like to come out with new designs and new programs. So for our program system, number one, where we go to like, clock in and clock out and put our time to work aid. And where we have all of our forms. I've been with DHS for over a year, and it's changed three times. And every time there's a new system update, there's an email, and then there's a training thing over where some of the new stuff is. And so they're like, Oh, hey, here's new stuff. Oh, you're busy. You can't do it. Well, too bad.


Brandon  11:56

Ah, so


Aaron  11:59

I A lot of us in in, in our district missed the training. And so it's like, Where will I go to sign in? Oh, I can't do that anymore. And the way that I did it for the last eight years, okay. And then, yeah, they just have this, like, there's a there's an online form that I fill out for, if I want to, like send a referral somewhere. And I know, I have done it over 100 times, but I still ask my supervisor like,


Brandon  12:27

Hey, you know, where's the button? Where's


Aaron  12:29

this form? And who do I send it in? How do I send it? And it's the same message, like almost every single time of serious you do this every time? And then. Yeah, I know. But I'm really busy. And I forgot that I mentioned I'm busy. And then there's a pause. And then I'll send me a link of the instructions of how to do it. And I'm sure if I type up in my email, I have like, 20 of those. Yeah. Like, you're good. Like a thank you. That happens a lot.


Brandon  13:06

Yeah, my, uh, my, we're gonna call it instruction on how to use this system was about five minutes of the lady being like, Oh, yeah, you click this for attendance. And then your grade books are here. I got like the brief rundown and she's like, Alright, I will follow up more later. And yeah, no, I didn't get any more follow up on that. You know, so it was it was very well, I mean, like, I understand why it was rushed. Like I took over somebody else's classroom like mid, basically, semester, right? Sure. Because there was things happening in there like you look. Yeah. Okay. So I got this big crash course, like four years ago. And that's the only training I've ever gotten on this. It's like, the other big weird part is apparently, the landing page for this system. is like, infinitely customizable. Oh, no. Apparently it is possible to make like shortcuts on your side tab menu thingy. You can like add ways to change it. You can move stuff, you can change the position of that menu. It can be in other places, right? So this thing happens, where I've never touched it. Right? They just log me in and boom, done. Got it? Yeah, I'm not touching anything. I don't know how number one and like, there's not really too many other things that I actually need it to do that I would need to customize it right. But other people are much more expert at the system than I am. So when they come to help me. There's about a five minute period of him going cause weird cuz mine doesn't look like this. Like, yeah, I know. I thought. I don't know why but I can't. I can't change I have no idea.



That's why I'm here talking to you.


Brandon  15:04

Yeah, that'll be his whole big thing. Like, what do you have this button? No. Because they've added it to like some sort of shortcut menu thing where you can like get there. And I have to go the long way around through the sub menus. And I don't know how to make it not do that. It's like, Well, yeah, this button. No wonder about this drop down menu. Also know? Where did you get that? I don't know. If so, yeah, I just


Aaron  15:42

there's that that happens a lot of times in in a lot of our systems where if I'm not logged in to a certain program, I can't access a lot of the stuff in so I have to then log out just to log back in. And then I have to type like what I originally was trying to do. And then hopefully, it remembers it. But if I don't do it in the right, internet browser, it says it doesn't recognize me. And so then I have to find whatever internet browser I was using, to be able to log in. And


Brandon  16:23

that's it. And


Aaron  16:24

yeah, I I'm not exactly thrilled. But everyone listens to Aaron's Oh, yeah.


Brandon  16:35

Yeah, that's just, Edna, we have a the thing that we use for virtual students right now. We like I bought the subscription to this like online thing. And they're just supposed to kind of go in and just, it's laid up for it's, it's laid out in such a fashion that they start it. And then they just keep going, right? It's laid out new segments, where it's just gives you pieces, pieces, pieces, I have to go in and like grate it. And on some of the stuff because there's written essays or stuff like written short answer portions of things that I have to grade and check. But like, overall, it's pretty, like it kind of runs itself. They just go through, and they just do things on this little schedule. But the problem is, sometimes they'll give me the paper, right, I'll get the scan thing of what they did. But I don't know what the assignment is supposed to be. Because I'm not in charge of running it the there's a curator person that kind of does that stuff, or it just like goes by itself. And so I have to like, figure out where in the world this assignment came from in this bizarre system that I never have used before. So that I can kind of read over the thing and understand like,



What are you telling me?


Brandon  17:58

What are you supposed to be doing? Like, I don't even for some reason, the gradebook option, where all the stuff lands up there, it's like a great, it's like, basically just it just grade me. It's like a Needs Grading section. That section does not link to the assignments or the rubric for what they're supposed to give me. So I have to go find it. And the only way to find it is to open another tab like every now and then I have to log back in. So I mean, it might I think it's trying to link me directly there. But when I open a fresh tab to do it, it takes you to the dashboard page, we had to log in, and then you get stuck there like well, I can't I don't I gotta go manually through all these folder assignment folders to try to figure out which one this is. What the greatest most to me. What's the rubric for this assignment? What even is this? Where's it at? It's really not very user friendly. That's the,


Aaron  19:00

at the beginning of quarantine, whenever they decided to do teleworking from home. The it hotline was shut down for two days because people got their new laptops, and then they would call and be like, Hey, I can't login. And so in our system if you type in more than, like three times, consecutively, and it's if it's the incorrect password, it just logs you out.


Brandon  19:30

Yeah, does that too. For like, oh, employee portal with the insurance in your day? Yeah. And so they started doing this thing, thing where they're like, okay, you know, you


Aaron  19:41

don't have to change your password. There's no point so don't have to worry about it because I I know I've called them like three days in a row. I came up that's what's working. Best is not working. And then they're like, all right, you know what, screw it. No one has changed a password. It's fine. Everyone's doing okay.


Brandon  20:02

It's just like the name of the company. 123. Right. And so, yeah.






Yeah. Because



we have to, we have to change it every. It's every month and a half or two months or something like that. Oh, yeah. It's a


Brandon  20:21

lot. It's a lot. Yeah. Go. Do you like? Well, yeah, especially if it's like three times you just like, post? Which one? Is it this note? Is it that? No. Is it that? No.



I've just, I've just taken to doing set intervals, numbers at the end that increase? Oh, yeah. So it's not they don't increase by one each time. But it I don't don't give away the formula. Well, you have to, you have to guess the 18 characters before that. Oh, okay. The key the key to having a good one. scientific names of animals is our Well,


Brandon  20:55

that's true, that would be a good one. I love that. It's really good. Egyptian King names. Boom, there you go. 37. Now you like the full name, not just the full cartouche name not just a little like, with Russian soccer players, or hockey players. Yes. Exactly. I was gonna say something else, but I forgot. Oh, right. I don't know if I've mentioned this other little fun side detail about the computer system that we've got for virtual students. Stop me if you've heard this before. It does not match my curriculum at all.



I think you mentioned that one time, and that was because you had mentioned it whenever you guys were learning about it. And and you had no idea how to like, match up the progress of the students. And that they were students that


Brandon  22:03

came back or anything like that. Yeah, play it again. The other frustrating thing is like, if we like we have so far avoided, knock on wood here. Taking a extended like wellness break, we have to go online and stuff like that. Well, that, like, oh, use this thing for your kids, your class. I mean, it doesn't matter at all. Because the state of Missouri says, okay, they have their, like science standards broken down into six, eight, boom, that's it. There's a big list of them, like in sixth through eighth grade do these things. That's what it says. And so the school then decides how to space those out and divide them into which grade does which ones I see. Right? So like we have picked, like, I'm going to do these ones. And then a seventh and eighth grade science teacher is going to do those. And we've kind of scaffold it. scaffold, yes, just scaffold it accordingly, right? to how it should go. Right with some. So this one here. And then the next year, we're going to add these to a to build up and then you know, a wee bit of spiraling science likes to spiral. So let you do it this year, then like and, you know, skip a year, the next year, it comes back again, but it's like more detailed things, you know. So we've kind of made that out that way. And then this thing's like no, it's like this. So almost all of the stuff in the mine is stuff that she teaches in seventh grade. Because it's technically on the list, but I don't do



that kind of guidance Do you have from that? Or do you? I guess, none. What do you mean? Which from the school, unlike how to handle that difference?


Brandon  24:03

Oh, I had no guidance. I had well just go with it. Like, okay,





Brandon  24:11

So, Google Classroom it is there we go.





Brandon  24:19

Because I already do that. Anyway. That's where I live my life. That's what we did today. It makes things like turning in papers easier. Because like, today, we read from the book, but I just sent them a blank paper in Google Classroom to put your answers on this. done that way you don't you know, lose, it doesn't go away. You'll be like, Oh, I turned it in. No, no. I saved the thing. Haha. I can see some of them are just ridiculous. And they'll just like delete it. I'm like, Well, now you know. So you redo it and show me the thing because I'm giving you zero because you deleted the thing. gave you. Okay, that was ridiculous. Get out of here. Anyway. Have you heard the news? There are lots of things. I'm waiting. Yes. Well, this is good news. Oh good. Good news. Good news. No no, not bad news nonsense. All you hear all the time. I read a mere hours ago. Go that the trailer for the next episode the grand jury comes out tomorrow. Oh, yes. Bam. Finally, something so excited. You I mean, I'm excited but except for the fact that we're like waiting forever for like a two hour show. And they'd be like, ah, dang it now it's over one. Why? Because I'm the last one came out in but it was it last all at this point. So it's been almost a year. I think sounds the last one came out. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Which I have. I have Yes. and rewatch so we'll say that. That one was a demon. I rewatched that one? Yeah. Probably about seven times. I was. I don't know. I might have watched it twice more. I never had to watch it. Seven.



Is that bad?


Brandon  27:07

No. And I was going to watch this weekend, but I forgot because I was too exhausted. That Jays Ray's cooking show came out too. Oh, yeah. That Well, that was our challenge. Watch James make cooking show. Yeah, I was too exhausted this weekend. I could not function at all. So I have to get on that for next time. But I thought I was so excited to watch it because I saw some trailers and stuff on the I'd like YouTube and on the drive or the food tribe thingy. He was talking about a little bit. So we'll see how that goes. But I think I should at least be funny. Anyway. I don't know how good necessarily, but actually funny. already. I don't know if I'll learn any cooking tips. or be able to prepare any dishes. But



should at least be entertaining. Always. I was like that. Yeah. We'll have to do a lot to do like what ready for that one? Maybe. And do a commentary.


Brandon  28:12

I think we should do that. I think. Ah, maybe my try that be funny. I've been okay. No, go ahead.


Aaron  28:25

I was I was I was gonna say I've been too busy watching like the Mandalorian. So





Aaron  28:32

oh my gosh, can't emotionally get into enveloped in another series. gsds


Brandon  28:38

is very short. And it's about cooking things. Yeah, a bit like


Aaron  28:42

the Grand Tour because I have to. I have to turn my brain off and and watch the British making Joe. Because I love that. I've been watching Joe but yeah, we've been we've been watching the Mandalorian


Brandon  28:58

Oh, yeah. Well, we'll come back to the baking show thing in just a minute because that's not our topic list. And we talked about that because I watched some to today all I've heard we've not heard but all I've seen on the internet is about the female Mandalorian armor. Armor girls girls is female or good breast or roots. so dumb or good. So unrealistic, or curvy. Like if you do something like that. These people on the internet come out of the woodwork like insane like Well, actually, that's not how female armor or if you're gonna armor the female body like Dude, first of all, is that as well. This is not actual 14th century armor go away. Okay. It's Star Wars. First of all, like, who cares, man. It's a fantasy thing. Like I can't even It drives me crazy. Like I can't like these people are so obsessed with their hobby of like, the study of armors, which I get it's kind of interesting. It's cool. I like to learn about it, but you got to calm down when you're talking about Star Wars armor, okay? Is that right? Yes. Ah, I love your necktie and it's based on actual internet. Critics on Twitter, boy, yeah, well, those like those, uh, those like, badly lit one camera angle rants where there's some dude like yelling at the laptop like, yeah, webcam, like, that's it. That's what those are all about. But even some of the people whose like, whole YouTube channels like armor and historic related, I can't even with some of those people. When they get on this soapbox, they just start going crazy. And there's one guy I'm not gonna mention his name, cuz I'm not gonna throw shade at him or anything like that. But like, well, he goes on and on and on. And on and on. He's so pedantic about everything. Everything he says is like, actually a smaller. And then he like, came out and he was like, Yo, I wrote a book, it's great. First of all, there's no way I would read that, because it would just be you literally explaining every single detail about how the armor works and functions and ever. I cannot imagine a more boring thing to read in my entire life. Anything that you wrote, stopping just goes on and on about like, well, what's wrong with the armor and the Lord of the Rings? Or what's wrong with this? And but yes, I'm sure that your thing is absolutely perfect and beautiful and wonderful. And 850 pages of the descriptions of buckles. Come on right there. I bet. I bet it's just all of that stuff. All those chapters in Moby Dick. They're just about whale anatomy. Like, why is this here? What was going on? I have no what happened to Ahab and Ishmael and the other guy like, why is this chapter only about whale teeth? What in the world is happening?



Because it is first draft. He just glancingly went off the anatomy of a whale. And he got the well actually crowd writing him on pin and unquilted paper


Brandon  32:21

about us to the he miscounted the 18th century Well, actually cloud. He said, okay, whalers. I'll show you. I'll just physically describe the science diagram of spurway. Like my novel, yes, every other like every three chapters with a give you they were the only people to write in. So he's like, well, I guess these are the crowd. I need to make sure I appease Oh, let me Yeah. And then that Nantucket crowd, man, just like good. So like, I've heard good things about the Mandalorian it's really cool. You know, good stuff about it. And then like, all I saw on the internet today on the like my YouTube feed because I'm a dork and I watch things about like, ancient weaponry is all these people all of a sudden be like, Oh my gosh, once a good, flawed armor designs and fantasy novels like a fantasy who has unrealistic armor, like



a fantasy show thing? It's called science fiction, dude, stop the other word you used and that is about it not


Brandon  33:27

being real. Yeah, like I get it. Right. I understand why you would be a little weirded out by that because it is kind of a weird concept. Like, why would I do this literally not gonna help anything? Well, sure. But it's also not designed to protect you from swords and axe strikes. It's from a blaster that doesn't exist. Stop it. I don't understand


Aaron  33:58

what I was going to say.


Brandon  34:00

Um, Are you impressed with WWE Women's Champion Sasha Banks. His appearance in the Mandalorian was really when I wanted


Aaron  34:08

um, I'm also nerding out it's kind of one of those shows where it's the first time in a long time where like, all of my nerdiness from all of the animated series books, and all that stuff, actually, you know, coming to life. And you know how it's all tying things together like the guy that played Jango Fett in the Clone Wars. Oh, yeah, there's young guy. So he's actually in the new series. I was really boring he because he he's playing because I don't know if if you watch it, I don't I don't have it. So losses of Disney's Boba Fett is is is alive. And so the He made a little cameo. But it hasn't been revealed yet. But he's like me on this thing. And all of my, you know, nerd sensors went off. And the new episode that just came out ties in a lot to what was done in the, the animated series. And so my nerd alarms went off. They're also they're watching a shell of a person. And so I had to take my little a little insulin shot and calm down.


Brandon  35:32

But you see, we're reading about chest


Aaron  35:34

armor. No, I could care less because all the stuff that the character, what they did, and the thing I was like, the stuff so I had to, again, kind of calm down, but it was, it was a nice change. It's one of the first shows in a long time, because the last time I've had kind of that, oh, I need to watch this, the day it comes out was Game of Thrones. So the first time in a long time where it shows is actually, you know, grabbed my attention right off the bat. And luckily, we got to watch. I got to watch this, or Hey, I got to watch it when it comes out. So all of my emotion and all of my stuff is being poured into the Mandalorian right now as I don't have it. I don't have enough heart or love to give anything else at the moment. It's all it's all going into the Mandalorian


Brandon  36:31

I have that about I haven't I still haven't watched them. The Season Two of Hannah, that came out on Amazon. Season One is such It's so good. Like I really like that show. But that show gives you like, massive anxiety. It's like thriller spy craziness. So like the whole time he's like, right? It's emotionally I'm not quite ready for season two, because Season One was like, exhausting to watch. Because it's like so good. You know, it's like, really well done and everything. And it's like so intense that I was like, I want to watch season two. And I'm not ready for season two yet though. I can't handle. Yeah. Those of us who haven't seen it. So, Hannah is imagine Jason Bourne is a 14 year old girl. Oh, okay.


Aaron  37:30

So trained in the wilderness.


Brandon  37:32

Yeah. Her dad this guy. Hazard in the woods. Right. Hiding from somebody that is it the beginning the first episode, they're in the woods, and they're hiding, and you have no idea why. And you don't have no idea from whom they're hiding. And then, later in the episode, it becomes very clear that somebody has found them. And they want them. It's like, the treadstone trying to track down Jason Bourne. Yeah. You know, how you kind of like, you know, they're not really aboveboard, and but you don't know why or what they've been up to, you know what I mean? It's kind of like that. And so she's like, it's in like the Russian wilderness. And so she escapes. And so he is going off on his own thing to try to do something. And then she goes on this like crazy thing she like meets this girl on vacation in like North Africa, from like, London, or someplace. Okay, and she has to try to be like, Oh, yes, I am also a normal child. Last from my dad is banker and I am totally normal child person. Haha. And so this weird friendship sort of starts developing between like this, like totally normal spoiled girl and like, Hannah, who's like a crazy like, super ninja person for some reason you don't know why.





Brandon  38:54

Yeah, it's all this weird thing. And it's the whole season is like, they're being chased by these like, Shadow Corporation, villainous, like, thing or whatever. And you're trying to figure out why and what in the world they've been doing and why is Hannah important? And how did she become how she is and who is this guy? Who's her dad? Why is he important? Like why do they you know, it's this whole like spy thing and oh my goodness, really good. But man, is it emotionally taxing?



Sounds like it okay. It's really good, though. I get I was gonna But yeah, I was gonna add that the only controversy I had heard from the Mandalorian I have not watched it yet is that there was a considerable crowd that is made massively upset by the fact that baby Yoda keeps trying to eat the egg.


Aaron  39:52

He is white he is slightly not on purpose, trying to commit some form of genocide but It's not he he's on everyone's like mini pizza.


Brandon  40:06

I have no idea what those words mean. I know all I know is the only two headlines this offer today was literally Sasha Banks is on there and that's just because I look at wrestling news like as we watch wrestling together we Shana right? It's our family bonding time. And then at the world is upset about female Mandalorian armor being a thing about the world a small corner of the internet is upset loudly about female man. Which is this ridiculous. Well, actually culture. Oh, it's so weird. Like, again, in that. Like, I understand you're trying to make a historical documentary about 14th century France. And you went in like 16th century like, or late 15th Century Gothic fluted armor. That doesn't make sense. That's a weird like a Why is that happening? That that's, you know, that is not correct. Yeah. But like, if you want to make space armor, thing, I don't. I don't care cuz it's space armor, man. Come on. But yeah, yeah, whatever. I mean, there's an argument to be made that you're like, I guess, somehow objectifying female form by like making the armor like, explicitly female, maybe. But also, on the flip side of that there is an argument to be made of. They're all wearing armor and masks. In order to delineate they are female, you might need to do something. Right. Like oh, like, again, as you mentioned earlier, we're not trying to deflect spears and arrows and we don't you know, don't need this kind of thing. So yeah, and it's not like it's like female armor and RPG where it's like a metal bikini thing, right. It's not like that, like grossly objectified. Like, like, what then why what even is happening right here? Like, yeah, whatever. People are going Oh, lane. Oh, yeah. about just the smallest things in the world. And, well, again, there's a time and a place for that. Like, if you're watching a show about Romans, and they're wearing a Greek helmet, you're gonna go What are you doing with you? That's objectively wrong. But, you know, space armor. Okay. Which is why it's important to turn your brain to the baking show. Aaron, I want to hear about your baking show of choice. Yeah,


Aaron  43:20

so my mind is the Was it the Great British Bake Off?


Brandon  43:27

Or something like that? Yeah.


Aaron  43:28

And so I let's see here. Where are you? Yeah, the great British baking show. I just love it. Just because it's like it's one of those shows where there's never like, you know, any major drama it just literally British people baking and like, that's it like that's all that's all you need in life it's it's just you know, every everyone's on like the same page. Everyone's you know, all you know, cheering for everybody else. And, and all this stuff. It's just, it's just fun. I like the hosts, although I can't exactly renames ones and they they're in a bunch of other British like, comedy shows and sketches. And it's just something just really fun to fun. Just turn my brain off and go oh, that's really good. French at all or something? I guess I go that's Oh, I didn't know that existed. Wow. cowardy Oh, so it's just, I can turn my brain off. I can put it on the background and lead. Let the you know what i brain just turn off for a little bit and have had it. It's just Yeah, there's not I paid shows like that just have drama for drama. I don't


Brandon  45:10

like that jersey shore for you, I


Aaron  45:12

guess. Yeah. Like, that's not fun for me. It's just those things where it's like, Man, it's just fun, just get on there and just watch people do something that they love to do. And you know,


Brandon  45:26

that somebody like that. Some of those shows that have like drama for drama, they can be like, I don't remember actually called. It's like, the opposite of shrug Freud, where you like, you feel terrible, and really guilty that people are doing bad. Like, like, your empathy isn't like overdrive, you're like, Oh, I can't watch this. Do it? No, like,


Aaron  45:48

it's literally just people like, you know, going out there and just baking whatever. And like, not like, yeah, they have like, their own little, you know, stuff that they have to do. And yeah, they have like, you know, the modal parts where it tells you about, you know, their backstory,


Brandon  46:06

Well, yeah, but like,


Aaron  46:07

but at the same time, it's very, like, you know, you have people to root for, you don't really have anyone to root against because they don't really have any any. That's like, a super jerk or anything. It's just like, like, I like making I here to make Legos for bacon. Oh, they want to just want to, you know, do something because their parents did or whatever, don't like little things like that. It's like oh, okay, that's why I think


Brandon  46:37

that I haven't very many episodes. But the cool thing is the variety of stuff they make is crazy. It's like is it because it's just like blanket? Oh, you're baking things. But yeah, the amount of different things that they are tasked with making from episode to episode is really wide and vast until you get to see lots of lots of different like techniques and different thing getting made or like cool ideas and stuff is interesting. It's never like


Aaron  47:07

the same Yeah, and it's all like hey, can you build this cake into a cathedral? We don't know either see what happens you got kind of stuff and no Yeah, I just like little little random things like that. Were just like oh man, these this person you know, grew up with nothing like all they want to do is just come out here and bacon and just you know, be there for their family and you're like I am 100% rooting for that person and all their all their endeavors and stuff. And yeah, it's just it's just fun just to go out there and I can do it on the background while I work and be like Oh, he is making that Oh, I can't believe he's doing that instead of this. Like I don't put


Brandon  47:59

like that's what I've never got like super


Aaron  48:01

investment but I it just something that's like oh wow, these people like are doing this and Oh really? Oh


Brandon  48:08

wow. But yeah, it'd become these kind of shows like this. These like, the contest shows especially like any type of contest show where you have to like make a thing and then then be judged on it. Yeah, like you become an armchair expert like real quick, right? That's that's exactly what happens like the memes are true. Like after like three episodes are like I can't believe that doing that. Why would you put the fondant like that you've got to make your scenes better it's like I literally never made it ever in my life like critiquing me


Aaron  48:45

but my friend Darrell Dinesh if you're if you're listening to this she she's the one that got me like hooked on the show and she Isha loves baking. And it was always just kind of funny to watch her be like, well, I wouldn't made it like that. Give you made that before? No, but I still wouldn't made it like that. And then like my cooking experience is not like anything special. Granted, I use my microwave a few times in my old apartment. I never turned on my oven,






it just like, Oh, well. That's the decision you made. Oh Ladybug. Really? I mean, I wouldn't have done that. But


Brandon  49:30

the speed at which you become an expert, it's just, it's fascinating. Because I do it too. Oh my gosh, using that ingredient. Why would you do like I have no idea what I'm talking about. But these are things I say a lot to my wife. Let me be perfectly clear. I know nothing new.


Aaron  49:55

Or like or like when they when they say a certain You know, order or something like, this is a great thing from blah, blah, blah. Like, I've never heard that before. And like Google Search before they make it like, whoa, hold on. Yeah, it's one of those shows where I love that aspect of it. Yeah.


Brandon  50:17

But like 12 episodes later, you're like, I can't believe you're pairing those two things together. I



would never, it's just so cliche. I


Brandon  50:23

don't know why you would do. But you go from literally never heard of it before, to being like an expert on how it's repaired. And what other things that you can pair if


Aaron  50:35

it's like, oh, this is this is a little this a little hard. And, you know, just off my gear, right. It should be softer. Exactly.


Brandon  50:43

The thing that I have no idea what it is. No, I


Aaron  50:46

concur with you, sir. And I definitely wouldn't have made it that tack a different kind of spots. I mean, oh, it's risky. But


Brandon  50:54

you know, it's an optional view.


Aaron  51:00

But I get into, I wouldn't have done it, you feel what it should have been done that I you know,



so is it is it kind of like, for me, I've never seen a baking show like that. But I have watched TV shows that are like the how it's made, where they show you like the machinery that makes a pencil or crayons or attention. And I've also an


Brandon  51:24

underrated television program. I do love those. Oh, that's a beautiful show. Like if you're like, can't sleep?



Well, so it is part of the appeal. That kind of insight into a process that you have no idea to see the skill, like the physicality of Well, something part of it is and like


Brandon  51:51

the other thing was usually in not just a show, but like, other show where you have to make thing, there is some kind of time limit involved. Right? So they'll be like, do this and all this stuff in four hours. Like, okay, so the other part of it is like, Can you pull off like crazy complex thing? A, seems to be an absurdly short amount of time. Right? It's kind of where the other like that your quote unquote, like, drama part is, like, can they actually do it? Because it's kind of like, that challenge aspect of it is there's a time limit, usually. And then that's where that's where kind of that comes in with, oh, they've got to make all these decisions. And they have to try to complete this task and, and usually in something like are in, and the other, I watched cake wars. I've been watching cake wars. I don't know why. But like, they're, like, come up with this crazy idea. And then they're like, got 30 minutes left, you're like, dude, you're not gonna make it happen. You got to change your mind, you got to drive. Right? Like, can you execute? And do all this stuff within this time window? So that's, that's the other part. That's kind of interesting. So yes, there is there is a how do you actually do that part of like, then putting together and like making this thing or in the baking show? Like, how do you bake that thing? Like, what does that look like? And also, like, Can you make this really complicated thing in a very short amount of time, and make it printable, and, like, actually taste good. So that's the other like, that's where the competition part comes in. is it's timed. So it's like, ah, never I,


Aaron  53:39

I for a while was really into Iron Chef.



Oh, yeah. Like,


Aaron  53:45

I don't know if it was just the atmosphere or when I was like, Oh, I mean, you have to make three courses and, you know, five hours. I don't know. Can you do it? Like that? That was always that was always fun for me. And then like, like shows like that. And then, you know, tying into shows like no reservation by Anthony Bourdain was the Oh, that was another show that I can binge watch either be a traveling show or cooking show that I can just, you know, like, oh, you're eating lamps on me. Oh, on move. I don't know if I couldn't that situation, but I'm gonna eat that. Yeah, this doesn't look too bad. Like in the moment of sending the safety of my couch. Right? kind of thing. Like, oh, I mean, oh, a pig's tail. I don't know. I mean, I bet I could eat that. But yeah, like shows like that to me or just, you know, no. You know, I think I could just go in. I don't need a plot. I don't need like they have to make this this amount of time. Perfect. I'm going to watch them. get that done. And Yeah, take them they're like things like that are out of the shows that I I enjoy watching on any given basis nearly


Brandon  55:09

a fun callback, the host of the old host of Iron Chef America that mark discusses guy. Yeah, you know that is that is definitely the same guy that put many in brotherhood of the wolf boom. Ah, but you know that


Aaron  55:26

yeah, that is weird.


Brandon  55:31

He does.


Aaron  55:34

I would I would not be expecting that but seeing seeing his face or picturing his face. Yeah, I get I can definitely like, Oh, that is him.


Brandon  55:44

Yep. Good. So once again, listening is what brotherhood the wolf. Hey.



We're just gonna


Brandon  55:54

movie review this. I'm doing okay. I'm down the alley. Yeah, I never I watched that some, like this is one of they have to do that. Like, it was like super intense, like cooking shows.



are kind of like a, like, I watched him sometimes. But I can't like


Brandon  56:17

everyone's was fine. But uh, like, we've been watching cake wars. Mostly because there's certain nights a week where there's not really things on television, and like to like eat supper and watch TV like together and you know, do or Yeah, the time whatever. But it was just on one type of random channel I was surfing. It was like, let's watch this. And it was like, why is this happening? Why? So it's that same kind of thing that like competition deal, but they make these crazy. Seemed cake things. Right? They have some sort of theme for the episode. Like one time it was like a celebration of like, Where's Waldo. And to make these like big giant? What is one? Okay, I like yeah, it was crazy. Or like one of those like Ninja Turtles theme because they were gonna take it. And then we're gonna take the cake to like a ninja turtles premiere party for the new animated series, whatever. Like one does, yeah. Yeah, I can do. And so that people that are bakers, and they want to compete, they come here, they can win money, and then they get do other stuff. But the stuff that they make is so unbelievable. Like, why do you have a four foot tall cake? It's like insanely detailed and has like the life story of Waldo on it. And then you actually have like, all of the characters like laying around. And so the competition is usually like, you know, here's the theme. Yeah. Who executes theme? The bat? Yeah. Right. So it's two parts. Like, does your cake work and tastes good? And did you make like a crazy visual, Lee interesting. Cake about whatever the theme is. And that's where the judging part comes in. So it's a two stage thing. That's always like, oh, it always it seems like it always comes down to like, this person. They said they really liked their cake. And it's like, super delicious. But their theme is just kind of so so. And this person's cake was just like, pretty average. But there's these like, amazing. So who's it gonna beat right? It's that that that's almost always that's the last two people. Almost always that's how it works.


Aaron  58:41

What was the there's a TV show that was like, like Stan castle wars, where their thing was, you know, building a some sort of sandcastle?


Brandon  58:54

Yeah, I do remember that. Yeah. That's also a thing. I remember that. They always had


Aaron  59:01

some form of sandcastle competition. Mm hmm. And yeah, you'd get on air and yeah, like, Oh, you have to build, you know, whatever, in this amount of time. Okay, and then I go, I don't know if I can build my you know, I tower in that time. Like, I have feel confident, you know, always always something that was true.



Like that.


Brandon  59:26

The other one, we watch a lot of tattoos that forged in fire show where they it's like blacksmithing on the show. It's like make a knife to ours go like



and let people always fascinating because they're like, somebody who's been forging things like in the woods or in their garage in their little, you know, in the in the suburbs. And yeah, just watching them go at it. Like, okay, that's fascinating. Just because I have no


Brandon  59:52

other thing is like some of those people on that side note here is they really confused me. Cuz they'll come on there. And like almost every week the first night is like, oh, makeup knife. It's like, between 12 and 14 inches long. Okay, every week, every episode ever, not everyone, but most of them. And there's some people they'll be like, Yeah, man, it's gonna be rough. I've never made a knife that big before. Like, what? You didn't like practice. It didn't like. I understand if you're like, I've never made a 16th century rapier before. That makes sense. To me. That's perfectly understandable. For like the weird challenge weapon they pull out of nowhere. If you've never made a claim, or I bet, that's fair. But if you've never you're a knife maker. you've ever made like, a bigger knife.





Brandon  1:00:52

What are you doing? Right, what you're saying? Is my armchair quarterback coming through. But like you didn't even think like I would have the unfortunate fire. Maybe I should practice make a knife. It's bigger than six. Would you? Why would you do that? I don't know. What the reason this is a handicapped person is like the judges on like, fire are all very, like, complimentary. And they're like, we like these things. But the reason your blood didn't work because this is broken, and this is danger, and this doesn't work. Overall. You did a good job. Yeah. Time. Better luck next time. cake was no. Man. Sometimes the lady that's on there. I don't know what her name is. She's like, terrifying. Oh, no. She basically what? I don't know what's worse, the way your cake tastes or the way it looks like. Is she just like blunt? She's like, this cake tastes a whole like, Okay, well, thank you know, a big you hear? Yeah.



And moving on.


Brandon  1:02:12

I mean, whether he's like, got a thing up and just somebody's like, oh, we're gonna use this like really great flavor. And we're gonna try to put it in there. And she'll be like, I was really excited to taste that flavor. Like, not here at all. I can, I can't take me like, Oh, god, I'm like, man. I mean, she's not like mean about it. But Susan's like, that is just like that. But it's, it's still it's also things that Jesus really like. And the other guy too. He's much better. The one of the main guys is on there. Always be like,



you know,


Brandon  1:02:57

I appreciate what you're going for it if you have any hesitation at being able to execute that idea. Maybe don't do it. Like, Oh, okay. It's like a super nice round about I won't be like, yo, that's awful. What are you thinking? Next time listen to your intuition when it says stop. Yeah. And the worst ones are always like, like, Oh, I was really excited to taste flavor, because it's my favorite. And this is not good. Like, Oh, no. Now I had to get you because you insulted them personally. That I was more flavoring. But this doesn't taste anything like is a personal affront to them? Yeah. Yeah. My literal favorite to you ruined it. Like, no, you have taken the last. One last joy from me in life. OL neaa Oh, this is fun to kind of like, the things that these people can add nowhere. Like, I'm gonna have all these raw ingredients. And in three hours, you're gonna have a five foot Where's Waldo? Like what? Yeah. Okay. Well, how it got me try. Okay, show me. Let's see. What's up. But yeah, it's a fun thing to sort of sit down and watch mindlessly. So you don't have to worry about drama or being Yeah. terrified. When do you think Hannah is going to be killed or kidnapped or like



just Well, it's just that mental break right? Where the stakes are genuinely very very low. There's still snakes right? keeps you interested.


Brandon  1:04:50

There's no snakes sometimes those cake fall right? They're like oh my gosh, I know if it's sturdy enough and they get on the Jetta Stan and like slowly every once in a while when to start tipping over. The answer was no. It was not 38. Yes. It takes no not even a little bit. To call you have to watch a baking show that's really boil down to Yeah, that's fine. So we've got



case we've got one two already have one challenge. Watch the James Bond. Okay, my baking show is gonna be James Bay. We go.


Brandon  1:05:28

I say it's true. That's true. That's what James May cook things. We totally should watch out for next time. At least one episode and see. Okay, not the whole thing. Aaron got to watch all of them. You could pick one. Yeah. Well, it comes out on Amazon. Is that what it is? Yeah, I think so. Yes. It's on amazon prime. Okay. Do you want to



like, figure out which one we want to watch? Or we just all watch the one episode or you want to watch like, what each person watch a different episode? Yeah.


Aaron  1:06:04

We can watch all of them. But at least you know, take notes of one episode.


Brandon  1:06:10

What do I do? Better? Probably better to watch. Not all the same one. Okay. Yeah, right. So we can just we'll decide We'll figure that because I have no idea how many there even are maybe I don't even know.



Okay, got it. We'll do



bringing up here. But don't why are you not cooperating with me? We do me.


Brandon  1:06:52

There we go. That's better. See, there's Hannah. Pull it up. Hannah's just staring in the face. Watch me. Do it. terrifying. I don't want that at all. I'm scared. Yeah, I mean, I do but also I'm afraid I didn't know. I was gonna happen. I seven there's 7%. Okay. So they are in case you're curious. Since I haven't pulled up. That was only 30 minutes long. 31 minutes. Excuse me. What's what's, uh, they aren't? Well, it's the show. Yeah. It's called James May Oh, cook. Oh, yes. Haha, get it? Because it's changed me. And he's funny. The episodes are entitled as follows. Starting with I was gonna start it. I'm not gonna read the numbers wrong. But number one, Asian fusion. Okay, and then we have pub classics. Next up is pasta. Four would be curry. And then pudding, which I imagine is English pudding. Not like jello pudding. Right. Six is breakfast, and seven is just called roast. So I can think about which one that you are most interested in. and go from there. So LABOUM labeled a documentary. I don't think that's okay. I mean, it's documenting James May cooking things. So. So that kind of works. We'll find out. Yeah. Okay. All right. Sweet. Okay, lamb. Watch at least one episode of cheese. Indeed. All right.



Very good. No, I get


Brandon  1:09:26

them all. Oh, before we go. I just I will confess something, I guess. Guess who? Guess who this week. I realized that their car tags expired in August. Hey listeners. This is being recorded. In this is November 17.



Whoopsie Daisy it was the



I mean, you were down there replacing a light bulb on the around the bumper for a while.


Brandon  1:10:15

Yeah, but that was on Shane his car. So I Oh, did I tell you about that one by the way? Oh my gosh. Yeah, you said that they made the perfect design in every car should the perfect design Chevy Chevy Chevrolet Malibu has come up with the perfect design on the front end of a car. In order to replace one headlight, you must remove the front bumper of the car. Oh, it took me three hours to do this. I took us it was a team effort. I will say whole family person doing it. And I would also I would just like to defend on international radio here. Hello Slovenia.



How's it gone?


Brandon  1:11:04

I would like to defend the humble adjustable wrench. Because it gets a lot of flack from people. Right, like real bridge. Just it's the same Well, actually, people will actually it's not actually a real branch. In order to do the job properly. You need a custom sized branch of the exact specifications of the bolt diameter that now I removed basically the entire front end of a car with with adjustable wrench and wrench, boom, and I had one socket, because I could not get that bolt like up inside the wheel. Well, I need the socket driver. So I got I found the socket driver later, we had to go buy a 10 millimeter socket because for some reason I did not have a 10 millimeter socket. And yeah, apparently the most common car socket size ever is 10 millimeter. Here's a pro tip for you author. Yeah, I had to replace the whole I took off almost the entire front end of a car with an adjustable wrench. So I'm here to defend the humble adjustable wrench as a valuable tool in the arsenal. And don't let any haters tell you that just boring to garbage. because it saves. So, so it saved me like $200 in mechanic fees. Yeah, but so anyway, you as long as the car thing this this whole past two weeks have been atrocious. We had that. We had our thermostat went out in our car. So we went and got it replaced. Um, and then, like, found out that it was leaking. So we had take it back. Something had broken when they fixed it. But I think they broke it. So like, straight up the guy we take it to. He's like, top notch. Straight up good, dude. He was just like, Oh, yeah, I think we broke that. We're just gonna fix it. boom, done. Nothing. Straight up. Fix the whole thing, guys. Amazing, right? Save Jason, great guy. So did that. And then, like, over the weekend, got a flat tire. So I had to call him back, hey, we need to bring your car back to you. Because our tire blew out and we got to fix it. We had to buy a new tire, blah, blah. And then just like the other day. I don't know what happened. But I was carrying in groceries. Right. And I went to close the trunk. And it almost hit me in the head. And I was just looking straight at the license plate and went for No. This just my I just looked directly at that little thing. I license plate. They said August. And I was like, Oh, it's November. So we had to go to the DMV. Get new tags for car. Good. I'm glad you were able to do that. Oh, yeah. It was so did that.



Yesterday, I guess that you weren't the you know, you weren't the one that has had the latest delinquent tags that they've ever seen. Oh, yeah,


Brandon  1:14:45

it was only a couple months but still like, yeah, the lady was like, Oh, yeah, so we do. I guess their office is like way behind because we never got anything in the mail about it never got nothing like whatever. So yeah, I was just carrying groceries and just having Look at the rear license plate because it's on the trunk, you know? Yeah, it was like a that's wrong. That's not the right. That's not what this is. Oh, no, not. So we're good now. We're all good. got it fixed up. Ray. Yes. Susan saved the day again. She's like, Well, I have to leave and go do something on Monday. And I have to go to town. So like, I'll just go do it. I'm like, Okay. Sweet. Thank you. She went into it is fine.



Now I


Brandon  1:15:39

give an update on our on our deep. Yeah. So Oh, yeah. Real quick, though. Shout out to the DMV, because they get a lot of flack, too. But the every time I've had to deal with the one here in town, like there's like the super nicest people ever. So are just so nice. I like to shatter that stereotype, at least for my local DMV. In my area, like, people in there are super helpful and real chill and just really nice. So know, give, give DMV people a shout out here because they get a lot of garbage. And so I think part of it is what attitude you bring to them? Because they do deal with? Oh, yeah, a lot. Yeah. I know, here when we had to go. Right? registry register and all that stuff. I was behind a guy who was registering, like, hopefully on time, and he was registering something like 14 trailers for cars, ah, a work truck. Like all of this because he owned a farm. Right. And he came in Yeah, had to have all of these things and, you know, trying to parse through the titles. And, you know, the lady behind it was just like, okay, yeah, we'll do this one. This one. This one doesn't



do a lot. Very happy. birthday party. Last we spoke, they had torn. I don't know how much it is. But they had to they they're like, Oh, it's definitely the flywheel. And unfortunately, in order to get the flywheel, we have to take out your transmission and your torque converter. And we have to take apart some control arms, and basically tear off the entire underside of the of the vehicle, the flywheel, and that's gonna take some time. I was like, Okay, and then they sent them the wrong flywheel. Because they sent it for the four cylinder, six cylinder, then they had to wait. And then there's another flywheel. And then they pulled out our flywheel and they were like, Oh, actually, your flywheel is complete?



And I was like, Oh, I mean, I mean, it's the transmission, isn't it? They're like, yeah, so they like no diagnostic stuff. And they were like, Okay, well, we can get a refurb transmission for you. And that'll be 30 $400. Oh,


Brandon  1:18:21

a. I mean, you have my car in millions of pieces right now. If I wanted it, yeah. You, I would have to pay you at least $1,000? Because that's what the labor is that they're in there to put it back together. Yeah. Like, okay, order it. So they shipped off the old one and ordered transmission part like number two, because they found out this very key to this entire story, that there are three different kinds of transmission that they put in Jeep Cherokee for your making model. Of course, it was part number two suppliers. And number three, they did not know that until they were trying to install it. Oh, no,



no, then they were like you sent us the wrong part. We need actually part number two, and this part, I was like, Okay, here's the thing. We don't have a refurbished part number two, we're not going to have one and then like do this big search in the area. job they wash here are two option. If we want the car back by Thanksgiving, at which point they will have had it for four weeks. Oh, the transmission is $6,000. And that's in addition to the thousand dollars worth of work that they've already done, to tear it apart. That's just the labor Apart caught. And I went by don't want it by Thanksgiving, because I'm not paying you a total of $9 for this. They were like, Oh, well, there's another one. But it's 30 $700 but it won't ship for three weeks. Oh my god. Yeah. And so by the time


Brandon  1:20:26

if they do know that you could buy a car for 30 $700 right



out we bought our Honda for very well close to the cost of this entire transmission thing.



Oh my. Yeah, but entire Honda Accord Hybrid. It has had literally no problems, except for the fact that it isn't really like cold and so sometimes the hybrid system just shuts off to protect itself when it gets really really cold. It's Oh, yeah, the thing that it does it's a common thing that I've looked up it's not really a failure. It's just a system is like it's really cold I need to shut down to protect everything. The battery probably go. Yeah, yeah, so it's like, so yeah, we don't like it. Just to get the transmission in this freaking car is


Brandon  1:21:15

this is so painful. This is incredibly painful. But you know, the joys of car ownership. And yeah, no, I think I'd be like you You own a Jeep now car dealership? I will be going over here. No, I'm gonna be quick this unto you do yours now See you later enjoy it as you so I will be having a new brand new transmission. drive it another million. Oh my kid. Yeah, you better forever now. Right there. Oh, that's awful. Oh.



I was like, till Megan I was like Merry Christmas and birthday and Christmas. anniversary.



Yeah, birthday.


Brandon  1:22:13

The moral of the story there is don't buy a jeep. Yeah, buy a bike. That's true. Transmissions don't just explode. That's true. Anyway,



back to the studio.


Brandon  1:22:44

Yes, indeed. Wait, I'm already here. In my studio, boom. Inside the studio. Yes. We will. All righty. Yeah. Love you guys. Let me see