a clothing test

We’re preparing for winter. Brandon is doing clothing testing for cycling and has rock jokes at the ready.. Collin went pant shopping and gave a talk. Aaron is planning for his game and working concessions. Did we mention it’s cold? We tackle The Outsiders Chapter 8 & 9. Tldr; we hope there’s resolution to all of this.

  • It is indeed a wednesday 

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pony, dally, rumble, dairy, weird, jeans, buy, johnny, chapter, wear, big, people, bit, fight, pants, talk, guess, feel, week, cut


Collin, Aaron, Brandon

Collin  00:05

Welcome to Oh, brother, a podcast of three brothers. Trying to figure it all out with your hosts, Brandon Cullen and Aaron. On this week's show. It's only a clothing test. Happy Wednesday.

Brandon  00:22

Happy Wednesday to you

Collin  00:25

is is indeed even

Brandon  00:31

sly Miko Yes. Nice. Finally fall. Wednesday, right like,

Collin  00:40

oh, yeah, it. We've been this has been a lot of fall recently.

Brandon  00:46

Yeah. Gary, last week of October, it was like, Oh, by the way 40. Like, I mean, I'm glad, but it's a bit shocking, right?

Collin  00:58

Same. Well, we have a, I have a project sitting out there for hired a guy to come and do our back door.

Aaron  01:08


Collin  01:09

I don't know, it's moved or whatever. But when it's shot, there's still like, I don't know, an eighth inch to quarter inch gap between it and the sealant is seal, which is Yes, perfect. And so like, if I if I just shut the door, I can make it seal. But then whenever I use the deadbolt, that's whenever that gap appears. I'm like, okay, so either have security and knowing nobody's going to break into my house, or I'm going to spend a bajillion dollars on heating this winter. And he hasn't had a chance to get out yet. Because he's very busy and booked up like every capable repairman is, right. Yeah. So it's the season, I had to go out and I had to buy some extra sealant to put on the door to kind of fill the gap in the interim.

Brandon  01:57

Yeah, we just have like a, our back door kind of does that. But it's like just a little bit. So we just bought some of that. I don't know, I don't really have what's called it came in a big roll. And we just sort of like, cut as much as we wanted. And then this, glued it to the door. So it kind of seals up when it shot. Yeah. So that's, that's one of the most durable fix. But

Collin  02:20

you know, that's what I had to do is I had to go in and it wasn't glued, it was kind of just this self adhesive. Yeah, that's your I don't obviously, I don't like that. I was wanting to find a because I had replaced the the stuff that's actually slides in the doorframe, the actual sealant that's supposed to go there. And insulation. Um, I had replaced that. And I kept on trying to find one that was thicker, but apparently they make one size and they're like, only that'll be good. And I'm like, No, I have a bigger gap than that. Like, no, that's not possible yet to buy when we make it to fill a quarter inch gap, and that's going to be fine for you. And then like

Brandon  03:09

I mean, that's it's one of those things like standardized things, but like it'll take you know, whenever you have an old house or like, you know, houses just like shift around, you know, yeah. And that's, they settled in and that's, I mean, that's probably what happened ardour right, that apartment just settled later. And it's just the bottom. It's just the bottom corner. It's just like, doesn't see like the rest of the door. So psych Well, please kind of jam it in there. And it's fine. But yeah, yeah. Work.

Collin  03:42

Yeah, no, yeah. So anyway, that is still sitting out there. So I saw the temperatures for this week. And I was like, yeah, so ran to Lowe's band and got that little extra seal to

Brandon  03:54

put around loads kind of hay bale just stuck a hay bale in front of my door. It's fine. Oh, yeah. No, it's a he's a freeze warning is tonight, perhaps. Perhaps is I think it's tonight, or at least here is tonight. But the whole rest of the expense spin. It's like oh, no, we're gonna be called now. Like, Oh, okay. How exciting. So, yes, I've been trying to sort out my cold weather. Cycling apparel. Very exciting. Yeah. Each one of these jackets is not too heavy to die if you start riding a bike.

Collin  04:37

Pretty awesome.

Brandon  04:40

I've come to the ultimate conclusion that I must have a cycling cap because I just have to look goofy is awkward out right? That's like the official.

Collin  04:47

Oh, that's how you know you're doing it right, basically. And, yeah. You're doing that

Brandon  04:57

sweet mountain bike pants that were on sale. So Oh, boom. Yes,

Collin  05:02

I love the mountain bike apparel. Not so much the road bike apparel was like Yes. Look, I'd love to just like these baggy shorts with pockets on them. Sweet.

Brandon  05:15

Yeah. Wow, these are like the football pant ones. But yeah, like it's pretty awesome. So nice and likeable. legs won't freeze off. Hopefully it's a plan. We'll see. I did ride a little bit Sunday morning. And it was about 44 degrees outside.

Collin  05:35

Okay. Nice.

Brandon  05:38

It was mostly a test. This is only a test of

Collin  05:42

clothing system.

Brandon  05:44

How many matters like overall, it's not bad. I need a hat.

Collin  05:50

Deficiency. He does

Brandon  05:52

something. Yeah, it's like my head is freezing right now. Everything else is like, acceptable. Like, is, like cold, but like, just a little bit. So that's fine. Like.

Collin  06:07

Also, how many miles are you? Are you putting in a week? Or how often are you actually trying to get out there?

Brandon  06:14

Uh, well, it's been really busy. So I've only been going out on the weekends, really just like one one day on the weekend, but just for like, 20 minutes or so like, just real short, like around the neighborhood like, you know, nothing big. But it was really great. Was really rainy all last week. So I was like, no, no, I'm not. I'm not about to be that adventurous. I'm not. Not even trying to be like, Oh, yes. Right. Yeah.

Collin  06:46

Yeah, I mean, I was happy. That's good. That's good. I think that's a can be a pretty good, good ride, especially this time of year with the weather the way it is. Yeah. Yeah.

Brandon  06:57

And again, Sunday was just like mostly a test of like, what, what clothing do I have around here that might be suitable for this. So I went out just for like, real short little. Mostly just like how frozen will I be if I wear this

Collin  07:13


Brandon  07:15

And not too bad really was the answer. So. But I did have to buy some pants because, first of all, not really into wearing bike shorts and leg warmers. It's really not. Oh, really not my speed, currently. And the only other pants I own are jeans and dress pants. So that's like that

Collin  07:53

that's really not a great variety. No, no. Quite gonna cut it that way. Not quite good enough for what I need ears. Oh, I Hmm. I had the experience of buying some jeans recently. And my last pair lasted for forever so far. And back to that, like, I didn't haven't really been through this process in like, a couple years. Mostly because when I got to NBC, I got all my pants paid for by the state. That's true.

Brandon  08:27

Here's your regulation green Pat. Go.

Collin  08:31

I did have green. Yep, they're very nice. But like, I just stopped buying them. So like I had bought a pair of jeans like five years ago that lasted forever. And then I had one that kind of wore out quickly when I needed one. I was like, oh, I'll just go online. I'll buy the pair of jeans. And that like didn't fit. I was like oh that's weird. This is this is exact it's like the exact same cut and everything off a Amazon's wrangler whatever, whatever. Levi's, whatever and I was like, this is weird. Like this is this is the same one I just clicked by again and it totally did not fit me. Like that's weird. And then I had to go on a quest of of trying to buy jeans and I was really resisting going into the store. I returned six pairs of jeans Oh my goodness. Because I would buy two of like this size in this style and this other size and this other style trying to like triangulate my way hone in on hone in on it because that's what I do in the store right I just kind of buy like a couple different sizes and a couple different styles and cuts and then I and then it works well. It's just really annoying and it takes forever to do that. But buying goes by return by return by return

Brandon  09:47

returning stuff so

Collin  09:49

awful. Well, so thankfully, off of Amazon, I had never returned anything off Amazon. They it makes it really simple. They don't even require you to have a box from Most of your stuff, you just show up at a UPS store and have them scan a code on your phone. And they're like, sweet thanks. And then they just like, throw it in a tub and send it off to a landfill I'm sure, probably right. But I, it took me all of 10 minutes in the coals to get my gene sizes all squared away and styles appropriately. Done. I was like, Well, that was I should have just done that in the first place.

Brandon  10:26

So you didn't switch brand of gene, right? Because that's a problem.

Collin  10:32

No, no, I didn't. I didn't switch brand because I was like, I bought Levi's for the last like, forever.

Brandon  10:38

So yeah, same, right. Like,

Collin  10:40

I'm not gonna go look at the anything else really. I think I had a pair of jeans from the from the gap for a little while. Because they were on sale. But I was like, I'm not I'm just gonna, this is what I have. And then literally click buy again, like buy this. I didn't even change size so weird. And it came back in, you would have the cut like anyway, apparently I'm a lot more picky about my jeans than I thought I was. And I finally was like, I basically just walked up into Kohl's like, grabbed the two styles by 49, which is the boot cut or slim cut whatever and 514 Or what another one, I just took these two different sizes and each walked in. I think 14 the boot cut one. Yeah, okay. No, I didn't get the 14 Anyway. I have to go look, but it was like, I just grabbed these two because I was like, I've I've worn these before and sizes. Boom was done. I think well, that was pretty anticlimactic. I was really trying. I'm just I guess I also need to say I was really trying to do a flick. Do a five A ones. I was really trying to get into the five of ones.

Brandon  11:47

Never. I can't ever do it. But

Collin  11:51

I mean, obviously the buttons are weird, but I didn't like the cut at all. Like just straight up. Like people like these. These are ridiculous.

Brandon  12:00

What's weird, right? So because of the way they're cut, like,

Collin  12:05

I have very large legs,

Brandon  12:06

I guess. I don't know because like and almost all other Levi's I wear a certain size, right? Like, whatever it is. And then in that one you have to like buy like so much bigger. Because it's cut so weird. You're like, Okay, well, I have to size up like two Jean sizes to fit in these things because they're cut so strangely, right? When you were like the I think we're like the 559 or the five, like six nine because I'm lazy and I'm like, I've worn this style of pant for forever. And even though it's a little baggy, like I don't care, I'm just gonna play. So you have to wear and again, because you wear a certain size and like the looser fit ones I get because my legs is too big. So then I tried to wear like something like that's like, Oh, I'm gonna try one of these on. Nope. Get your like, my leg doesn't even go in the wrong size. Like what the heck, what's going on here? All the cycling is that it's gonna make it worse. So like, oh, no, like,

Collin  13:06

you really get you need to start getting into this stretchy D

Brandon  13:08

exaggeration. Like Oh, no.

Collin  13:13

Yeah, I don't know. I was I Yeah. For me anyway. Yeah, I just was, I can't stand this at all. And this went back to exactly what I knew. And I guess they may have changed something with what I had ordered previously. I don't know, they must have all this to say. I went to Kohl's and bought some jeans. And it was fine.

Brandon  13:34

It was it that I had a similar experience recently, I had to buy more work pants, because I was like, I've had the same pair of khakis for like a ridiculously long amount of time. So like, I just need more pants. So I was trying to run the gamut of like, Alright, these are, you know, obviously because I'm like, again, lazy like okay, I have Dockers, so I should buy more Docker. Right, like, this is how it works, you know, especially when you're buying online. I think we've talked about this before somewhere, but like, it's just sort of it makes shopping a little bit more adventurous because you're like, Well, I don't want to deal with returning things. So I'm just gonna buy something I already have. Because I kind of know how it works coffee is a but then you have to navigate that like Alright, well I wear this size jeans, but dress pants is not the same size. Right at least that's for me like my jeans size is a certain thing and my dress pant size because of just how they function and how they're cut I guess is like a size bigger pretty much consistently to my, my Levi's size that I don't because I don't wear any of the GC very, very apparently this something has happened. Where Aaron, what sort of jeans Do you buy? Yeah, I'm curious

Aaron  14:56

why I typically don't to be completely honest with you. I I have a pair of jeans. I haven't really went out and bought Jean jeans in a long time. The jeans I do have are lucky brands. And they're the most comfortable jeans in the world. They're not too thick, not too heavy things like that. But I mean for me, it's typically Levi's or Wrangler. Me My gene repertoire is not that much or many so I don't usually wear jeans.

Brandon  15:27

I mean, my is that either I only have like a couple pairs that I wear but like I just wondering if if I was just curious now it's like wait, Cullen was Levi's. I wear Levi's everywhere. What has happened? Why why do we what are some past event that means that your

Collin  15:45

your grandmother, that's probably

Brandon  15:49

after I said, that sentence out loud is like, wait, wait a minute, I know the answer.

Aaron  15:54

Ah, nevermind

Brandon  16:03

Yeah, I experienced a similar thing with my dress pants was like I need and then I did thing I was like, ah, these dress pants fit nicely. So I just went back to Amazon or whatever it was like, alright, this same one in a different color. Boom. Aha. Ready to go. I have khaki. How about gray? Yes. All right. Got it. So yeah, I'm gonna do I have a couple of the other colors in my cart. just ready to go just so I can fire them off. You know, just I have like, pants to worry about like, oh, gosh, kind of walk pants on like today. Now just like all right. cycled through the week. Alright, we have this khaki one this other khaki one. This gray one. I good enough and

Collin  16:50

as much diversity as you need. I mean,

Brandon  16:53

it's yeah, it's just pants. It's fine. It does. I don't care. I'm only buying them because I have to wear them to school. Like

Collin  17:02

they're required. I stared at a pair of black jeans for a very long time. And I tried to decide if I was a black gene kind of person. And I decided that I wasn't. But I did get a darker wash than I normally do. But black I was very. I really thought about it this time. I'm like, maybe this is time I start wearing black jeans. Cuz I know people do that. But I just I wasn't. Yeah,

Brandon  17:28

I don't do it either. I don't even wear black pants. Right. Even when I was buying my dress pants. I was looking at the black woman being like, Oh, I don't know if I want to wear it. Which is weird because I wear like black everything else like a black polo shirt. Yeah. black shoes. Yeah. Black socks. Obviously marching band improve black socks the other way to go. But like, yeah, pants. I'm not really a black pant. fan. I think the only time I've ever worn black pants is when I worked at the pizza restaurant because that was like required. I think that's it. Aaron How do you feel about black pants

Collin  18:12

other No,

Aaron  18:14

I think I wore like, I think like a pair in high school. And I thought they're super cool. For me, I know our grandma wouldn't let me or grandma would not allow me to wear those like jeans. So I think I was too scared to wear like a pair of black pants for like the longest time but after high school I just never warm again so I can't I can't say that I wore them or ever considered myself to be a black pants wear. Yeah, I just I owned a pair and that was about it.

Brandon  18:48

Interesting. I think I might have a pair but I don't in my in the like the depths of my closet. But I can almost guarantee you they probably don't fit. And I couldn't really tell you the last time I wore them so probably Yeah, I don't even know. So I might possess some but that doesn't mean that I've ever worn

Collin  19:18

Yeah, I I didn't even get taken into the room to try on. I just they just sat there staring at me back. And then they also had gray jeans. Like it not I don't even know how to describe these but they weren't like a gene material. But they were right next to the gene. So it really was like a gray kind of like Slack ish. But the same cut as the jeans that they were sitting next to. Oh,

Brandon  19:44

very are they doctors because the doctors that I bought are like the gene cut ones. So I'm like, Haha, there's like dress pants but they're like jeans. Take that boss. Ah, got him.

Collin  19:55

But I think I think it might be Levi's stab at getting into that market. They also had like khaki kind of versions where they were like, ooh, like khaki. I'm like, Oh, I'm here

Brandon  20:06

to be. Yeah, I need to I don't something has happened with my jeans. My jeans here. I'm just sort of thinking about it like i i. At one time I had both like rather dark wash and like the normal color of Jean, right like the lighter one not like the super light one but like the light ish one.


Yeah. And I

Brandon  20:32

I guess I just must have worn the light ones the most because the only ones I have left are like really dark wash. Yeah, but I'm looking over here my laundry. like wait a minute. I only have these dark wash. I'll have like, cafe jeans anyway. But like, I think the only dark ones. I think all my light ones are wrecked. I must like them the best. And I must have done them away. Oh, no.

Collin  21:00

Yeah, I go with dark. I went with the two pretty, pretty darker washes than I think I've gone through in the past. So we'll see. We'll see. I have chance to investigate that. Yeah, no, no, no. I don't really care about like, an F of F of pants shop corner. Sorry.

Brandon  21:20

It's important starting topic of the thing here and

Collin  21:25

airmen. How has your week Ben,

Aaron  21:27

I'm a little on the busy side, we have kind of a big game for this Friday. If we when we go to playoffs if we lose no playoffs for football. And so it's been kind of game planning and doing stuff for practice. Every single day. It's been extremely cold the last two days. Monday was atrocious. of just like a little like we actually had like, somewhat sleep and I and rain. And like in the like the low low 40s. And then Tuesday wasn't much better today was still cold, but the sun was out. And so we have we have that coming up. We have what is it called Garmin observations from our principal coming up.

Collin  22:19


Aaron  22:22

we had Oh, she's home homecoming, which was the assistant coach actually that I work with he his family got got tickets for the suites at Boone Pickens Stadium, which go for like $700 apiece. And they somehow managed to get six of them. And so shall we myself went to OCS homecoming. Um, we did walk around, which is, which is a really big deal. A lot of the fraternities and sororities make these really big, like, outdoor, like, wood and paper mache mosaics of something that was you and still water related. And we did walk around, and then we, we did some ocean, some shopping, and then we went to the game and you have to take like a special elevator all the way up. And then you go to the whole separate level. And there's like free food. And like, it's all like really fancy things. And then there's like a bar, like every once in a while. So we get to like, eat and partially drink for free. And then we get to go sit out on like the second level, which is really, really good seats. And we watched the game and we drove back and then I had film and stuff on Sunday. But basketball seasons ramping up. And so I got to since I'm doing the sixth grade, teacher sponsor stuff, I have to go to some of the basketball games and do concession stands. So that's coming up, and then I'm just getting ready for softball and baseball season. But we just got to get through this Friday, which if we do when we will be playing like the number one team or or or the number two team in the state for our class size. So both those teams 45 does really, really quickly and very easily in the regular season. So in may knock on wood be a short lived playoff, but my school hasn't been to a legit playoff in many many years. Though this will be kind of be a nice little First Year Experience, though. I'm pretty excited

Brandon  24:51

Excuse me. Let's try not to sneeze. Oh, so is there anything worse than working at a concession at school because it's kind of terrible,

Aaron  25:04

working concession stand with sixth graders.

Brandon  25:09

Saying that sounds is a terrible idea,

Aaron  25:12

either. What they do is that each grade does volunteer work for like concessions or gate stuff for, like different athletics. And the money that is, is given or is obtained from that a portion of that goes to like their big pot for that grade. And so when they're seniors that goes through their prom, and so they start winning, yes, great and work all the way up. So either I am going to have like, one student show up, or I'm going to have like 20 and are very, very small. So I have a good group of sixth graders. But I'm outside of school, they're kind of rambunctious and I it might just get to the point I'm like, or just, you know, just just just leave just go home.

Brandon  26:04

I got my rambunctious inside of school, so I don't even know. Nicholas humans, but and so that's

Aaron  26:11

what No, it's, it's me. And the other sponsor is the band director, which he never there unless it's like for band related stuff. So it's pretty much just gonna be me at like, all the basketball games, I'm doing this but I think for the season, there's only three or four games I actually have to stay late or and there's like one tournament. So I get to watch I get to watch some basketball, like our basketball facilities, actually, kind of nice. The concessions and just like very small. So yeah, I'm excited. But I'm not. Because it's like, oh, man, I get to go to some basketball games. Oh, I have to also corral like, sixth graders to get them to come to this thing. So I have a lot of kids that are really like go getters, but I'm gonna be handling handling all of the money. And literally directing a small, sixth grade force to do things. So sure. I'm not super thrilled. But

Brandon  27:11

don't put your hands in the popcorn. What do you do? And like?

Aaron  27:16

Yeah, kids want to talk to me and be like, Hey, Coach, Hey, Coach,

Brandon  27:19

I go. Go talk to giving. I'm selling candy bars get away.

Aaron  27:24

Yeah. So it's, it's gonna be fun. I'm probably going to be miserable. So

Brandon  27:31

yeah, that doesn't. I wasn't gonna say fun. That's not the word I was going to use. But yeah, we don't do that for our classes. We only do that they do that in the high school for like the clubs like FBLA or choir or some of the other acronyms that I can't remember like the alphabet clubs right? You know the I don't know non High School. Sixth graders don't have clubs so they just have like, don't be late to class club. And no, you can't go to the bathroom again. Club. Right? We have. Yeah. Where's your pencil? Why do you don't have a pencil club? That's the one we need to work a concession stand just so we have money to buy pencils. That's what we need is this other than other than backdoors? Not working Cullen.

Collin  28:30

I'm sure we were you know, we are we're well, we're well, I am. I think finally shaking off the last little bits of my COVID fun. I accept except that I still cannot taste or smell anything. After that.

Brandon  28:48

I've heard that one's the one that lasts the longest. Yeah. But I mean, one of the things like it takes forever. Like,

Collin  28:53

yes, I have. I've heard this as well. And some people have come out of it with like, totally altered taste or like things notice a few a few food items no longer tastes the same. So, you know, it's, it's still it's weird. Because I still get really cravings for food, where I'm like, oh, you know, it sounds really good right now to shrimp tacos. And then we go and get shrimp tacos. And I'm like, I don't know why I'm eating this. It tastes the exact same thing as everything else that I've had today.

Brandon  29:24

It tastes just like cardboard. Right? Because,

Collin  29:27

but you know, it's the, you know, my little brain fizz at that time. I'm eating it because I'm like, Well, I know I usually liked it. So this is making but yeah, so that's kinda kind of good. Finally, on the back end of that, Noah just in time for Noah took that Oh, come down with chickenpox. So, he is ah, caught up.

Brandon  29:59

did decide to have Have fun after all

Collin  30:01

a week later, after, you know, after we wrapped up everything with her, but whatever, it's fine. So he is he's, he's doing that fun now. It is first. Ah, oh, we'll pass yesterday to where we're keeping on top of that. And, and other than that, I think we're finally out of the out of the woods that we were in, we're good.

Brandon  30:25

Man, all this delta sadness here is great.

Collin  30:29

I, I did get to go, since I'm out of my quarantine and testing negative and all that fun stuff. I did actually get to go do a talk today at a business meeting here in town, which was kind of weird. Because I was around all these other people who are like, Oh, no, like, actual business people or like, business people? I don't know, you know, whenever I say that kind of images of people who conjure to your brain. Yeah. And they had asked, I had been invited to their meeting last month. And then they were like, oh, we'd love for you to talk about your, what you do. And I was like, really? Cuz it's gonna be weird. Not not normal. It's not normal. But everyone was had a good reception. People were very interested in that we were doing it. I think mostly they were like you do what? That's what how what, what does that mean? But it was interesting to see people's kind of gears turn when they were talking about running a pet sitting company, and what that means and kind of how we operate a little bit. And people kind of just being like, okay, yeah, I can see how that would work or whatever. Because he did no idea that that was even a thing people did for a living. So it was kind of fun. To get to talk with him and kind of, yeah, this is a thing that some people choose to do that,

Brandon  31:56

like me, here's my card. Do you have a pet?

Collin  32:03

You know, they did say, you know, it's not a sales pitch, right? You're not trying to convince people to use your services. But I'm like, I can't help it. If people are naturally making these connections in their own lives, like right, like,

Brandon  32:15

like, I have a pet. This person watches pets.

Collin  32:20

Hey, exactly. Here's an idea. What if they watched

Brandon  32:27

my pet pet? Crazy.

Collin  32:31

Exactly. So it was good. It was good. It was fun. I really enjoyed that. And we'll see, we'll see what happens from that. That was kind of a that's kind of highlight for today to get a kick off the month with with that meeting and get it over with mostly, mostly? Well, because they were like, Oh, the last one I attended. They were like, when I signed up. So I had to go through this process of signing up. They're like, do you know, give a six minute talk. And we'll allow 20 minutes for questions. That was like,


six minutes for questions.

Collin  33:09

Are you supposed to say in six minutes?

Brandon  33:14

No, you're like, Listen, I have a podcast. It's like, sometimes two hours long, just randomly talking about pants. So like, I I'm gonna need more than six minutes later.

Collin  33:28

So you know, I, I did a first cut of the talk, you know, because as you do, and then I was like, Okay, that was 20 minutes. So that's too long. Well, there's a lot this isn't I know, I know. I know. Right? And just me, right? So yes, that down. And I was like, Okay, I've got it to 13 minutes. And then I trimmed it. And I was like, I was 10. I cannot make this go a second faster right now. But of course, when you're in front of people, like you tend to expect him to go faster. And yeah, you know, left out some stuff or an anecdote that I wanted to say. And so it ended up being like, seven minutes or whatever, like I thought was pretty good. I was winded tell you as fast as I Yeah. But it was fine. And I've managed to, to to make it work. But I was like, I feel like I feel like where I started from with

Brandon  34:20

big improvement for 20 plus minutes, right?

Collin  34:24

Exactly. I did. I did. I did start it off, because this is just who I am. I can't I can't give like a serious presentation is just not in my bones like same time. It's I've got to do something ridiculous. So when they said, you know, calling, you know, give your talk and I was like, Ah, thank you. And I'm really surprised that you agreed to the hour long version of this that will you know, I'm really happy to share all this. I have other you know, weird things in there like they did get me to. So we have a dog that we that we take care of and he He is, I think I've talked about him before where he struggles with new people and new things. So I try and make my insurance as predictable as possible. Yeah, i Jingle my keys twice. And then I sing a song to him. And I still in someone was like, Can you sing the song? And they laughed and they were like, No, I'm just kidding. I was like, I am totally gonna sing it. Just so you know.

Brandon  35:19

Sorry, you open this candle. I know. No closing it now Pandora.

Collin  35:24

So does they got the pleasure or misfortune of hearing everything?

Brandon  35:33

Sure, I tell my sixth graders like I only claimed to have jokes. I didn't say they were good.

Collin  35:42

Quality? No, yeah, quantity. Yeah.

Brandon  35:44

And are. We started our earthquake section today in science. And we were talking about like, the different stresses on rocks. So like compression, tension, peering and, like, uniform, you know? And so we were doing this little like, I do these things. Where am I slideshow? I'll just have like, it's like a little mini quiz kind of built into the slideshow. But not like a real you know, it's just like, Have you been paying attention? So it's just like a show you a picture? You have to tell me what it is, you know, that kind of thing. Yeah. It's just kind of like a retention thing. Like, oh, hey, do you remember? Like, we kind of introduce it, we talk about how they work. And then I go through like, it's usually like 10 or something. Like, oh, here's some pictures. Tell me what this is a picture of using these words that we just learned, you know? And so because one of the words is shearing, one of the pictures is of a sheep. Ah, ah, getting haircut. Ah ha ha. And they always all go like, well, listen, listen, I didn't I didn't say they were good jokes. Just jokes. Right? Haha. I like it. Yeah. Oh, I think

Collin  37:03

very well done. Done. At least that's what it is. It's not it is done

Brandon  37:09

is done.

Collin  37:12

I mean, I did it.

Brandon  37:14

And so it's really hilarious, because like, they look at it for a minute. They're like, what? Like literally, that reaction is great.

Collin  37:30

Yeah. Oh, that's exactly what you want.

Brandon  37:33

It's exactly exactly what I want. That's exactly the reaction I was looking for. Like,

Collin  37:39

they don't know that this they filled up your reaction. Yeah.

Brandon  37:42

That's what I was hoping for. Your eye rolling. Like,

Collin  37:49

exactly. It's like you may seek you do you may think I'm disappointed in the fact that you're disappointed. But you've actually made my day.

Brandon  37:56

This means I succeeded. Yeah. I'm trying to make you feel like I feel when you tell jokes.

Collin  38:02

very terrible. Case root cases. Any confusion? Absolutely terrible. So other than bad jokes. You're everything going well, on you're in other bad jokes and bikes. This bicycle riding? How's it?

Brandon  38:23

Yeah, no, that's pretty much my week. I haven't really done anything. It was. Yeah, pretty uneventful. We took a quiz. Night. Yay. I was exciting. Was it all? volcanism quiz Reno. Yep. That yeah, yeah, no. Volcano quiz. Oh, good times. So we did that. We did. I really haven't done anything this week. He's just finished like a blur of like craziness. Just like oh, yeah, here's Oh, no, Yep, here again. I'm really tired. Oh, here we'll go and get kind of that like, on repeat mode. Yeah, just because we had a lot of stuff at school just but just like stuff that had to get done to do and we started new units and we're finishing the old ones. It's just like, like, I don't know. So as bad as other than Susan's birthday was yesterday, so did birthday things we went up and had dinner with her mom and everything so friggin about it. I don't think I've done anything else. Other than Yeah, that the heck other than Yeah, biking in the cold. That was that was a bigger extent experimental cold weather cycling. That was sort of the highlight of my week. Really. This so far? I mean, Susan went hiking with her friend. Oh, we're to see the foliage. And then, so I was like, Well, I was gonna ride around the neighborhood while they're gone and see how it goes

Collin  40:12

so that I know the trees around us always tend to do pretty well. But everyone's been saying that they're not as good as they should be this because it was so dry this year. Were so

Brandon  40:27

dry. So warm for so long. It's like I said, it's been cold, like a week. So it's been like, ah, oh, here it is. Surprise. It's fall. Ready. Ready to go. Tada. Yeah. Tada. So, yeah, they went to where they go, there was that dogwood Canyon thing that my grandson or whatever? Yeah, yeah, absolutely. They went down there and went hiking. They really like it down there. So they've been a couple of times.

Collin  40:56

So they get down there for

Brandon  40:57

like, like, full day of like, oh, wow, hiking right now. Like she usually gets like river. You know, sometimes they go down there. But they wanted to go out down to there to see all the foliage and all this stuff and everything. So

Collin  41:17

have a good time. Good fun. And then pretty much it. I think they're coming over

Brandon  41:24

this weekend, maybe? Perhaps?

Collin  41:28

I think I think they're for just like some verbs like

Brandon  41:34

hang out and stuff. So that's gonna be I'll tell you about it as they come next time on the show.

Collin  41:43

That's an update we can look forward to.

Brandon  41:46

I do have friends. People like me sometimes. So that's

Collin  42:04

something that I like and that I totally predicted would happen are in chapters eight and nine of the boy Oh, man, that we? Oh, yeah. True.

Brandon  42:19

Oh, man. Can I tell you? Can I be honest, after chapter after I read chapter seven. Hmm. The thought of reading chapter eight was like, just almost unbearable. Oh, no, I hold on. No, I can't add to this any more

Collin  42:46

meaning? And I say that, because I went into chapter eight. With I was I was worried. I had some I was not. I wasn't excited about it either. So I guess it was not just not just you. I did feel kind of like it was a drudgery to get through it through chapter get started in chapter eight. And then yeah, I know. It was it was not as chapter seven really did sour kind of my, my, my reading of the book.

Brandon  43:22

Yeah, it's so weird. It just doesn't fit. I can't figure it out. Cuz Yeah, sort of eight and nine. They make sense again, kinda like kinda for the majority of it, you know? It's like, man, and then you know, there's a weird Yeah, so. So go ahead and start us off there. Tell us about

Collin  43:49

Oh, man. Yeah, sure. Ah, let me click a button here. Oh, chapter chapter eight. So last week last we were our star Ponyboy had learned a thing or two about being social and had some humanity instilled in him and then they go and they go to see see Gianni is still in the hospital and they the nurse really doesn't want to let him in. But they but they get in they get into see Johnny and he does he does not look well. Things are these are not going well for Donnie this point. Time

Brandon  44:39

Yeah, I mean, that's pretty much it. They go in to talk to him. He like can't really talk he's in a bad way. He even says I'm pretty bad off and I pony thing.

Collin  44:55

Yeah, yeah. He goes through. He says some things you know, he's like I used to talk about killing myself. I don't want to die now. It ain't long enough. 16 years eight long enough. And still he talks about deal. There's still things that I haven't done yet that I'd want to do. It's not fair. And yeah, again, some a little bit of, again, forcing you to realize just how young kids again, another reminder dealing with kids here.

Brandon  45:26

Yeah, durations Yeah, that's the, that's the thing that gets lost, right sometimes is, is they? Because they do have to act? Older I guess, you know, that's kind of their is they act like all tough and stuff, but they are just, they're all really kids, you know? So? Yeah, they do that. They're kind of like jollies talk about how he's never gonna walk again. And he starts crying. And

Collin  45:55

when the nurse comes in, and she's like, your mother's here. Oh, yeah. Yeah, that goes that goes that goes poorly. Yeah, want to see her and then he gets so stressed out. He kind of

Brandon  46:08

passes out. Yeah, he like screams like yells at Just leave me alone. And then he's like, pass out because he exerted himself too much. So sudden two bit the and they go see Dallas. Yeah, right. Yeah. And on the way they see.

Collin  46:28

They, yeah. And she's she's angry, obviously. And they're like, oh, oh, what did they actually I forget if they actually said out loud, like, oh, yeah, he said No wonder he hates your guts to his mom's face. Yeah, he

Brandon  46:42

like told her that. Okay, yeah, too bad. Just straight up tells me No wonder he hates you.

Collin  46:48

Like, okay, yeah, you know, again, a lot of the dirty I don't know, dirty laundry or whatever. But these interactions that we were kind of guessing at or glinting or trying to understand, like, I know for me, it was like, Okay, is it really that bad? At Johnny's place? No, it really is that bad at Johnny's place with his mother's acting here.

Brandon  47:10

Yeah, Tony just kind of shoves him down the hallway and they go see Dalli Dalli. Yeah. Who is? Also not doing great but he's definitely doing better than old Johnny so now

Collin  47:23

convinces to bit to give him his switchblade whenever he hears how bad off Johnny is. Cuz he's gonna go gotta go. He's got to be there for the rumble, right? He's

Brandon  47:35

Yes. The ever impending rumble to do

Collin  47:45

Oh, and yeah, and for some reason a shortly after this, they, they didn't want to hitch a ride back home. And to bid is suddenly concerned with how Ponyboy is doing. It looks sick or something. And yeah.

Brandon  48:05

Yeah, I just sort of realized that. You're not feeling good. You shouldn't go to the thing you know. Yeah, so pony isn't doing well like that. They keep saying that he keeps us like downing aspirins to bid ask him if he's okay. Because he looks he like feels hot. Like he is pale, I guess. So. Like, there's something wrong with Tony. Like, not real sure exactly what but it's not. He's not feeling well. No, apparently, something's off. And this is

Collin  48:41

this is just before I think the oddest segment, up until this point.

Brandon  48:47

That's saying a lot because this book has some dang weird ones. This was coming up.

Collin  48:52

Oh, yeah. But just like total non sequitur to bits throws out. You know, the only thing that keeps dairy from being associate is us. And I was like, Yeah, I'm sorry. What? At no point of the description of dairy through this entire process. Did I think he was going to be a soldier? Or he or they kind of felt like they were holding him back from something. But then Yeah,

Brandon  49:21

well, I mean, you got to hang out a little bit that he is, like, not living to his potential, but because he's working for Tony and soda. Right. Yeah. But the family together

Collin  49:36

was supposed to be like, academics, right. He was supposed to be they talked about how smart he was, and all Yeah. All this stuff. And that, that, to me, that was the potential that they were talking about. Not anything about, like social class or anything along those lines. Yeah,

Brandon  49:55

yeah. No. Well, I think it's just because of that because he was doing that he did. It maybe and I think we get a little bit of that. Some insight into that a little bit and a little confusing section that happens in number nine here. So we'll come back to that in a minute. But

Collin  50:11

anyway, that was just kind of thrown out to me as a non sequitur.

Brandon  50:15

Is it fair? Yeah, it did just sort of come out of nowhere. Like, there's a lot of things in this book that just like, show up, you're like, what, what,

Collin  50:21

why would you but like, I don't, but But you're right. I do think looking at after having read chapter nine. This makes a little bit more sense, given what happened, but still, like, right here, I'm going in the world anyway. So, boy, he's not doing well, and he needs to get home. And he's, he's worried, you know, he's upset about something. But me and him. I imagine

Brandon  50:49

it's Johnny. Right. That's, that's one day. And his, he's still thinking about his interaction with what's his face from last chapter. Randy? Right. He's still kind of thinking about Randy. And the rumble and the like, I don't even know if I have more. I get more on that in just a minute. So

Collin  51:12

then, and then they stumble across. Sherry, who's just hanging out by her Corvette? Yeah, you know, chillin to deliver a message or something like she's the message runner. Yeah, this way. It sounds like yeah, that's kind of what it

Brandon  51:29

Yeah, cuz she's delivering the message about it said, it's a no weapons rumble, right. Just no weapons. That's it. So they were trying to make sure everyone's on the same page for that, because apparently there's different varieties of rumble. There are weapon rumbles, there are blade rumbles and there is just, I believe they refer to it later as the skin rumble, which sounds slightly distressing when you say it that way. But like, the Oh, yeah, just just fist so many, right? Like, no.

Collin  52:03

Yeah, yeah. And then pony Prusa some reason decides that he's going to tell Terry that she needs to go and see Donnie. Yeah, he's

Brandon  52:13

like, Well, he like yells at her all of a sudden, like talking about like, non sequitur. He just like, all of a sudden just like goes off on her. You're like, dude, what she What state like we talking about?

Collin  52:24

Oh, well, because he's like, I. So this is how I saw it. He's because he is so compassionate about Johnny. He, he's asking like, you know, she because she asked, she says, How's Johnny doing? She asked, she's the one to broach that topic. And he goes, Yeah, what are you gonna see her? She says no. And yeah, no, he

Brandon  52:44

killed my boyfriend, bro. Like, he was funny. He didn't

Collin  52:49

see that. Because he had said it says it was the least she could do. It was her boyfriend who caused it all. And then he realized he's like, Oh, yeah. Your boyfriend? Who? Who? Johnny Hill. Oh, yeah. So he put his foot in his mouth. Big time here. Yeah, but

Brandon  53:08

then he like goes off. He's like, starts yelling there. That's okay. It wasn't Johnny's fault. Bob was Bruce ham. He's like, I want you to see him. I wouldn't want you to see him. You're a traitor to your kind of not loyal to us. Do you think you're spying for us? makes up though. The fact that you're sitting there in a Corvette when my brother drops out of school to get a job? Don't you ever feel sorry for us? Don't you even try to give handouts and then feel I invited about it? Like, what? Pony? What the heck? Where did this come from? I just like screaming at it all the sudden. Yeah. Yeah,

Collin  53:44

that was okay. Does Good point. Good point. Okay, that part. I was trying to figure out where that came from. Yeah, there's there's no lead up to that at all. Like, yeah. Yeah, I guess he's, I guess he's angry at Terry. Through vicariously or he's, I don't understand. Like he's angry at Bob and bike. So he's taking out those aggressions and frustrations on that he has towards Bob on Cherry. Because yeah, so she's standing up for right. She did say she was like, well, he wasn't half bad. And that's not the part. The boozed up. Bob was the one who did all that stuff. But yeah, the nice he didn't know him. And, and pony voice in the going, all of this is Bob's fault, and you're still defending him. But he does throw some low blows here, and he's lashing out at her. Very, very.

Brandon  54:42

Yeah. And I mean, if we're gonna play a blame game, pony. Really? The reason that you were in that park to begin with, it's your fault. Yeah, because you're the one that threw a big crybaby. fit to your brother. And then got mad when he yelled at you and smacked you in the head for being disrespectful idiot. And then you drugged Johnny outside and made Johnny go walk around. So this is kind of your fault. Ponyboy this whole thing is really your fault. I don't know if you are going to realize that ever, probably not. But you it's kind of a on you, man. Not the victim blame here. But like, if I'm following his, I'm just sort of following his rationale. Right? If we if he's blaming Bob for all this like, Well, I mean, yeah, Bob did start it, but you should have been home also. So there's really, because you know, what I'm trying to get at here is like, you can't there's there's nobody's fault really just sort of happened. So like, you can't just go around blaming people for this? Because yeah, there was lots of events that led to that. And neither of you should have probably been there in the first place. So

Collin  56:03

we don't have any time for that level of introspection, because we've got more talk about sunsets.

Brandon  56:07

Oh, my gosh, the sunset. Yeah, after like screaming at her and biting her head off. He's like, Hey, can you see the sunset real good from the west side? Like, honey? Like, dude,

Collin  56:22

come on. Why don't you do it? You could see it real good for the east side, too.

Brandon  56:27

He's like, left. Oh, before we get more I talk. I hadn't heard about anybody's eyes and several chapters. So I'm glad that we got straightened out that cherries eyes are green,

Collin  56:38

Sherry's eyes are green. mystery is solved. I don't care.

Brandon  56:48

I don't remember what color of his eyes were in this book. Even though I got a whole paragraph about it somewhere. I don't

Collin  56:53

Well, my brain given me the modern proclivities to drop hints like that. I was like, did he say her eyes? Were greeting a previous chapter? Or did he say you have a different color? Is this actually cheery? actually been body sneeze? It's

Brandon  57:05

really cheery. Is this actually Invasion of the Body Snatchers? I can't. I'm gonna have to go back and I can't go back to chapter one. That'd be terrible. That's a bad chapter two. But that's where we talk about eyes forever.

Collin  57:19

I don't. Not that important because we have to move on to chapter nine. Yeah, which starts with kind of more it felt very It started off very much reminiscent of chapter seven, which I immediately detested. Because it's just them doing stuff. They've got to kill time, right? Yeah.

Brandon  57:39

But now this one made more sense to me. Right? Because

Collin  57:45

now it's almost like

Brandon  57:51

he's describing because now it's it's almost rumble time. Right? And so he's, well, all of them. Really. He's sort of describing this like, pre rumble ritual to you. Right. And so you get the feeling that this is definitely not the first time this has happened. Right? And they have, they have a way to do it. And they talk about how they do all the same kind of stuff. Right? So when he starts talking about these things, it's kind of like this part, at least to me made sense, because it felt like Tony's telling letting you in on the pre rumble ritual in his house, how it goes down what it looks like, right? Because they start talking about like, they're taking a shower. There. Weirdly, it seems weird, right? But they're taking a shower. And they're putting on like a certain type of clothes. Right. So they're getting on their resear uniform. Yeah, I mean, like, they're getting on their T shirts, they're putting their jeans on, they're fixing their hair. They're making sure they're all cleaned up and ready to go and look in quote, tough, right? Like,

Collin  59:06

well, so at least you don't wear coats, because nobody gets called the rumble. And it messes with your swing. Me Yeah,

Brandon  59:13

right. I mean, that's how important information right? That's something that you wouldn't like that little nugget was like, Oh, okay. Yeah, that makes sense. So this, this part at least made sense to me. Much more so than the rest of it. That's how I took it anyway.

Collin  59:29

I and I can't I missed all of that. Because I was reading more in the little the shadow of doubt. That's creeping up into pony boy's mind do Oh, yes, that's true, too. Right. Like that's, that's the presence that you see throughout all of this is as they're going through this. He's asking everybody like it. What do you like to fight? Why do you like to fight? It has this, this thing here. But again, we're talking about being introspection or introspection of He goes, what kind of world is it? We're all I have to be proud of his a reputation for being hood and a greasy hair. I don't want to be a hood. But I would even if I don't steal things or get bruised up, I'm marked lousy. Why should I be proud of this? Why should I even pretend goodbye? So? Yeah, pretend to be proud of it. Yeah. And then he goes into talking about hair again, him. This like questioning. Why do I do why? Why am I doing this? Why am I going through this? To make it look like this? Because I I'm not proud of this. This isn't what I want.

Brandon  1:00:34

Yeah, right. And I think that's, that's the only thing but it's interesting that he's doing that while doing the ritual, right? He's talking about like, Oh, this is what we do. But why I don't want to do this, like, so it's kind of like a contrast between like, here's the pre rumble ritual, here's everything that you do to get ready. But then here's his feelings about it and how he you know, how he feels about the current situation. So and then, yeah, he does start asking people about why they like to fight and it's very broad answers from like, you know, dairy likes to prove that he's tough. So does like bored, right? Like, I mean, why not, you know, to Bates like, Yeah, everybody else does. So why not? You know, like

Collin  1:01:30

yep. And then there's some brief fear that dairies not going to let him fight. Because, because he's looking bad. Even though he's five aspirin,

Brandon  1:01:42

a lot of aspirin, this kid's livers in trouble there.

Collin  1:01:46

Oh, and then and then oh, and then they get to live. So I did I did enjoy this part where they are getting ready. Or they leave the they are ready to go to the rumble. And they go into this weird like, skit, or like rhymes

Brandon  1:02:08

and we got to back up just a minute. Right before that. Okay, what you're talking about like weird things that come out of nowhere. Why is everybody a gymnast? What in the Holy hand-grenades Is this nonsense? Like he went to the YMCA when he went to the YMCA one summer and then he came home and taught everybody all the gymnastics he learned so they like go out the door. And like soda and dairy like are fighting like play fighting like brothers do because brothers radiates let's be real. And I mean Yeah, it's true all on. Like, they go and he chased him outside he does like a flip. And then like

Collin  1:02:56

Sona goes out

Brandon  1:02:57

and does like a flip down the stairs to and then Steve, who I forget exists, and I don't even I have no character traits for Steve. Steve. Does some flips, right? Like two bit knows to be like, What the what? Why does everybody just like backflip or no and cartwheel? It's the weirdest thing that they're just like, Oh, yeah. Like they the only excuse you get is without dairy taught it to us because he thought it might be coming handy in fights. You're like, what? Yeah. How

Collin  1:03:34

do the ethic tacular entrances whenever you really make it as as I'm sorry. I was this to me this event was this like, Ah, okay, this would be the dance routine from West Side Story at this point where there are like literally leaping and somersaulting and backflipping out of doorway.

Brandon  1:03:50

Yeah, that's what that's all I was like, What the heck is going on in the world? Yeah, I thought that was so weird. Right? Like just

Collin  1:03:58

this was that I completely just blacked out that part. Because then because then it makes it even made it's made even more bizarre that they didn't go into like a weird like, Off Broadway production style. recital. Right? They go they go from like, We're tough from Greece in up. I don't want to put on a jacket because mess with my swing to pure wedding out the door. And then going into this. These I don't know what this is the singsong to each other back and forth in mock preparation for what they're about to do.

Brandon  1:04:34

Yeah, I was really caught off guard by this like, production monologue II thing that they started doing like it's apparently they do it frequently because they all have parts. And they chime in at certain times. And I don't know what a JD is. I learned that about myself. I don't

Collin  1:05:00

I thought that was juvenile delinquents, baby but it's I don't know if it's capitalized.

Brandon  1:05:05

Yeah, I don't know if we're referencing because they talk about like JSON for like making a weird James Dean reference like a Rebel Without a Cause type situation here. I don't know for me No, that's a thing I'm missing out on because he says it more than once. Right?

Collin  1:05:24

But he does say

Brandon  1:05:25

like maybe this juvenile delinquent right? Because it says later well he's like but look like the model JD you see in movies and magazines. So I don't know if it was James Dean or juvenile delinquent or maybe it's a wordplay were both at once anyway, I was confused by that. And the yeah just this like re citation and thing that like hype themselves up I guess is what it for.

Collin  1:05:52

I guess. I was this whole I was just like, what kind of like, magical mystery musical how I stumbled into them. So as we go off ready to do this? It was very bizarre. Yeah, yep. And then they do this right up until they encounter the Tim shepherd in his gang. Who? I don't know.

Brandon  1:06:19

Yeah, right. So we get there. And then we meet the other dudes that are backing him up in the rumble right with the Tim Shepherd and the

Collin  1:06:30

rumble the bramble rumbly rumbly boys.

Brandon  1:06:33

Probably, probably Yeah. Bromley boys or whatever. Yeah. And these dudes are like, apparently, like, actual just hardcore gangsters. Like that's that's what I'm getting. Especially from like the Brumbies like Tim Shepherd. They're like refer, right? So you get the feeling that like, I mean, he even says it somewhere, like their gang, right? Like the Curtis gang, I guess because they are just like so like, Darien soda and pony and then to bid and Steve and Dally and all them, Johnny. They're just like, a bunch of dudes just like our friends and I hang out. But these other guys are like, legit, hoodlum gangsters. Right, like,

Collin  1:07:19

yeah, we're way more organized. And yeah, like you said, like, way more hardcore

Brandon  1:07:24

way more hardcore, right? That's what, that's kind of the feeling I got. It's sort of like, you have the shepherd guys and they're like, alright, they're a little worse. You know, they're a little more like, good rowdy or whatever. But then like, the Bradley's are just like straight up hardcore. Like crazy people. Like, that's kind of the vibe you get if sort of kind of goes from like, well, ponies dues are just kind of like, they're just kind of like hanging out and whatever. The Tim Shepherd guys, they're a little bit more serious. And then the bronies are just like incense like hardcore criminals, right? This

Collin  1:07:58

Yeah, yeah. What they're involved in. I mean, he does say that the shepherd's gang when they start talking about like, oh, yeah, it was weird, because he like kind of insults the Brumbies where he's like, I don't even think half of him could read a newspaper. Or yeah, smelled nuts have their names. I was like, Oh my gosh, yeah. Oh, cuz he was he thought it was weird that the leader of the Bradley's said, Is he a good bopper? And he was yeah, it ponies like him. It Rumbler like Rumblers any better than bopper? Like, what are you talking?

Brandon  1:08:35

Like? Yeah, I believe he says, I mean, you. You take a guy that calls a rumble bop action, and you can tell he is real educated.

Collin  1:08:46

Who like kettle, meat pot, like, like, I know, it's weird for like, for them to be to be that pedantic about what? Yeah, I did

Brandon  1:08:56

like the next slide though. It kind of made me chuckle Right. Like when he says I looked our outfit over. Most creatures don't have a real tough builds or anything that mostly lean and kind of Panther looking in a slouchy way. This is partly because they don't eat much. And partly because they're slouchy. Like

Collin  1:09:20

like, nice. Well done. Well done.

Brandon  1:09:26

I thought that was funny. I don't know. Like,

Collin  1:09:29

pretty good. Pretty good. Like they don't need a whole lot. In the end. There's a there's Lafley actually, as it turns out, yeah. Of course. That would a perfect explanation for why somebody is slouchy? Because there's Laci. Exactly. Yeah. And then we dairy kind of gets put in charge of the pack of everybody here.

Brandon  1:09:54

Yeah, I guess just because he's the biggest dude, I can't afford that seems to me like actually After we get the little bit about the other gangs are looking a little bit nervous because they don't usually fight without weapons. Right, which kind of speaks to their goodness. Right. Like, they don't normally fight in a fight with like literally anything, including guns, apparently. So apparently they are also just into gunfighting. So they were nervous about not using weapons. Yeah. Whereas he makes a mention of none of us. You know, our gang never really went in for weapons. We're just not that rough. So like,

Collin  1:10:36

we aren't the only carried knives, but there was yeah, just for looks anyway. Yeah.

Brandon  1:10:41

So yeah. And then anyway, dairy gets put in charge of the,

Collin  1:10:48

the rumblin and stuff. And then you get that you get the other weird interaction here. Right? Like, this was bizarre. It was really weird. Like, so he's standing out there. Basically, they put them out in the front, and he's like, Okay, I'll start this. Who wants to go? Send somebody up front? And it's like, silent. And it's like, it's, it's almost like putting your champions. Right. It's sort of like actly so like that. It made me think

Brandon  1:11:18


Collin  1:11:20

like, the

Brandon  1:11:21

fight between like Hector and Achilles. Yes. You know, and like,

Collin  1:11:26

get the whole thing started in the oddest area and

Brandon  1:11:30

yeah, in the, in the Battle of Troy or whatever, like the Iliad. Yeah, aliens. That's what I'm looking for. So like, that's what made me think of like, they're choosing their champions to go stand out and take the first swings, you know, this is weird.

Collin  1:11:47

And it turns out to be somebody that Derry played football with. And now that guy has shown back up again to take part of this rumble, which is kind of weird.

Brandon  1:11:58

Yeah, well, this whole part was really weird. Like this little scene here.

Collin  1:12:03

I'm trying to figure out like, What the He was trying to figure out. So apparently, something flickered behind dairies eyes, where he was not happy about this, when Paul showed up, whatever who was on the football team, and he couldn't figure out if it was just contempt, pity hate all of them. And pony stuck it at this again, this kind of calling back to that you realize when do you realize the only thing holding theory back when they associate us? And basically pony saying dairy doesn't like Paul, because he has contempt. The dairy feels bad that he's the one now representing the Greasers. When Paul is out here representing the socialists, I guess is what they were. Yeah. Yeah. It's kind of like jealous and ashamed a little bit.

Brandon  1:12:59

That's what he says. He said he was ashamed to be on our side. ashamed to be seen with the Bromley boys. Shepherds gang, maybe even us. Right. That's what he kind of. He says that like

Collin  1:13:14

it's very weird. So it's kind of

Brandon  1:13:16

like he goes through. It's almost like he goes through this thing of like, Oh, I know this guy. We used to be friends.

Collin  1:13:22

But then he sort of clicks

Brandon  1:13:25

it off. And then because he comments on like, you could tell he hated Paul now. Yeah, but like, he's putting that out of his mind and saying he's down the enemy. Because he's on the other side and not standing by me so

Collin  1:13:38

as weird Yeah. And then pony has a flash of of concern for dairy whether he's gonna be okay. Because he said I knew dairy could take Paul any time but that was two or three years ago. What is better now? Then they start circling each other. And like Jack London's books with the wolf pack waiting for the members to go down in a fight. Yeah. And then then, oh, well, right before this right before this. We're spiraling down in together. And, and Tony is having all these second thoughts. He's like they shouldn't hate each other. I don't hate the socialists anymore. They shouldn't hate and then this tension is broken with some Hey, hold up, hold up, in theory getting slugged in the face while he turned to look good was

Brandon  1:14:34

Yes. And who was it? Deli? It was dally stout. Right. Like like, and then you have this like mildly humorous interaction where pony and dally are carrying on a conversation like wild fighting. So this made me think of like a weird action movie, you know? They're like talking and fighting at the same time. You know? So you have this like this interaction and be like, yeah, yeah give me like I thought you're in hospital. And then like I was like fighting around he's like and now I like what the heck?

Collin  1:15:16

Yeah, cuz he threatened the nurse to long bow

Brandon  1:15:20

apparently he threatened the nurse with the two bit switchblade

Collin  1:15:27

escaped the hospital. Oh. And, and what you know what's interesting here is remember last time when I said At this rate, the Rumble is only going to be like eight paragraphs. Yeah it was it was even less than that

Brandon  1:15:47

it was not very long

Collin  1:15:48

or three of actual fighting. But yeah, with there's some good people getting punched in hurt and blah blah blah blah.

Brandon  1:15:56

I need to it's hard to know because you are stuck with only Ponyboy care. Yeah, and Tony boys decided like well, all these guys are bigger than me. But dally only really has one good arm so I'm just gonna team up on due to dally like that's what they that's the extent of your thing. And then, Pony Boy, I mean to borrow an expression from the internet polyploid kids racked, man. Oh, my guys. Yes, is not good. Luck. Frank is like hanging out some. Like he's like getting beat up and then dairy comes over and like, wipes the dude that he's fighting and then he teams up with Dally. He's like, that weird thing where he like jumps on the guy's back trying to like choke him. And then dallies like punching him you know? And then the eye Brilli This is basically just like straight up WWE right here, right? This whole section where he's hanging on the guy's neck. He falls down, but he's still just keep choking him. And some dude comes over just like kicks super hard and pays like and then all of a sudden you get he's like I blacked out. I could hear racket. And then I heard somebody yelling they're running. It's over. You like what?

Collin  1:17:19

Yeah, I was like, ah, tada. But we don't have a whole lot of time to rest. He He's, he's groggily look looking around on the floor. Ken surveying the carnage. To bid is

Brandon  1:17:34

to bid also wrecked.

Collin  1:17:37

And busted wide open, but he's happy because so same running. Tim Shepherd,

Brandon  1:17:41


Collin  1:17:44

And a

Brandon  1:17:47

humorous aside were the Bromley boy gang leaders like beating up one of his own dudes because he hit somebody with a pipe or something like what? Oh,

Collin  1:17:55

yeah, he put out a pipe. Yeah, and but we don't have time really to stay because dally yanks Pony Boy up. And it's like, we gotta go. Yeah. Oh, and Steve has broken ribs. I

Brandon  1:18:08

forgot more. Steve, the guy that I care about so much broken or Steve? Yes. Sorry.

Collin  1:18:14

Three, three broken ribs. Yep. Oh. And we got to see Gianni. Yeah, dallies just like we got to go and they just get up and basically just, they they make it to the T bird and they go. Yeah, and then they get pulled over by a cop. Yeah.

Brandon  1:18:32

That like you would when you're ripping through town in a T word. Like

Collin  1:18:39

he's real slick. He says he got in a motorcycle accident. I'm taking to the hospital. And they get a police escort all the way.

Brandon  1:18:47

Yeah. Hilarious.

Collin  1:18:51

I thought that I did think that's pretty good.

Brandon  1:18:55

There Hackman, come on. I mean, it's funny that it's kind of very dally railings.

Collin  1:19:01

Always got a cover story. Yeah. And then he goes into this weird delirium, Dally, that Ponyboy can't follow and so therefore, Yeah, cuz

Brandon  1:19:10

Tony boy is concussed beyond belief, and he cannot understand the world around him. And dally is just like, yeah, dally is rambling already. And then Ponyboy is delirious. So he literally can't understand anything he says. Even though most of it doesn't sound like it's super understandable in the first place.

Collin  1:19:29

Mm hmm. Yeah, and he said, Yeah, he says, he said a lot more stuff, but I didn't get it all. I had a stupid feeling that Dally was out of his mind. But he says he never talked about this. But I think now I would have understood it if I hadn't been sick at the time. And like, yeah, a lot of things go with you. Again, this fatalities basically raving against about Johnny telling him that you got to get hard. So you got to protect yourself. You got to you know, and that'll keep you out of trouble. If you just if you just get off Like me and and then nothing can touch you. But it's not really getting getting through. But they make it to make it the Johnny after he dally whips out a knife to threaten the freakin doctor. Which I get him to see I'm at the doctor's like yeah, no, you're fine. Go ahead. You're Yes, friends. Yeah, please put the knife down. You don't need to do that. Yeah. Like oh my god.

Brandon  1:20:29

Yeah. And so they go and see Johnny to tell him that they won. Right? Yep. But Johnny's really kind of not impressed. He's like, fightings useless man.

Collin  1:20:42

But he is impressed when dally says I'm proud of you. That yes, that's what he that's what Johnny needed. Yeah, well,

Brandon  1:20:50

they even says that's all Johnny ever wanted. Yep. Dally was proud of

Collin  1:20:54

him. Hmm. And he tells to Ponyboy de gold Ponyboy stay gold. And then Johnny dies. Yeah, just straight up. Yep. And we see dally this hit this hurts

Brandon  1:21:12

Dalli Dalli is not handling it. Well, now the Yeah.

Collin  1:21:19

Yeah. He tries to play it off. Initially. You can see where he's like, pushes his hair back. He's like, Yeah, never could get that hair back. That's what you get for trying people help you little punk. That's what you get. And then he cycled punching the wall. The wall and then both out the room. Yes. It's nice. I guess leave Ponyboy just in the room. Yeah, no, that's that's that's the end of the chapter is dally bolt out. And we're left to figure out what happens next. So I these are kind of weird chapters. Again, I felt like chapter nine moved really? Obviously it moved really fast. Once the once we got past the cartwheels. Stupid car. That part yeah, with cartwheels in the singsong ing, back and forth. That all was like just blitzkrieg really wrapped up that chapter fast. I am a little for something that was like talked about a lot as being like a really big deal. Again, I'm a little disappointed letdown about the actual goings on of the rumble. I know again, we are being very myopic through pony boy's eyes. But it's still even then it wasn't. I guess it didn't even go on long enough to make kind of it worth it all the previous several chapters of talking and building up to it about how's it going? A big thing?

Brandon  1:23:05

Yeah, and it is sort of strangled that way it's hampered because you don't get to see why they ran away and gave up like, yeah, who? What caused that? Like what happened? I mean, I guess ultimately, it's not really important, but it's kind of annoying that you do get this big build up and then like, nothing 20 boys just like knocked out the whole thing. And so you don't really have any idea. You kind of are. It's kind of ambiguous as to how long it actually goes. Because he was kicked in the head he like, clearly does not have, like a sense of time. Right? He's very, like, it could have been, like, minutes, three minutes. It could have been like 20. Like we really don't know. Because, again, most fights just general are not like long affairs. No, I mean, like, we're pretty quick. I don't know about giant group fights, you know, but like, that's a little different, I suppose. But yeah, we're sort of left to wonder like, Well, what did happen, you know, but that's just kind of the because we do have pony. Maybe we'll find out. Probably not because we never find anything out in this book. But he never tells pony anything. Right? Because he never asked about it. So we just so we'll see what was done though, so that's interesting.

Collin  1:24:44

Yeah, I'm trying to figure out figure out what loose ends are going to get tied up here. I do think a big one is exactly why the rumble

Brandon  1:24:54

stopped. And I wouldn't hold my breath for that one. Right. I'm just gonna have We're just gonna have pony processing his new situation, I guess. And it's kind of weird because we have to figure out how we deal with the death of Johnny. Uh huh. We are imagining that pony is going to have to recover himself, because he's just in like the worst way ever. Right? He's just like, messed up. Well,

Collin  1:25:24

and he's still got to go to juvenile court. So, yeah,

Brandon  1:25:27

I guess I forgot about juvenile court already. So maybe that's the last big thing. Right? We have the

Collin  1:25:37

Yeah. Like, what? How I don't know, I at this point. I'm like, I don't need I don't know how this is going to get resolved. Because we still have, obviously, cherry and whatever's going on. With that. We've got to deal with Johnny, we've got the court. Like, what's the interplay here? Are we going to see a healing and unifying of the classes working together? Or is it really just going to end with and it didn't matter? This happened?

Brandon  1:26:08

I mean, I I kind of feel like it's going to be that it's like Dan, nothing matters. And I think the only healing that we probably may get is between the Curtis family right because we've already had that kind of happening right? So we might just get some resolution there of just like pony soda and dairies new relationship, now that they kind of are on the same page more, you know, we'll see. I think we got to go with Pony. We have to get ponies got something's got to happen with him because he's like, messed up. Right. Like he's, I think he's sick. And concussed so he's something he's gonna I'm then I'm scared. The next chapter is going to be like, his mind rambling around as he's like, in delirium at home like trying to recover from his injury. Just like aimless paragraphs of like sunsets and Corvettes, dairy and horses and breakfast sandwich is just like, oh, my gosh. I'm terrified about what's happening next.

Collin  1:27:18

Pretty much. What's gonna happen? It's just him.

Brandon  1:27:21

We do house I have to have we have to see how the rest of the crew reacts to the news to Johnny's dead. Right. Yeah. So we got to see that. That's the other big kind of resolution here. How does how's everybody react to the fact Johnny's dead now?

Collin  1:27:41

You know, yeah. How? How will they react? And how will we react to their reaction probably very underwhelmed.


That's true.

Collin  1:27:50

Find out next time.

Brandon  1:27:54

That's true. So there's three chapters left. I'm just gonna read the last three.

Collin  1:27:59

I think we're gonna read the last three. And he did it because I think it would, it would really hurt my soul if we had just had one chapter.

Brandon  1:28:06

Oh, man, I would not Yeah, I wouldn't make it.

Collin  1:28:09

So we will read. Next time, we will read chapters 1011 and 12 and wrap up our walkthrough of the Outlanders outsiders outsiders

Brandon  1:28:22

may go Outlander is very different. That's a very different

Collin  1:28:28

Outlanders Okay, so let's go Outlanders and outsiders crossover. Oh, my

Brandon  1:28:33


Collin  1:28:36

introspection, but Oh, man. Okay. Well, I'm looking forward to that. And seeing DJI exactly where this book goes.

Brandon  1:28:49

Oh, dear. I don't I'm very confused. Right. I feel like I feel like yeah, I just feel like there's not gonna be any resolution. It's just gonna be like, yep. And because like, yeah, what the Rumble is over, but like did like you said, Does it actually change anything? No, probably not. Like, I don't

Collin  1:29:12

know, cuz there was no like, there was no, there's no healing going on for for anybody. They

Brandon  1:29:17

won the rumble. I

Collin  1:29:18

guess they won. But like, we've been told up at this point, that it's not going to matter if you win or not. Because it's just gonna go back to normal. Because they're Yeah, right. They have the upsell. Is that your brand? Like? What? Yeah, I no point. We've I mean, we've had some people who have fallen away. You know, Randy laughed and said they weren't you know, but that's all it's all basically on the social side of this, like, oh, I don't want to fight right into this. A lot of people have a second thought but the most people just still showed up and did it anyway. And yeah, like, what really? What do we have left to grapple with, given the given the scope of the world that we're dealing with, and the progression of the characters? We have have made any progression for anything in the title of the reading this book.

Brandon  1:30:03

Yeah, I feel like the only other person that could possibly have any sort of strong response to this is going to be Dally. You know, cuz his keys like to bit. He's a very static character, right like he's not doing anything like I don't even know Steve. Right like I know Steve has broken ribs and plays poker

Collin  1:30:25

chapter. Steve's chapter,

Brandon  1:30:27

the Stephen King. Right?

Collin  1:30:29

Here we go done

Brandon  1:30:35

right like see, I feel like tell me if people that have had any sort of progression or I guess pony, Johnny, but his is over now. And Dally and I'm slightly worried about dally because he's progression is going badly. Right? With some sort of rapid decline here. He's very manic. He's very under a lot of stress, it's freaking out. Well, eventually we're in the hospital so I don't have good feelings about what's about to happen to Dallas Winston here.

Collin  1:31:10

Yeah, yeah, where he's gonna go so Yeah, cuz everybody else is very static in non like, for for their reason. And given given the viewpoint that we have them, so I don't know where that's gonna. Yeah. So well, all all of our questions will be answered now, or maybe none of them will be. Mostly none of them will be answered next day. That's true. All right. Okay, well, good. That's good. Until

Brandon  1:31:44

Until next. let you guys know is you